Aeris or Tifa?

Aeris or Tifa?

  • Tifa

    Votes: 78 59.5%
  • Aeris

    Votes: 53 40.5%

  • Total voters
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Tenshi Aerith said:
LOL you have no reason to be telling me that considering you haven't read MoTp which is the offical Aerith novel and it states in plain text that she loved Cloud! Not Zack, not the Zack in him! CLOUD!!! Yes so shove that up your unknowing pipe and smoke it :lol:

You seem to be missing that this was written from the view of Aeris after her death, a time of which Tetsuya and the crew did not elaborate on. This, this writing is clearly fan-fictional, unofficial and above all, biased.

It is a secondary source and was written by an Aeris fan. It is not reliable because of the fact that a biased person has written this and you are basing all your facts about Aeris on this. A fan can easily write that Aeris loved Cloud and not Zack. However, the real evidence comes from deep interperetation in the game, not silly writings from outside sources.

And also, just a note, TA: You really are taking this too far. Let opinions be opinions, don't try to change anothers with feeble attempts.
you guys dont have to fight...and I'm afraid Nikkolas is right, the only reason Aeris liked Cloud was because he reminded her of Zack, since Zack died that's why they were no longer together. And when Cloud goes into the village were Zack comes from, his parents will tell you that Zack told them about this new girl he had met, so we can say that things would've gotten serious if he hadnt died. As for the novels you've read, they might not be accurate, and we cant surely know that it was SquareSoft (which created FFVII, but now is SquareEnix) or Tetsuya the ones who created such, no matter what they say.

I like to take my opinions from the game. Aeris IS a main character from the game, she doesnt suck, she is not a bitch either. She can be a great asset to the party, since her magic rules. But Tifa isnt bad either. She is also a main character and the fact that she has big breasts have nothing to do with the game. That was the way she was created, then let it be.

I'm not a big Cloud/Aeris fan, still i like them, they make a cute couple, But personally, i like more the idea of Tifa and Cloud together.

Aeris death was not necessary to activate holy, nor was she stupid for letting Sephiroth kill her. Thing is, it is just PART OF A GREAT STORY!

I like Tifa more because she was strong, she was sweet, she had more personality than Aeris (in my opinion, since Aeris was the normal sweet girl we all know), kick ass and brave.

Also if i remember correctly, Cloud might've been in love with Aeris on the game, but what he truly searches for in FFVII: AC, is forgiveness (sorry if its not spelled that way). He feels bad because he failed her, he couldnt protect her. And he punishes himself for it. But he never truly says he is in love with Aeris nor with Tifa. And he doesnt do anything about that either, all we're doing is assuming and giving our opinions, which we are free to do without having to get insulted (for both sides!!)
*sighs* Here I go again holy shit I need to take a typing break soon LOL

Ok First of for Sephiroth, it can beconsidered offical considering that it was approved and reveiwed by TETSUYA and SQUARE-ENIX yes the creaters of FINAL FANTASY VII and ETC...So no its not fanfictional considering that he got most of his inquires from Tetsuya

Also Lady Yuna LOL, all I have to say is god damn must I repeat my SELF!? LOL Well here instead of typing away I'll just post again what was already said

MoTp which is the offical Aerith novel and it states in plain text that she loved Cloud! Not Zack, not the Zack in him! CLOUD!!!
Tenshi Aerith said:
*sighs* Here I go again holy shit I need to take a typing break soon LOL

Ok First of for Sephiroth, it can beconsidered offical considering that it was approved and reveiwed by TETSUYA and SQUARE-ENIX yes the creaters of FINAL FANTASY VII and ETC...So no its not fanfictional considering that he got most of his inquires from Tetsuya

Also Lady Yuna LOL, all I have to say is god damn must I repeat my SELF!? LOL Well here instead of typing away I'll just post again what was already said

MoTp which is the offical Aerith novel and it states in plain text that she loved Cloud! Not Zack, not the Zack in him! CLOUD!!!

It was approved, but was not written by. So yes, it WAS fan-fictional, for the simple reason that a fan had written it, he was merely given written permission to publish it.

Tenshi Aerith said:
I'm not repeating myself
Thnk you T.S.G, and T.A. you dont have to be so rude, i was merely stating my opinion, like everyone else. And you cant say i've said bad things about Aeris cause then you didnt read my post correctly. And can we please, stop this argument and let others give out their opinion?
Lady Yuna said:
Thnk you T.S.G, and T.A. you dont have to be so rude, i was merely stating my opinion, like everyone else. And you cant say i've said bad things about Aeris cause then you didnt read my post correctly. And can we please, stop this argument and let others give out their opinion?

Why am I being thanked?
You know, everyone is voting merely on opinion, anyways. Yes, I am a big Clerith fan, but that is because that's what I believe. I believe that they would be a better couple than Cloud and Tifa. How do we know who would've ended up with each other anyways? Just because Aerith is dead doesn't mean Cloud would've ended up with Tifa, and just because Cloud was more emotional with Aerith's death than Tifa getting slashed by Sephy didn't mean those two would've ended up together.

As I said, this is all based merely on opinion. There is no need for a debate on it. Heck, someone could've said neither and supported Cluffie. People believe in different pairings!
Lady Yuna said:
Thnk you T.S.G, and T.A. you dont have to be so rude, i was merely stating my opinion, like everyone else. And you cant say i've said bad things about Aeris cause then you didnt read my post correctly. And can we please, stop this argument and let others give out their opinion?

