Anime RP

OOC: I cant remember Ichigo talking like that, or behaving like that

Gourry stood there with a rather confused look.

"So..... you're not monsters?"
he was fairly certain they where.
If no one else, at least the one in red cloak.

With all these apparent humans gathering around, and not attacking.
Maby he was right. And he was just a shady looking person.

Gourry suddenly, for no reason at all.
Decided to believe them for now.

The sword of light dissapeared, and he 'sheathed' the handle.

"umm... if you are not Monsters, what are you?" he asked looking really confused

OOC: Wow I was left behind >_< :P

The momentarily silent Alucard withdrew his gun putting it back in its holster. The shadows around him began to fade as his black magic was put at ease. Alucard's eyes turned normal again, with the same black emptiness on the surface of his irises. "Look kid, I won't hurt you if you don't provoke me. Sounds fair...and as for what I am....let's say I am some sort of guardian..." Alucard replied by slightly derailing the conversation to avoid answering what he truly was. Alucard sighed, annoyed and bored he was starting to believe that if this was some sort of joke, he would rise hell in this place and leave as he usually does. Still something intrigued him: after all that has passed he has not seen any "demon" or "nosferatu", making him believe that maybe these "creatures", his own kin, didn't exist in this world. Wanting to hasten the investigation to find a way out of here, Alucard slowly walked towards the door and opened it, the sunlight slightly bothered him. "I say we stick together for now....apparently we were sent here for a reason... all of us. So that makes us a team somehow, so no betrayal or I might get...a bit..annoyed..." Alucard made step to leave the bakery but stopped, turning back to where Seres and the others where. "Are you staying or what?"
As Roy searched the area he noticed a variety of buildings, such as a bakery, a butchers and various other places, this place obviously must be a source of supplies, perhaps he could obtain some food before exploring this world he was stuck in. Roy headed over to the bakery for some bread when the door opened, nearly striking him in the face, he turned to see who had opened the door and saw a tall and thin figure in unfamiliar clothing, with only his face appearing through his clothes. He saw his eyes and they seemed to be a red that closely resembled that of blood. Roy knew the colour well, but before he could ponder these thoughts he began to shout at the man for nearly hitting him.

"Hey! Why the hell did you do that!? You nearly hit me! You'd better apologise for that! If you don't..." Roy shouted, before realising he had little to threaten with, he had no comrades, all he had was his skills and his fire. Making use of both he readied himself for the man's reaction, holding his right hand in a fist at near-eye level and his left hand behind him defensively.

"I'm warning you... Mess with me and you'll regret it." Roy spoke, coldly, now in a somewhat more threatening tone.
Kenshin sighed with relief as the man in red holstered his gun. He had almost lost hope for a peaceful end to the stand-off.

"Perhaps it would be expedient to gather information in groups before heading blindly to-"

He was cut off by the sound of an unknown man yelling at the dark gunman, apparently for opening a door. Kenshin slapped himself in the forehead.

"Oro! This one thought we were over this!"

From the man's strange clothing, Kenshin guessed he, too, was from another world. Kenshin's patience was becoming strained.

"Fine! The short version! Everyone here is as lost as you! We decided to work together! And. We. Are. NOT. Fighting!"

Kenshin simply couldn't understand why everyone's first impulse was to fight.
OOC: Ichigo doesn't really talk like that, but I can't really act like him very well.... He has an attitude that I can't even explain, much less copy; it is a mixed attitude of other attitudes....

Like I said before, I do not attack someone unless they attack me, so I will not attack you unless you provoke me too. So where should we head first? Obviously nobody knows where we are and where to go, unless one of you somehow has a map..... *Ichigo starts to follow Alucard*

Does anybody have the currency that they use here, maybe we can use it to by food and a map of the area? If no one has currency then I guess that the only thing we can do is hunt for our food, make a camp or find someway to convince someone to let us stay in their house for the night, and scope out the area to get an idea of where to go next unless we can somehow get a map.... Unless one of you guys has an idea of what to do....?
Alucard smirked, obviously he found it amusing to be threatened by a mere human, though he sensed some sort of magical energy within this man. "Yeah right...whatever you say fire kid..." Alucard replied to the man's threat with mocking tone, yet he stepped back and walked towards the wall to once again lean against it. Alucard then folded his arms and slightly closed his eyes. Alucard heard the samurai's comment as well, and thought of it as the most logical answer he had heard at this moment. "You would be wise to listen to the samurai Kenshin, if you don't want your little trip on this world to be abruptly shorten...." Alucard smiled, one could see his vampiric fangs on his mouth. His expression then changed, his facial expression looked more serious and decided to relax until the situation could be settled. Alucard soon opened his eyes, fixing them on Kenshi as he commented about his behavior. "I find it plausible to see you are among the few who would rather use your brain first and talk your way out of problems....anyhow...what do we do now?"
Roy, although still angered by the man's mocking nature, became more enraged by the man's mixture of taunts and threats. Roy then had half a mind to engulf this man in flames. His fist, slightly shaking now as it boiled with fiery anger, then started to click his fingers, deliberately creating sparks. After 10 clicks he released a flame, unlike his average flames however this one started off with an explosion which set a small fire off on the bakery shop and most of the blast was inside the man's area. Maybe this would shut the man's trap?
Without even turning around to meet his opponent face to face, Alucard allowed himself to be stroke by the arrow of flame, his body seemed to burst in fire and consume itself turning into ashes almost instantly. His ashes however, melt becoming a puddle of black waters that evaporated in a few moments. Silence took over for an instant, as it seems Alucard was nowhere to be seen. Then the room became dark, and shadows figure recemblancing bats appeared from every corner. The shadows gathered behind the man, and merged instantly, giving form to a man in a red trench coat; it was Alucard. Alucard smirked, pulling his handgun out of its holster and aiming it to the back of Roy's head. "Too bad you just hit my should I pull the trigger and see if you can do the same?" Then no sound was made until Alucard imitated the sound of a gun being fired " are dead" Of course, Alucard did not pull the trigger, instead he withdrew his gun and put it back in its holster.

