OOC: I cant remember Ichigo talking like that, or behaving like that
Gourry stood there with a rather confused look.
"So..... you're not monsters?"
he was fairly certain they where.
If no one else, at least the one in red cloak.
With all these apparent humans gathering around, and not attacking.
Maby he was right. And he was just a shady looking person.
Gourry suddenly, for no reason at all.
Decided to believe them for now.
The sword of light dissapeared, and he 'sheathed' the handle.
"umm... if you are not Monsters, what are you?" he asked looking really confused
OOC: Wow I was left behind

The momentarily silent Alucard withdrew his gun putting it back in its holster. The shadows around him began to fade as his black magic was put at ease. Alucard's eyes turned normal again, with the same black emptiness on the surface of his irises. "Look kid, I won't hurt you if you don't provoke me. Sounds fair...and as for what I am....let's say I am some sort of guardian..." Alucard replied by slightly derailing the conversation to avoid answering what he truly was. Alucard sighed, annoyed and bored he was starting to believe that if this was some sort of joke, he would rise hell in this place and leave as he usually does. Still something intrigued him: after all that has passed he has not seen any "demon" or "nosferatu", making him believe that maybe these "creatures", his own kin, didn't exist in this world. Wanting to hasten the investigation to find a way out of here, Alucard slowly walked towards the door and opened it, the sunlight slightly bothered him. "I say we stick together for now....apparently we were sent here for a reason... all of us. So that makes us a team somehow, so no betrayal or I might get...a bit..annoyed..." Alucard made step to leave the bakery but stopped, turning back to where Seres and the others where. "Are you staying or what?"