Aerith & Sephiroth - A closer look

Nahh Aeris is 24 and Sephiroth is like 30 or something...

Making Aeris an enemy boss still makes sense to me!

And the ultimania guide is still in great part full of fan thoughts and as such does not represent Square position at all!
No its not fan thoughts at all!!!!

It was written by SQUARE it is endorsed by SQUARE it was published by SQUARE!! its logos in the bottom right hand corner - Sqaure put its ORIGINAL CONCEPTS into the book as a little bit of background information and to explain the amano artwork of Aerith and Sephiroth

Jeez....what more do you want?
I´m sorry Aeris i trust you then...please forgive me!:huh:

But ins´t from the ultimania guide were those wacky theories all come from?
Yes those are from the ultimania guide - but like i also said - they were original concepts for FFVII which SE decided to share with us, as they make a pretty nifty easter egg and it explains the anamo artworks.

the Ultimania guide is not some fans theorys they were Squares original concepts of the game ^_^

And there fascinating to discuss XD

And i think Sephiroth was meant to be the Ex-lover - like Zack - which means Aerith would stick with Cloud. and If they were brother and sister Aerith would still stay with cloud, i think if they went through with the siblings idea then this is what the family tree would look like :

Hojo+Ifalna = Aerith who would still be an ancient

Hojo+Lucrecia+Jenova = Sephiroth - who would have jenova as his mother

So that way it would add more depth to both of them and Aerith wouldnt turn evil - as that would be going completly out of character - not even Aerith would save her brother if it meant destroying the world.

And to answer your question - Duh. Aerith would betray Sephiroth - no matter what relationship they had Aerith would drop him if he wanted to destroy the world - she is the maiden of the planet after all ^_^
Yeah but let´s not forget they are only concepts like that crazy FFVIII theory which i will not dare to speak off!:D

But staying on topic if Aeris was evil then she would probably only follow Big Momma aka Jenova orders so she probably would have only used Cloud and then dumped him and tried to kill him!
:lol: when i get told something is a load Of BS i tend to get pissed :P

and i think they dropped the brother and sister thing quite late in the developement - you can see a resemblance in the Hair and in thier striking green eye color.

If they had been brother and sister (half) do you think that Sephiroth would have had even more reason to kill her? Jealousy perhaps that she is an ancient while he isnt?

the plot twists could have been endless XD
Heck, now I'm really confused. :omg:

I always thought of sephiroth as an older character too...
Not tooooo old. But older than the others. I imagined him to be in his mid 30s.

Square has a habit of making every single character look painfully gorgeous. I thought to myself...this guy is running around destroying the world and here I am thinking he's cute so he can get away with it. lol.
they both have very similar hair bangs - the only differnce in the hair is the color and the fact that Aeriths is plated and Sephiroths isnt.
Yeah but that´s because Sephiroth is kind of girly i believe it´s not actually ment to really look alike!
What Sephiroth being girly?

Well...he as really long hair and prefectly arranged like a womans hair, he uses really long capes similar to long womens jackets, he doesn´t have any facial hair, and his face lines are similar to those of a woman...

That´s why i think he is girly.
That would make him feminine, not girly. But I'm sure that's what you meant... for your sake.

However, I beg to differ in regards to Sephiroth and Aeris having that kind of similarity. Personally, I see no comparison in hair. Yes, the colour stands out as a major difference, but I don't see even a subtle similarity.

I read a while back about Sephiroth killing for through jealousy; that they were siblings and Aeris became an Ancient, whereas Sephiroth didn't. Quite liking that one. Though it seems he was better off for it anyway, in terms of power. :p (even though I don't quite know the full capabilities of a mature Cetra. I know that Ifalna was powerful... but we see no real evidence of it).
Feminine yeah that´s what i meant...don´t kill me!

That´s why they make all those humm "sexual" jokes with Cloud and Sephiroth!

Now i don´t see how Sephiroth could have felt jealous of Aeris i mean...he was quite more powerfull and ended up almost destroying the world. Don´t now how much power the Ancients had i mean Jenova did almost beat them all!
key word: Almost. If Aeris was Sephiroth's sis, he would've killed her fro trying to save the world, or she would've joined his side.