Anime RP

"This is true," Kenshin said. "And this," he continued, reaching the building, "is indeed the town tailor." He walked inside and stopped a passing clerk. "Pardon, but we are interested in purchasing some local clothing. Do you think you could help us?" The clerk looked the pair up and down. "Hmmm... are you not two of the fighters that helped destroy the monster from yesterday? There is no need to pay, we will outfit you immeadiately," he said, hurrying to the back. Kenshin blinked in surprise and turned to Gourry. "Well, that's one hurdle." The old man hurried back with measuring tape and several rolls of cloth. "Don't worry," he wheezed as he began to take Kenshin's measurements, "this won't take long."
Gourry could do little but stand there.
The man where fast, and accurate.

He was mumbling some numbers to himself as he stretched the tape around various body parts.

"monster?" he asked himself as he was thinking back to the previous day. "Oh. that thing" he grinned.

The tailor looked slightly confused at him, after all, Gourry had briefly forgotten the last days activities already.

"Well, I have your measurements now. I will make the clothes, please wait a while" The tailor smiled as he starter working.

"Ken.." he started towards Kenshin. "Do you think Lina is safe?"
"From the threat at hand, this one is almost positive that those left behind are safe," Kenshin answered, taking a seat on the floor while he waited. "Besides," he continued, "even should they run into the dangers of our respective home worlds, this one's friends, no doubt, will be more than capable of defending themselves. Now," he said with a warm smile to Gourry, "tell me of this Lina. Do you believe her capable of defending herself should the need arise?"
Gourry looks to the ceiling, supporting his chin with his right hand. As memories starts to flow.

He sees numerous times that she dispatched of large groups by her self.
Including several times using the Dragon Slave. And the memory of the Giga slave, as well as the Ragna Blade.

"I believe she is safer then we are" He smiled. "After all, she did take down Shabadaba almost alone"

Even though it was clear, the the name 'Shabadaba' was completely wrong, the idea, and the expressions of Gourry's face, told the story.

"Lina is strong, and he have Zelgadis, Amelia and Xellos for help, she will be fine" He smiled as he sat down not too far from Kenshin.

Gourry felt more at least, that could be clearly seen on his whole being.
*Ichigo awoke in the forest thinking of what had happened before he fell asleep. He then remembered that he had asked for a fight with Alucard only to be denied. He tried to remember what had happened before that but could only remember being hit in the back of the head with a blunt object knocking him out. Right after he remembered that his head started to pound and hurt. He put his hand on the back of his head to stop the pain. He wonedered to himself....* Who hit me in the back of the head, and why would he/she do that? *He picked up his sword and started to walk back to the town...* I am going to kill whoever hit me......
Several minutes later, Kenshin and Gourry were standing in their new outfits. The clerk obviously knew what he was doing when it came to designing clothes to allow a swordsman to move freely. Kenshin was now wearing a grey, long sleeve coat open at the front and clasped at the top. The sleeves were snug at the shoulders, but blossomed steadily out from there. The body of the coat stopped halfway down his abdomen, leaving a few inches between it and the top of his pants. Beneath the coat was a black, sleeveless undershirt that allowed for air to enter and exit freely. This was tucked into a pair of grey cloth pants that was belted with a rope. The legs bagged to allow a full range of motion. His shoes were black suede. The sakabato hung, as before, on his left.

Gourry, used to fighting in his armor, was given something that could be worn over it. It resembled a hooded baggy brown traveler's cloak that covered Gourry from the neck down. However, the cloak could be thrown open at the front, still clasped at the top, but allowing the wearer to move freely. It would mean, of course, exposing his identifying light blue armor, but anyone that attacked would be a bigger concern than remaining hidden.

Kenshin looked himself over in the shop's mirror. "This is excellent work. Thank you again for your kindness." He turned to the old man and smiled. "If this one might trouble you for wide piece of tape to cover this scar..." The man nodded, ran to the back, and came back moments later with the tape. After placing it on his scar, Kenshin turned to Gourry. "So, shall we go, then?"
Gourry didn't know what to say.
Ken got a whole suit thing, and all he got was a cape.

