Aeris or Tifa?

Aeris or Tifa?

  • Tifa

    Votes: 78 59.5%
  • Aeris

    Votes: 53 40.5%

  • Total voters
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Heartless_Angel said:
tifa is strong enough to kick our ass and aeris
i think those were my words-_- u thief:mad:
i should kill u-_-
but it's my honor that a friend use my cool and awesome and lovely and beautiful words^_^
so i forgive u:lol:
Aerith--because she was fated to die in the first disc, she levelled up damn quick and was reeaaaaaaaally helpful. She was my freakin' white mage tank. >D

Aerith--lazy and weak? Hah, only if you didn't know how to use her to her full potential. I likes my white mages well rounded.

Personally, I was also fond of her attitude. It kept the game from being completely emo. I also like her in regards to Cloud's romantic match. He was less of an asshole around her. Automatic win for me. :lol:
I-chan said:
Aerith--lazy and weak? Hah, only if you didn't know how to use her to her full potential. I likes my white mages well rounded.

Personally, I was also fond of her attitude. It kept the game from being completely emo. I also like her in regards to Cloud's romantic match. He was less of an asshole around her. Automatic win for me. :lol:

who the hell care -_-she will die in the first disc so she want be useful after that^_^right;)
Well, obviously, I do, kid. =p Otherwise I wouldn't make mention of it. Plus, if you gotta
DarkSquall said:
who the hell care -_-she will die in the first disc so she want be useful after that^_^right;)

*busts out laughing* Aerith is a MAIN charcter Tifa can be considered a side character...why? because she wasn't even ment to be in the game in the beginning meaning that Tifa is just as lazy assed and pointless, and definately weak as hell also. I never used Tifa if unless I had to why? She's not that imprtant so who the hell cares about your infatuation with Tifa and her breasts? She's a useless little whore in a mini skirt that you can kill off in battle and never revive if you want, so she's not to useful after that now isn't that right? Pick your battles, I know more then you considering you get all your info from your brother (no offence CloudStrifeAC06)
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Okay Tenshi, get an anti-psychotic prescription from a psychiatrist, play FFVII again, respond to a comment that someone makes without using "fuck" every word and then I'll bother reading any other tripe you can come up with.

First and mainly, Tifa has breasts. Not breats. Secondly that is a foolish and inaccurate insult every Aeris fan heaps upon anyone who likes Tifa more. It could be her breasts that attracts some but far from all. In case you can't remember that well, FFVII's graphics weren't that outstanding. So breasts in that graphic limitation kinda hinders their appeal. So realize that people will like Tifa more than Aeris for reasons beyond how she looks before you spout off more incoherent gibberish with swear words everywhere. I recommend to improve your vocabulary because obviously you lack knowledge of adjectives and other actual words that makes the use of the word "fuck" every breath necessary.

I like Tifa more than Aeris because I like Tifa in general. She's un-assuming, shy and all-around not like what she appears. Aeris is the innocent-looking one who dangles off Cloud like his own penis while the girl decked-out like the tramp is actually reserved. It struck me as irony and mainly served as my draw to Tifa. I like spunky characters such as Selphie and Rikku but Aeris was just dumb. She is spying on him while he dresses up like a woman for Christ's sake and yet people will rush off to thinking she's some goddess among mortals. She's nothing and her "sacrifice" was not a sacrifice. She didn't expect to die and so thinking she went off knowing she would be killed is false.
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Nikkolas said:
Okay Tenshi, get an anti-psychotic prescription from a psychiatrist, play FFVII again, respond to a comment that someone makes without using "fuck" every word and then I'll bother reading any other tripe you can come up with.

First and mainly, Tifa has breasts. Not breats. Secondly that is a foolish and inaccurate insult every Aeris fan heaps upon anyone who likes Tifa more. It could be her breasts that attracts some but far from all. In case you can't remember that well, FFVII's graphics weren't that outstanding. So breasts in that graphic limitation kinda hinders their appeal. So realize that people will like Tifa more than Aeris for reasons beyond how she looks before you spout off more incoherent gibberish with swear words everywhere. I recommend to improve your vocabulary because obviously you lack knowledge of adjectives and other actual words that makes the use of the world "fuck" every breath necessary.

I like Tifa more than Aeris because I like Tifa in general. She's un-assuming, shy and all-around not like what she appears. Aeris is the innocent-looking one who dangles off Cloud like his own penis while the girl decked-out like the tramp is actually reserved. It struck me as irony and mainly served as my draw to Tifa. I like spunky characters such as Selphie and Rikku but Aeris was just dumb. She is spying on him while he dresses up like a woman for Christ's sake and yet people will rush off to thinking she's dome goddess among mortals. She's nothing and her "sacrifice" was not a sacrifice. She didn't expect to die and so thinkign she went off knowing she would be killed is false.