*blinks* Yuna I wasn't saying that in a smart ass why I was joking with you? Why do you think I said LOL after I made the first comment of "Also Lady Yuna LOL, all I have to say is god damn must I repeat my SELF!? LOL" *blinks*:huh: :mellow:

And Vincent'sLucrecia, No I'm not going to bite you so put down your sheilds for a second LOL, I have no problem with their opinions unless they start saying its FACT, key word FACT, and if they start Flaming a character, thats when I get pissed and feel I must reply back if they weren't even flaming then I wouldn't have been so harsh ne? :P
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Vincent'sLucrecia said:
You know, everyone is voting merely on opinion, anyways. Yes, I am a big Clerith fan, but that is because that's what I believe. I believe that they would be a better couple than Cloud and Tifa. How do we know who would've ended up with each other anyways? Just because Aerith is dead doesn't mean Cloud would've ended up with Tifa, and just because Cloud was more emotional with Aerith's death than Tifa getting slashed by Sephy didn't mean those two would've ended up together.

As I said, this is all based merely on opinion. There is no need for a debate on it. Heck, someone could've said neither and supported Cluffie. People believe in different pairings!

Yes, this debate is based on opinion, as is nearly everything in the world. You can't seriously think there is a right or wrong answer to this question, can you? Everything is subject to opinion. Where do you think debates come from? Opinions .......
Tenshi Aerith said:
I have no problem with their opinions unless they start saying its FACT, key word FACT, and if they start Flaming a character, thats when I get pissed and feel I must reply back if they weren't even flaming then I wouldn't have been so harsh ne? :P

Geez your making me quote my self :lol:
Tenshi Aerith said:
*busts out laughing* Aerith is a MAIN charcter Tifa can be considered a side character...why? because she wasn't even ment to be in the game in the beginning meaning that Tifa is just as lazy assed and pointless, and definately weak as hell also. I never used Tifa if unless I had to why? She's not that imprtant so who the hell cares about your infatuation with Tifa and her breasts? She's a useless little whore in a mini skirt that you can kill off in battle and never revive if you want, so she's not to useful after that now isn't that right? Pick your battles, I know more then you considering you get all your info from your brother (no offence CloudStrifeAC06)

What I disliked in your post TA is that you're insulting Tifa in the way that now calling her a whore. I don't think she is a whore. For me, she isn't weak in someways, I think in feelings, just that. The only thing I don't like about her are her breasts, they seem so huge for a normal woman, and it makes her looks less "real". (in girls pov). After all, I'm a girl :P.

Girl, take a little breat before responding, even if I'm not a Tifa fan, I got offended :/ and embarrased of the language you use for a girl, (even I just have one year more than you). Try to not put words that doesn't sound femenine :) *blink*

Tenshi Aerith said:
Moron do you realize I've used everything that is Offical straight from Square Enix and Tetsuya and also what was published by them? And acturally hunny it looks like your running out of things to say back if you call all my offical sources trash considering that I've also used the game as a offical source your saything that the game is trash too ne? LOL get a life and find your sources and acutrally, yes ACTURALLY play the game LOL *can't help but laugh*

Ok, here again TA, EVERY PEOPLE THAT IS ALIVE HAS A LIVE. Even if it's blinking! God! This so used "Quote" Makes me angry. Why asking him for a life if he already has one? (Altought I'm a little angry at him of how he wrote about Aeris, but well...)


And so yeah, I still think that Aeris was mainer than Tifa xD.
Cheeese, this place is so hot, I sense danger~~ Waaack!
T_A, is this where you go to rant when we don't let you get this crazy at CxA? ;D Calm down, your points make better sense when you aren't acting militant about it. Karura's right--you're acting just as badly as every rabid CloTi/Aerith basher you've confronted. You don't have to like Tifa, but for crying out loud, she's not a villain or a cheap whore--or rather, if she's a whore, so is the entire FF7 cast, especially since Nomura can't seem to stop pimping them out every chance he gets. XD

Granted, her battle outfit in the game is quite unrealistic for a martial artist, but it served it's purpose--it helped sell the game. lol. But seriously, just because Tifa looks less than decent doesn't mean she is--if that were the case, anyone could say the same about Aerith if they wanted to--because her skirt is pretty far open in the front there.

Don't get me wrong, I love Aerith, but she ain't perfect. None of them are. And none of them are absolutely horrid either. The mindless bashing has got to stop.
LOL I didn't mean to go on a rant guys it just got rediculous with them flaming Aerith thats all I had a problem with really. I probly wouldn't have been so rude, harsh, and very very aggresive if people who just state who they like and not go off flaming one character and thats why they like the other its plain stupid and thats what cause Debates, and Insults.
i have to agree with TA on this. after all, it seems like cloud and aerith are more alike than tifa and cloud. tifa just seems like more of a person who loves fighting and joking around and things like that, while aerith is more of a wise person who can take things seriously all the time, which is how cloud is.
I would just like to ask: where exactly have I insulted Aeris? I have been trying to get TA to calm down and realise it's just an individual persons opinion on a bunch of pixels. Please, indulge me on the points and things I have allegedly said.:mellow:
which is all the more that Tifa and Cloud are better Cloud need`s a person who can cheer him up if something goes wrong so Tifa is the perfect choice for that
Wow. I just typed a whole lot of things, and it all got deleted.


Let's say, in short, Aerith is CLOUD'S preference. Not the people's.

Therefore...Clerith is and always will be my preference.

If you must know why...Go ahead and IM me. I'm bored, anyway.
Hehe! I wouldn't mind debating with anyone. ^_^
All I can say is that the CloTi evidence is mostly coming from the people's own thoughts of Tifa, and that what matters is what Cloud thinks. ^^
I like Tifa better than Aries. She knows how to take command and she can kick some ass as well. And unlike the fanboys who like Tifa...I don't care for her breast.
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