Though, even if it was bland, he tried it out.
He took a stance, and the cape suddenly 'flapped' making room for the drawing of the sword.
The sword left the sheath smoothly, and not touching the cape in any way.

It was the same for sheathing the sword, the cape seemed to 'know when to move'.
Though, that idea where from Gourry's perspective
In reality, the tailor had made it balanced in such a way, that it uses the momentum created from various movements, to 'get out of the way' for the upcoming movements.

he was indeed incredibly skilled.
Gourry smiled, and thanked the tailor with a loud voice.

"So, shall we go, then?" Kenshin suddenly asked.
Gourry turned, and looked confused at kenshin.
"Umm, you have tape on your face" he stated bluntly as he where pointing.
*Ichigo quickly recovered from his head wound because of the hollow side in him, and spotted a custom tailor store. He walked through the front door, and walked up to the counter where the clerk was. He also spotted Gourry and Kenshin admiring their new outfits. He thought to him self....* Hmmmm.... It looks like they are content with their new clothing. Maybe I should get some light weight but durable armor, and put it under my clothing so that I can still keep my shinigami's kimono.....

*He then proceeded to make his order....* Can you make me a full body light weight armor made of diamond strings? I will pay you the full cost....
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After staying in the shadows and watching over Ichigo and the others, Alucard thought prudent to make his presence known to the others. As the room of the Custom Tailor Shop was suddenly darknened by Alucard's powers, mysterious vampire slowly descended from a pool of darkness that was on the ceiling, landing swiftly on the floor next to Ichigo. "Did I miss something?" Alucard said, a small grin could be seen on his face.
Seras had gone out. It had been far too long since Master Alucard had left. Now, she was aimlessly wandering, seeking him out. Unfortunately, she found herself lost in an alleyway...

"I knew it...I knew this place would be trouble. I should have just stayed at the inn"

She set her Harkonnen down and took a moment to gather her thoughts.

"Okay...I'll just go back the way I came, then take a different path"
"That won't happen, girly"

She turned to see a man standing there, only a few feet away from her.

"Who are you?"
"That don't matter, just hand over the weapon, and nobody gets hurt"

Seras frowned and re-shouldered the Harkonnen.

"Get out of my sight, or I'll blow you to bits"

The bandit only laughed and took another step towards her.

"I'm warning you, sir! Not another step!"

He did...and a blast went off, creating a rather loud explosion.........

"Master....I'm sorry..."

...and Seras dropped from exhaustion and lack of blood, unconscious to the ground...
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Zoro was wandering around the town aimlessly, looking from shop to shop.
"Man these people have some weird shit," he muttered, shaking his head, "I just wish I could find a place where I can get some good beer..."
Looking up, he saw in the window of the tailor's shop, that four of his new "friends" were there.
"Whatever," he muttered, walking into the shop and waving slightly.
"What's up guys?" he asked, looking at Kenshin's new suit and Gourry's, cloak-thing, "Nice digs, what's going on in here?"
Kenshin managed to get control over his breathing and heart rate. He pointed an accusatory finger at Alucard. "Why do you insist on terrifying this one?" He took a quick survey of the room. Zoro, Alucard, Ichigo, Gourry, and himself. That left Roy, Ed, and Seras still unaccounted for. Still, most of them were here. "As this one has proposed to Gourry," he addressed the room, "This one feels that several smaller groups working simultaneously to gather information will be more efficeint and less conspicuous than a large caravan." Kenshin walked over to Alucard. "Some thought has been given to this. Since you and your lady friend seem to specialize in firearms, perhaps you ought to travel with one of the science magicians." He then walked over to Zoro. "You are very skilled with your blades, and Ichigo is no joke, either. If you two travel with the other science magician, you shouldn't encounter any large problems." Kenshin then walked back to Gourry and faced the room. "That leaves Gourry and this one. Normally, this one would let Gourry travel alone, as he possesses the most effective weapon against our common foe. However," he said with a nervous grin, "let's suffice to say he needs... er... guidance."

