Aerith & Sephiroth - A closer look

First you belittle others, and now you spam. One more post out of line, and I'm going to have to warn you. If you want to try and follow-up with whatever crap it is you were trying to say there, take it to PM.

Also, saying something is "BS" is hardly constructive criticism of the truth. How about thinking before you type?
Killing his lover.....that realy wouldn't make sense. But his sister, possibly if she tried to turn against him. But, what if they teamed up instead of fighting each other?
I think that these ideas are made up B.S.
A LONG time ago i was told never to believe crap that came from the net...this is one of them

Actually no ther not "made up BS" as you so kindly put it - they were some of the original storyline ideas suggested for FFVII - check out the Ultimania guide - it says these ideas in there :P
Well Sephiroth could still kill Aeris and say "Serves you right for being Big Momma (aka Jenova) favorite!"

This of course taking the ideia that they were bro and sis!
Actually no ther not "made up BS" as you so kindly put it - they were some of the original storyline ideas suggested for FFVII - check out the Ultimania guide - it says these ideas in there :P

Comming from an Ultimania Guide, I think ive prooven my own point. XD.XD.XD.XD.XD

And dont flame...I got in twouble.........XD!...
I believe Ultimania guides take a more indeep cover of the story of Final Fantasy games!

But it´s fan based so a lot of things that it says are wrong i believe.
Search it on google or Ebay...but it´s in japonese i believe but there are translactions!
What's wrong with ultimania guides? :huh:
I still don't understand what they're for...

Theyre for people who go insane for gossip on Final Fantasy. All they are is other peoples opinions and some suggestions....BORING!

People dont need to cheat, let alone come up with some crazyass ideas about characters in the game(like i have quoted) cause they dont make sense, and they just make people dumber.

Ive played this game and never got a game over on it...Its not challenging enough to even make a guide, then again...A movie.
The game was bland. I leveled up to level 80 on the 2nd Disk and said screw it, im goin all the way. No challenge required.
It desirves recognition though for starting the revolution of all video games. It made VIII and IX more recognizable for its graphics, later on leading to PlayStation 2, and X-Box: Better Graphics.

Thats what i think. And Im entitled to have thoughts and opinions about subjects and Topics.
Man, what bit you in the ass? All this is is a topic on what people think the game would've been like if Aeris & Sephiroth were either lovers or siblings. Calm down.
Nahh we´re just discussing the Aeris possible relation with Sephiroth!

Ok guys how about this instead of Sephiroth killing Aeris in the 1st CD Aeris would be one of the bosses at the Ancient City!

I can already imagine...

Aeris: "I will stop you from obtaining holy!"

Cloud: "Why!?Why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? Are you betraying us!"

Aeris: "Because...that´s mother´s wish..."

And then she would transform into a monster with maybe two forms just to make it harder!:)
Theyre for people who go insane for gossip on Final Fantasy. All they are is other peoples opinions and some suggestions....BORING!

So they don't really come from the creators?
It's just a fan-written book? =\
Yes they are just fan written...

Square personal as nothing to do with Ultimania guide!
Well that that sure as heck doesn't prove anything! o_O
Although I do think the ideas are juicy. :smartass:
The idea of them being former lovers would have been cruel. XD

As for siblings... hmm... how old is Sephiroth supposed to be? Because I always thought he was much older than Aerith.