Advent Children 2?

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Someone say they can't believe FFXIII is just for the PS3? Maybe it's because what they are doing with it..cannot be with a PS2 engine (whatever you wanna call it..)
If they made one, base it on Red XIII. Like, how and why he saw Midgar the way it was 500 years later.
they already did that at the end of 7... at the end of credits but i guess if they made a movie out of it id be cool
I wouldn't mind seeing a story on Nanaki and his tribe. I also wouldn't mind seeing the story of his father Seto either. I think that would be really awesome. I'd also like to know something about Cloud's father as well. Why is he such a mystery? How did he die? Was he ever in SOLDIER, things like that.
I dont believe they are going to make another Advent Children. However if they did it would give me extreme happiness. The first one was good, so The second one, has some pretty big shoes to fill
I think there has been way too many side stories and movies already. sure they can make another once or two but itll just get anoyying after awhile
i no i no! but i said one or two more wouldn't hurt. i just dont want DoC:2 ff7 after the incident. you know?
There doesn't need to be a DoC 2 at all. Never. Pointless.

Red XIII..was in a FMV, not a movie.

A movie explaining his life after Midgar, leading up to those 500 years, is what we need.
It doesn't matter they are already over selling FF VII series now what witth all the new games and the film, they will not make a new one i really don't think they will.
i wwasnt saying we need a doc2 i said i dont want 3 or more sidestories and movies about ff7 sure we can have 1 or 2 more but then itll get old.
Nah, I don't think they would create another one either. Everything was pretty much cleared up in the end. Everyone's content with their lives. What's more to add? =P
all id really like to know now is what happened with nanaki when it showed him 500 years later?
Geese I hope not. They should make a movie on one of the other FF's cause theres crap loads on FFVII not that its bad but its getting stupid, but i hope they remake FFVII =).
I wouldn't mind seeing a story on Nanaki and his tribe. I also wouldn't mind seeing the story of his father Seto either. I think that would be really awesome. I'd also like to know something about Cloud's father as well. Why is he such a mystery? How did he die? Was he ever in SOLDIER, things like that.

I agree on that, apart from the Cloud's past idea. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure Cloud was created by Hojo, using the JENOVA cells, and then having Zack's memory? There was a flashback scene in the game kinda explaining this, and there are two anime episodes going into more detail on the flashback of Sephiroth going crazy, and the one with Cloud and Zack travelling to Midgar.

However, I think that if they did make an Advent Children sequel, it'll just end up with more loose ends, which we'll all want answered in the form of yet another sequel, or a game, or whatever. As for the Red XIII and Seto story Lady Aerith mentioned, I reckon that should all be in a nice big book.
I agree on that, apart from the Cloud's past idea. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure Cloud was created by Hojo, using the JENOVA cells, and then having Zack's memory? There was a flashback scene in the game kinda explaining this, and there are two anime episodes going into more detail on the flashback of Sephiroth going crazy, and the one with Cloud and Zack travelling to Midgar.

However, I think that if they did make an Advent Children sequel, it'll just end up with more loose ends, which we'll all want answered in the form of yet another sequel, or a game, or whatever. As for the Red XIII and Seto story Lady Aerith mentioned, I reckon that should all be in a nice big book.

No Cloud wasn't just a creation. If he had been, he never would have tried to get into SOLDIER and he and Zack wouldn't have been best friends before Hojo performed experiements on him. He wasn't just a test tube creation. Cloud had real parents. Don't you remember Cloud was alive before all of that happened? Cloud had memories of his childhood. The whole Lifestream scene explained it a lot. Cloud was ashamed of himself so he created an image of himself in his mind as Zack and continued to carry on with that life, fully believing he was somebody that he wasn't. He really did see his mom die and he really was there when Sephiroth went crazy. Cloud died after Sephiroth impaled him and Cloud threw Sephiroth into the lifestream. That was when Hojo continued his further experiementation on him. Cloud was infused with the mako when he was trying to get into SOLDIER to see if he could cut it, but his body couldn't handle it, hence the mako poisioning.