At that moment, the entire shop shook from an unseen explosion. Kenshin lost his balance and caught himself on Gourry's cape. "Good material," he sighed, thankful that the cape didn't rip. He steadied himself, and looked around. "What was that?"
Gourry turned around, after looking in a mirror, and first now noted Alucard, not too far from himself.
Gourry's jaw almost went through the floor he was standing on. Followed by a loud "GAAH!" scream.
"Don't do that!"

Suddenly, the whole room shook, almost like Lina had thrown a fireball next to the building.
Gourry managed to keep his balance as Kenshin grabbed his cape, barely.

Gourry didn't quite understand this 'science magician' thing, though he was still looking at Kenshin's piece of tape.
It was rather funny looking he thought to himself.
Though, he did vaguely remember a scar that Kenshin had.
Perhaps it had reopened or something.

Though, as Kenshin mentioned Gourry needing 'guidance'. Gourry did not even react to it.
Did he not understand it? or was it that he was so used to being called such stuff, that he didn't bother.
No one knew.
Zoro's reaction when the explosion came was, one might say... comical.
Wobbling unsteadily, he crashed into Alucard and then Ichigo, before standing upright, sighing, then falling over nothing.
"Damn it," he muttered righting himself again, "all right, I agree with... Kenshin's plan, we should split up."
Walking outside, he looked around.
Off in the direction of a jumble of buildings, Zoro could see smoke rising.
"Sounds like that Harko-thing," he said to Alucard, "why would your friend fire it though?"
OOC: Just so that there are no dissagreements with what I am about to say; everybody has spiritual pressure whether it be small or big. Ichigo can sense someone's spiritual pressure that he has been around with for an extended period of time (like a few days). If that person's spiritual pressure drastically decreases all of a sudden, it means that they have been mortally wounded or are dieing...

*Ichigo responded to what Alucard said by jumping back, turning around, and putting his hand on his sheathed sword... When he realized that it was only Alucard, he dropped his guard was about to talk when he noticed that Seras' spiritual pressure had drastically decreased all of a sudden... He thought to himself...*

What's this? Seras' spiritual pressure just decreased drastically... That can only mean that she has been seriously wounded or is dieing.... I have got to find her before she dies....

*Ichigo said to Alucard....*

Alucard! Seras' spiritual pressure just decreased drastically, and that can only mean that she is either dieing or is mortally wounded.... I am going to go into town to find her now, but if you want to follow me you can, because I can track her as long as she is still alive.... If you want to go alone you can, if you have some way to track he by your self...

*Ichigo runs out of the store, and jumps to the highest building he can find... He closes his eyes and concentrates on only her spiritual pressure for the moment.... He opens his eyes and finds where she is located.... He immediately jumps off the building and starts using shunpo as fast as he can in her direction and stops for about 1 second in between each shunpo.... He thinks to himself...*

Hold on for as long as you can Seras.... I am coming for you....
The vampire grinned as he walked towards a wall and leaned his back against it. "Sorry, I'll try to avoid behaving like this..." Alucard smiled as he closed his eyes and relaxed himself for a few minutes. He heard an explosion and then he listened to Zoro's question without even turning his eyes to him "Maybe she found something..." Suddenly, Ichigo came in claming he felt Seres and saying she seemed to be in trouble. At first, Alucard remained motionless, the expression on his face was rather heartless and he did not reply to Ichigo. He sighed, slightly pushing himself with his hands away from the wall and then he walked towards Ichigo. Annoyed, Alucard moved his head to his right shoulder and brought his right hand to his forehead as he stared to the ground, slightly annoyed by the situation. "Argh, I clearly told her not to expose herself and to stay out of trouble....oh well see you all later then, got to see what's wrong now..." Alucard set his eyes on Ichigo and decided to follow him to track Seres down.
Seeing that Alucard had vanished, Roy suspected he knew something. He decided that remaining in the forest was pointless and started walking back to the village. As he continued through the foresty path he eventually found himself back in the village. He scanned around for the inn, he had little reason to be elsewhere and everybody else was most likely to be there.

He decided to 'follow his nose' there and began following the stony path through the village, eventually he found the inn and as he was about to proceed there he saw Alucard and Ichigo leaving, perhaps something was afoot? They were capable however so he walked past them and walked inside the inn and leaned against the wall to the left of the door with his arms crossed.

