The daylight began to fade, the night took over the realm like a swift shadow that follows silently each of our steps. Alucard felt the gentle lights of the moon shining softly upon them, like the gentle arms of a sweet embrace. Though it was peaceful and balance reigned, Alucard could not avoid feeling the confusion lingering deep within Gourry's heart. "Do not let my words confuse you, for you are the only one who has the power to take us out from this nightmare...besides...I don't want to stay here try to solve the riddles that have taken over your mind...for our sake and yours..." Alucard gave a faint laugh and then turned to walk towards the Inn. "Seres Victoria, let's go...." Alucard said before opening the door to enter. Once inside, he could see that the Inn was lightly crowded by a few travelers, much of them were the people he met before at the bakery. He wondered, if Seres was strong enough to continue without feeding, he even questioned himself wondering if she even had some nourishment before arriving here to replenish her strength. As he reached the counter, the Innkeeper, slightly intimidated by Alucard's mysterious appearance, greeted the young vampire and charged him a few hagn's to stay; he payed for Seres' room and his own. Now only 35 hagn's remained on his pouch, so getting more money would be the best thing to do tomorrow.