First of you have no reason to even speak to me like that may be you should try getting that prescription and learn to read my posts oh wow I had a typo your not perfect ether! I postive on my god damn grave you've had atleast 10 typo's in your life. Also Tifa knew that Cloud was lieing to himself yet did she tell him the truth no do I see her telling Cloud that he wasn't really there? No I see her sitting back as if nothing ever happened and keep hidden the fact she knows it wasn't him it was Zack! Also Aerith is dangling on to Cloud that would be Tifa and her little clingy affection of someone she DOESN'T EVEN KNOW. Yes he lived next door basicly but did she hang out with him? NO! Did she ever ask him come play games and party with her? NO! So why don't you try playing the game first before spouting of to me... ^_^

EDIT: Also we probly wouldn't have a problem with Tifa fans if you guys would stop saying she sucks, she's a bitch, and she's a prostitue, and that she should have even been in the game. Acturally if you wanna look at it from a point TIFA isn't even needed in the game. So if you guys stop flaming our character we wouldn't jump your asses with flames ;)
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Uh, yeah, she did know him. Did you happen to play the part where they relived their memories? They were like a lot of kids who love each other. They glance at one another but don't make a move. It's not like a crush where you constantly badger your object of affection. You are nervous and fluttery. Cloud felt it. Tifa felt it. They were both too unsure and confused to approach one another. Such is very common in this world. So don't be saying Tifa was dangling off him. She never once gave him have the crap Aeris did with "oh! my bodyguard! I owe you one date!!11" It's childish and utterly stupid.

And why didn't Tifa tell Cloud what she knew was fals eabout his past? If you had lived through something that traumatic and were missing someone you deeply cared for for years and they suddenly re-appear, would you be frantic to tell them their recollections were wrong? Maybe she thought he had repressed them or suffering brain damage from the event. She didn't tell him for very understndable reasons. A guy she loves appears again and she's more overjoyed with his return to bother with reminding him that his memories are a bit skewed.
Nikkolas said:
Uh, yeah, she did know him. Did you happen to play the part where they relived their memories? They were like a lot of kids who love each other. They glance at one another but don't make a move. It's not like a crush where you constantly badger your object of affection. You are nervous and fluttery. Cloud felt it. Tifa felt it. They were both too unsure and confused to approach one another. Such is very common in this world. So don't be saying Tifa was dangling off him. She never once gave him have the crap Aeris did with "oh! my bodyguard! I owe you one date!!11" It's childish and utterly stupid.

And why didn't Tifa tell Cloud what she knew was fals eabout his past? If you had lived through something that traumatic and were missing someone you deeply cared for for years and they suddenly re-appear, would you be frantic to tell them their recollections were wrong? Maybe she thought he had repressed them or suffering brain damage from the event. She didn't tell him for very understndable reasons. A guy she loves appears again and she's more overjoyed with his return to bother with reminding him that his memories are a bit skewed.

Acturally have you ever read Tifa's diary? It states clearly that she didn't know him she though he was a bit strange that he was always picking fights with people. Also Cloud had the crush, Tifa got her crush later on when she was alone at the town, and the only reason she got the crush was because she heared him say somthing about being famous which has been proven that that's all she heared in her Diary. Tifa can beconsidered more of a love hound then Aerith considering that she didn't fall in love with Cloud just for him being in Soilder, Tifa did :lol: Get your facts straight! :rolleyes:
Get your own facts straight, genius. Aeris only loved Cloud because she saw Zack in him. He had made his memory and personality a replica of Zack's thanks to the Jenova cells and his need to escape his being a total failure. Aeris herself knew this towards the end. She said she wanted to meet the "real" Cloud during the date at Golden Saucer.
Nikkolas said:
Get your own facts straight, genius. Aeris only loved Cloud because she saw Zack in him. He had made his memory and personality a replica of Zack's thanks to the Jenova cells and his need to escape his being a total failure. Aeris herself knew this towards the end. She said she wanted to meet the "real" Cloud during the date at Golden Saucer.

LOL you have no reason to be telling me that considering you haven't read MoTp which is the offical Aerith novel and it states in plain text that she loved Cloud! Not Zack, not the Zack in him! CLOUD!!! Yes so shove that up your unknowing pipe and smoke it :lol:
I love official sources. They make no sense, ruin the game and weren't written by the creators. I prefer to think of the game which was made by the creators and side with evidence from that as opposed to somethign Square just slapped an "official" on. Stuff like that and the Ultimania Guide are just trash.
Moron do you realize I've used everything that is Offical straight from Square Enix and Tetsuya and also what was published by them? And acturally hunny it looks like your running out of things to say back if you call all my offical sources trash considering that I've also used the game as a offical source your saything that the game is trash too ne? LOL get a life and find your sources and acutrally, yes ACTURALLY play the game LOL *can't help but laugh*
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