Aerith & Sephiroth - A closer look


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
ok after snooping around the internet (like ya do) i found out some interesting things about FFVII - Namely about Aerith and Sephiroth - in the FFVII Ultimania Omega it says that there were a few early ideas regarding Aeris and Sephiroth (the main female and the Villain)

One is that they would be siblings - this would have added FAR more depth to Sephiroth killing Aerith and would explain their similarities IE the hair and the green eyes

Another is that they were lovers - which is wrong on so many levels

However the ideas were dropped because SE thought that Sephiroth killing his Sibling/lover would be TOO extreme.

I guess in the end they ended up as parallelism of each other (darkness vs. light/ corruption vs. purity/ evil vs. good)

what do you think?
Aw.. I was hoping for an Aerith x Sephiroth club :P.

Nah... I think Seph killing someone who I trained so hard the first time through was extreme enough. I would've liked to know they were siblings.
I don´t really see a point of making Aeris love Sephiroth and he probably would not kill his ex i believe...

Plus if Aeris had an afair with Sephiroth, Zack and was flirting with Cloud i suppose we all now what she should be called...not the main female character but the main **** character!:|

I´m guessing people just did not want to see it happening!
Siblings would have been interesting. I don't know if I'd call it too extreme. What about XII? Mucho slaying of one's own family in that game. I think lovers would have been a little too weird, but not extreme. Killing an ex lover is one thing, but Aeris actually loving Sephiroth, Zack, and *ahem* Cloud? I'm gonna agree with Jimmy on that point. And Aeris is the last person I'd want to see portrayed as slutty.
Siblings would have been interesting. I don't know if I'd call it too extreme. What about XII? Mucho slaying of one's own family in that game. I think lovers would have been a little too weird, but not extreme. Killing an ex lover is one thing, but Aeris actually loving Sephiroth, Zack, and *ahem* Cloud? I'm gonna agree with Jimmy on that point. And Aeris is the last person I'd want to see portrayed as slutty.


It seems ive been slightly lax with the information in the first post. Sephiroth was meant to be Aerths first love - Zack wasnt meant to be in the game - however they decided eventually to make Sephiroth the complete villain and incorporate zack.

I think it would have been Interesting to make Aerith and Sephiroth siblings - would have added far more depth to each character and made their relationship far more interesting and complex

Talk about sibling rivalry
i also think its weird. i just cant see it. them being siblings? thats just weird how would they make the storyline to fit lucrecia, Hojo as sephiroths father, Jenova as Mother AND the story of Professor Gast and Aeris Mother.
(if you dont know what im talking about its the secret cutscene in icicle)
Yeah and then Aeris would have to call Jenova momma i mean...although it might have worked if it would be Aeris who sets Jenova free and then became the main female villain!

And in the end you would have to fight Aeris transformed into some kind of fiend as one of the final bosses that would be nice!
Interesting topic. I like it. Let's see... Aeris' parents are Ifalna and Gast, Sephiroth's are Hojo and Lucrecia. Gast and Hojo were just co-workers, right? I don't think there is any relationship to them, but in the back of my mind I always thought about how alike they looked. Both of them had a greenish glowing eye color, and their hairstyles are alike. Except that would mean that Sephiroth was an acient and that he had the power to use holy or make holy onusable... to hear the planet's cries. 0.o A lot of the plot would have to be altered to fit that, but it's interesting all the same. If they were lovers, really all I have to say is poor Cloud! I mean, I've heard stories about wives leaving their husbands for a woman and stuff, but Cloud meeting this one benevolent girl who likes him only to have her run off with his worst enemy who he has been hunting down the entire game? That's bad luck. =[ It would show Sephiroth's seriousness and show just how far he would go to get what he wants though, because throughout the game he has had no problem killing anyone.
There is some artwork done by Amano during early stages of development that lend credence to this, the site is down now but ATMA'S Final fantasy GALLERY ( has most of amano's works on display. In it's final fantasy VII section it has a piece of artwork that depicts Aerith resting on Sephiroth's shoulder and several others pieces of the two together.

Here is the picture I saved onto my PC

Notice the how unusually happy both of them look.

You should be able to see the rest when the website starts working again.
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I'm not sure if this is true but Zack was actually the main character of FF7 i think but the designer didn't think his hair made him stand out enough so they used Cloud's hair instead. Once again i only heard about it.
The lover idea would be great...if it were a book...but...
I doubt that teen audiences would feel the romance.
So they were right in thinking that it was too extreme.
Aww, why'd they have to drop the brother & sister idea? :sad: That would've worked so well. That brings in the parentage though. To which mix of Gast, Ifalna, Hojo & Lurecia would they have been born? Or maybe they'd just have the same father or something... If Sephiroth killing his sister is too extreme for people, well they shouldn't really be playing games then should they? It's no more extreme than him killing someone he doesn't know
That would complicate things a lot.Mostly becouse ti would be wierd that sephirot and aeris are family.TO tell the truth it wouldn't make any sence.
But if they were lovers it could have been that sephirot got jelouse of cloud ro somethin and got rid of her...
Here is the other Amano piece of Aerith with Sephiroth.

Notice how calm Aerith looks despite the massive sword. Odd, considering what happens.

Despite the obvious similarities let me assureyou, this is not Setzer. Here is the Final Fantasy VII gallery I found it in.
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No way, I don't think the lovers thing would fly in a game. Like I said, that stuff belongs in a book; it's too complicated for the teenage fanbase.

Brother and sister would have been fairly catchy, but it would ruin Sephiroth's wackjob personality. His false understanding of where he came from is what makes him such a lunatic. Making him Aerith's brother would just make him power hungry and not nuts.
And in the end you would have to fight Aeris transformed into some kind of fiend as one of the final bosses that would be nice!

I kinda like that idea. Hmm....*pictures Aeris as a demon* Interesting...but then the song would change from One Winged Angel to something like Hells Couple....or something like that.
I kinda like that idea. Hmm....*pictures Aeris as a demon* Interesting...but then the song would change from One Winged Angel to something like Hells Couple....or something like that.

That would be pretty emotional for Cloud too. Not a bad idea at all. ^_^