"Well then, any idea what's going on?" Roy asked. "If you have no ideas shall I make one?" As he spoke he closed his eyes slightly and looked toward the ground slightly.
*Ichigo noticed that Alucard was right behind him, and thought to himself...*
Good, he's coming... He might be able to help if an enemy attacks us...
*Ichigo continued to used shunpo until he reached Seres. He noticed that she was bleeding, and had probably fallen over from exahstion combined with loss of blood. He picked he up and put her on his shoulders... He used shunpo and started on his way... He stopped on a building to wait a few seconds for Alucard, when he heard electronical beeping so he looked down and saw a small bomb beeping... He quickly used shunpo and evaded it before it exploded. When he landed there was a person about 15 feet in front of him, that was holding Seres' weapon... He said....*
Give me the sword or die.... *Ichigo said....* Are you the person that did this to Seres? *He responded...* Yeah, I did it... Now like I said, give me the sword or die..... *Ichigo said....* You want this? Well, you will have to beat me to get it...
*Ichigo put Seres down behind him, and unsheathed his sword... Just before he was going to attack, he heard the same beeping on the wall of the building next to him... He quickly used shunpo and got away right before he got hit by the bomb... He heard quick foot steps coming behind him, and quickly turned around with his sword looking like it was going to slash, but it only defended the attack of the bandit's sword... He jumped back and used Getsuga Tensho on the bandit, but the bandit slashed at the attack and disipated it... He thought to himself....* He is no ordinary bandit; he must have some kind of power.... This isn't going to be easy...
*Ichigo then went in for a head on shunpo slash at the bandit....*
Alucard arrived to find Ichigo fighting against a mysterious warrior. Having noticed that Seres was unconscious, Alucard thought prudent to help Ichigo to defeat this foe so that they could get Seres to somewhere safe. Of course, Alucard did not interfere in this battle abruptly, instead he decided to make his presence known to anyone, specially to the bandit.

"I suggest you surrender now. You have to choices: we do this the easy way or the hard way."

Alucard stared at the bandit through his yellow glasses, his eyes surrounded by a bloody red ring. He smirked, as he tightened his gloves and stretched his fingers, neck and arms. Alucard then remained standing before the battlefield, awaiting for the foe's reaction. Under Alucard's feet, shadows began to crawl and expand across the ground, slowly surrounding the area three feet around Alucard. "So, what are you waiting for?" Alucard said addressing to the bandit threateningly and arrogantly.
*Ichigo noticed that Alucard had entered the battle too... He said to him.....*
Alucard, you can take this guy by yourself right? I am going to take Seres back to the others... She is losing to much blood, and at the rate this is going she is going to die if I don't take her now.... As soon as I drop her off, I will come back and help you, but I need to get her back to the inn now....
*Ichigo then used shunpo and landed right next to Seres. He picked her up and put her on his shoulder, and used shunpo and headed back to the inn.... He got to the inn and found Roy leaning against the wall... He went over to him and said.....* Roy, I need you to take Seres back to her room, and take care of her.... Don't let her die... *He put Seres in Roy's arms, and quickly left out the door... He used shunpo and went back to the battle field where Alucard was still in a battle with the bandit... He got his sword out and did a whole bunch of rapid stabs at the bandit... The bandit dodged and blocked all of his stabs except for one which did a minor cut on the bandit's right arm... The bandit used something that looked like shunpo and landed about 20 feet behind him... He then swung his sword and used something that looked exactly like getsuga tensho... With only a small amount of reaction time, Ichigo turned around and tried to slash through the getsuga tensho... He could only stop about half of the getsuga tensho's power, and the other half knocked Ichigo back about 10 feet.... Ichigo got up and used shunpo to get right next to Alucard... He was thinking of how the bandit could mirror his moves, and then he got it.... He said to Alucard....*
Alucard, this bandit has some kind of power that allows him to copy someone's move if it is used on him.... Be carefull; he could copy any of your abilities and even your sword's abilities... Do you have any ideas on how to defeat this guy?...