Aerith & Sephiroth - A closer look

Yeah it would. Considering he saved her and all that. But, if she and Sephiroth were lovers, I don't think Cloud would have as many emotions for her as he did. Don't you think?
Yep. I think in that sense, the Sephy/Aerith love aspect would ruin the protagonists main ambitions.
Definitely. It would be a totally different storyline with a different ending and a completely different movie sequel. BUt, if this were to happen, who would ressurect(correct me if I misspelled it) Aeris? We clearly see Kadaj ressurecting Sephiroth.
You're right, but...Sephiroth could still have been injected with Jenova cells while Aerith might not have the case that they were siblings. ^_^
Hmmm....good point. But, what if they were? Regardless of whether they were siblings or not, what if Aeris was also injected with Jenova cells? The Kadaj brothers would have to have a sister, would they not?
Yes, and they would have been able to ressurect her too and use her powers against Cloud. o_O
Wow. When you say it, it sounds.......demonic. Hmm....I wonder what Cloud's reaction to seeing a ressurected Aeris fighting him alongside Sephiroth would be like.
didnt Aeris mention something about going on a date with a man in a black cape in the game ???
didnt Aeris mention something about going on a date with a man in a black cape in the game ???


I think the Siblings thing would have worked - They could have made it so that Hojo was Aerith and Sephiriths father but Ifalna and Lucrecia were still their mothers.

that way Aerith would have been the real ancient and Sephiroth the fake one....interesting...well to me anyway :lol:

Im glad they emliminated these plots though - but they kept the hairstyles similar - Aeriths is basically Sephiroths but tied up and brown :P
Ok so we all agree that Aeris could be one of the final bosses?:P

*sends letter to Square*
Yeah, Safer Sephiroth and .....Omega Aeris.? Just thinking names here. That would be one hell of a fight though. I said this was weird at first, but I'm liking the idea of that happening.
ok after snooping around the internet (like ya do) i found out some interesting things about FFVII - Namely about Aerith and Sephiroth - in the FFVII Ultimania Omega it says that there were a few early ideas regarding Aeris and Sephiroth (the main female and the Villain)

One is that they would be siblings - this would have added FAR more depth to Sephiroth killing Aerith and would explain their similarities IE the hair and the green eyes

Another is that they were lovers - which is wrong on so many levels

However the ideas were dropped because SE thought that Sephiroth killing his Sibling/lover would be TOO extreme.

I guess in the end they ended up as parallelism of each other (darkness vs. light/ corruption vs. purity/ evil vs. good)

what do you think?

I thought you were going to say that Aerith and Sepheroth were ment to be.
anyways, I thought that they look so close together with that long hair, and the eyes,
Guys i seriously dont think that even if Aerith was Sephiroths sister she would have turned evil - they would have used the whole sibling Rivalry thing, which would have added more depth to them both rather than "oh shes HIS sister...Lets make her evil too!"
Oh gosh, I loved the story so much as it is.
The characters are all great. No matter if they were siblings or lovers, it would have still been great. ^_^

Though...Sephy killing his lover wouldn't make sense. lol.
I think they're great ideas. Who care's if they're BS.
I mean look, it's 10 years later and we still haven't run out of discussion topics. :rolleyes:
I think these ideas would make for a great fanfiction. ^_^

On a side note...
I'm glad that they weren't lovers. I mean picture her with a lunatic like that. :rolleyes:
But then again I love the lovers's so dramatic.

I don't know which one to choose. ^_^
This entire concept is ridiculous, but that doesn't mean to say you can belittle people for their theories. I suggest you discontinue this.

Well as long as the Topic is game, im game.

Dont forget I only play by the Forums rules now: i didnt mean to "belittle" it.
I just stated a fact. If people cant handle the truth, they simply can leave the Topic.

With that said you should either lock the Topic, or say how i feel.
BTW...theres nothing wrong with choice two Saix, are you up for it???