Aerith & Sephiroth - A closer look

Sephiroth has the potential to pull Aerith but was probably more interested in training and fighting.
Now I kind of wish they have something like this in the remake. ^_^
Although it would ruin the plot. o_O

Who cares though. ^_^
A chance to battle Aeris sure would be nice!:)

Aeris Reborn HP: 85.000 MP: 9999

Something like that!
It should be an extra.
You know how some games have New Game +?
Once you complete the game 100%, the Aerith sidequest boss battle should be an option. XD
Erm NO your wrong.

the ultimania guide is official from even says it on the guide itself the logo is on the bottom


and it also explains the Amano drawings of Aerith and Sephiroth - so either way they were originally going to be romantically involved at some point :P

I beg to differ smart one...
Square-Enix came up with the idea yes (Brand-name creator of Ultimania Guide), then they took others thought and opinions and put them in there.

You were saying???????
I beg to differ smart one...
Square-Enix came up with the idea yes (Brand-name creator of Ultimania Guide), then they took others thought and opinions and put them in there.

You were saying???????


you got any sources to back you up there? or are you just pulling things out of thin air? i fail to see the logic in why SE would create a book and put fans thoughts in it - it just doesnt. make. sense.

Oh and while your at it - explain the Anamo artworks.

since your soooo smart and all.
One is that they would be siblings - this would have added FAR more depth to Sephiroth killing Aerith and would explain their similarities IE the hair and the green eyes

Another is that they were lovers - which is wrong on so many levels
At first I throught Aeris used to go with Sephiroth because of what she said about her first boyfriend. Of course I later found out that she was talking about Zack.

Then when I saw Sephiroth real mother I throught maybe they could be Brother & Sister.
I can't picture Sephiroth and Aerith being together due to the age difference. Isn't Sephy in his 30s?

I can picture them having a romantic/dramatic love together. In fact, if he did love her and wind up killing her still, it would have made him that much more of a lunatic!

I love it. <3
Actually, im an idiot! XD. im barely making it through school.
And WHY would Square-Enix make an opinion and thoughts book?! Why do they make Final Fantasy and such great games for us to play?
CAUSE IT SEEMED LIKE A GOOD IDEA! thats why. that i told you that im an idiot, its quite obvious it doesnt take anyone brilliant to figure it out smartass.
And why not put Final Fantasy art in a Final Fantasy Thoughts and opinion guide.

I think you need help...mentally and verbally, cause the only one who seems to be making an ass of himself is you. Wow. If you dont know what your talking about, just be quiet.

actually its not an opinion or thoughts book - its a book to explain the plot more thoroughly...And IM the one who doesnt know what im talking about? yeah whatever you say :rolleyes:

and actually the amano artwork is very relevent for this thread - as it shows Aerith and Sephiroth being close and embracing - and since Amano artwork is officially designed then it was one of the original plot ideas - not a fan idea.

And i need help? LMAO - i believe YOUR the one that needs help - you seem to have an anger problem :P and Hey, im not the one who was banned before :rolleyes:
I thought it was a pretty well known fact that Sephiroth was originally going to either be Aeris's lover or sibling.

And AG is right. The Ultimania guide is to help explain the plot better and to tell about earlier concepts of the game.
actually its not an opinion or thoughts book - its a book to explain the plot more thoroughly...And IM the one who doesnt know what im talking about? yeah whatever you say :rolleyes:

and actually the amano artwork is very relevent for this thread - as it shows Aerith and Sephiroth being close and embracing - and since Amano artwork is officially designed then it was one of the original plot ideas - not a fan idea.

And i need help? LMAO - i believe YOUR the one that needs help - you seem to have an anger problem :P and Hey, im not the one who was banned before :rolleyes:

Your absolutely right i have an anger problem. and you have a big mouth for a small person. he he.
I thought it was a pretty well known fact that Sephiroth was originally going to either be Aeris's lover or sibling.

And AG is right. The Ultimania guide is to help explain the plot better and to tell about earlier concepts of the game.

Aeris's lover, that sounds interesting. I actually didnt know that, dont hurt me. But for some reason I always thought something could have happened between Aeris and Sephy as she was the last Anicent and he wanted to create a new world. So I thought it would have been like a Yuna/Seymour thing, even though I played 7 before 10, but I got this iead after playing X!

Hope that makes sense!
Aeris's lover, that sounds interesting. I actually didnt know that, dont hurt me. But for some reason I always thought something could have happened between Aeris and Sephy as she was the last Anicent and he wanted to create a new world. So I thought it would have been like a Yuna/Seymour thing, even though I played 7 before 10, but I got this iead after playing X!

Hope that makes sense!

that does make sense - kinda like a whole "destroy the world then repopulate it with Ancients" ? because i think that that plot would have been awesome XD it could have shown how obsessed Sephiroth would be with Aerith and the ancients and stuff

and Btw Unlimited Ultima - im not a small person - im 5ft 7" tall
that does make sense - kinda like a whole "destroy the world then repopulate it with Ancients" ? because i think that that plot would have been awesome XD it could have shown how obsessed Sephiroth would be with Aerith and the ancients and stuff

Yeah thats what I thought! But alias, never mind :huh:
Enjoy prison Double U. You've had 6 warnings up to this point. You've had more than enough time to change your trolling, pseudomodding, and flat out flaming.