"You should be careful with those flames, you could hurt someone....besides you might ruin this shop as well and then you would have to pay for all the be intelligent and do one of the following: "A", stick with us and be a nice guy, "B" be a spoiled brat and get beaten, all of us against you, or "C", shut up and listen to what Kenshin has to look smart, don't disappoint me..."

Alucard walked towards Seres Victoria and stood besides her, leaning his back against one of the columns that gave stability to the building and the roof. Anxious and eager to leave as soon as possible, Alucard urged them to seek a way to get out of here. "Can we just GO now?"
Ed was walking through the streets of the small village when he over heard two men talking to each other about a man who could create fire by clicking his fingers by the bakery "hey, that sounds like fuhrer mustang" Ed thought to himself before he began running towards the bakery "maybe he knows were we are" when Ed arrived at the bakery he saw Roy with a man stood behind him pointing a gun at his head "dammit i can't help him" he thought
when the man holstered his gun Ed smiled and then walked over to mustang, He stopped when he was stood in front of him and saluted "Fuhrer Mustang, Sir where are we?"
Yes Roy, if you haven't noticed we have formed an alliance, so I don't think that you would stand a chance... But you are welcome to join us in our alliance as long as you don't start something like that again... So do not do that again, or we will not hesitate to kill you...

Yes, we should be going now. The question is where do we go first? We have no money, and that means no food, shelter, and tools.... We might try to earn the money, or on the other hand we could always hunt for our food, and make a camp.... It's up to you guys, I personally don't care....
"Well I got a few of these stones because I killed a beast that was literally begging to be released...well it just got in my way...the wrong way...." Alucard continued as he wondered where should they be heading at the moment. With actually no knowledge of their environment, they were lost in a very complex labyrinth. "Should we get outside and see what we could find? Seek for books, maps, any source of information available. There's an inn nearby, we could meet up threre. I also heard that monster hunting around these parts pays a good amount of money...perhaps we should try that first."
Ok, I think that we should split up into groups of two and kill some monsters that will give us money, so that we can buy a room in the inn, get food, buy a map of the area, and buy tools and first aid items... If we do this the groups should be as follows: 1) Alucard/Seres, 2) Kenshin/Edward, 3) Ichigo/Roy....

Do we all agree on this, or should it be revised someway?....
Ed looked up at Kenshin "I guess we are going together then" Ed then clapped his hands and slid it down his forearm unleashing his blade "then lets go"
Seras nodded to her master and smiled a bit.

"Shall we go then? And where to? I don't think any of us are very familiar with this area at all"

She sighed and looked out the pastry shop window at the town. Was there any way to get back to headquarters?
Oh, I did forget to give you guys directions to go didn't I?

Ok, here it is: Team 1 will go North, Team 2 will go West, and since there are only three teams and 4 directions Team 3 will cover South and East....

We will search for 2 days, and we will meet back at the inn both days at sundown. If one or more teams do not make it back by sundown then the teams present at the inn will go search for them.... Remember, we have no idea of how strong these monsters are, and if we are able to take them... If you are not sure that you can take them then just come back to the inn and wait for everybody else, DO NOT fight these monsters if you don't think that you can take them, we cannot afford for one of us to die.....

Are we all clear on what I have just said?
Gourry was confused.
Was he on a team? and what was he to do.

He opened his mouth in attempt to ask, but where stopped bu an earthquake of sorts.

He walked out, and saw in the distance. What seemed to be a overgrown, buffed shadow creature.

What Gourry could seem, it was around as tall as a small building, and was the color of a shadow.

A dark grotesque voice echoed in the town.
"You have been brought here, to die..."

Gourry was confused, what was this, and why did it want to kill them?
Gourry shouted "Why?!"
it replied in the same tone "Because Lord Galon demands it"

Gourry knew, even with his lack of smarts, that this would end up as a battle.
He Grabbed his handle, and shouted "Light, come forth" as he drew it.
He now wielded the sword of light, that had been passed down in generations in his family.

He stood there, in the center of the road, awaiting any reaction from the ones in the bakery, or the monster which where slowly walking closer.

OOC: This is not a one hit one kill monster.
Well. at max, some characters could. but that is no fun ^^
Anyone can make it talk, and reply.
but it will not reveal more then it already have.
Seras frowned at Ichigo.

"And who do you think you are, ordering us around into teams?! I only listen to the orders of my Master!"

She really was beginning to dislike the prospect of working with these people, especially Ichigo, with his bossy nature. And she was getting hungry...but a voice had said something.

"W-what do you mean we've been brought here do die?! Who is Lord Galon?!"

She gripped the Harkonnen tightly and growled, revealing her own set of fangs.

"Show yourself, you coward!"
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OOC: Sorry bout that RF, I forgot about you because I didn't feel like going to the pages before, and you didn't post on the page I was on, so I forgot about you... Again sorry...
OOC2: And Zeria that was kinda mean, no one was doing anything so I decided to step in with that.... And what's wrong with what I said?...

*Ichigo looked over to where Gourry was and saw a shadowish figure, he also saw that Gourry took out his blade so Ichigo imediately unsheathed his sword. Just to test its strength, Ichigo attacked it with a Getsuga Tensho from long range.... When it hit the shadowish figure deflected it back at Ichigo. Ichigo then used Shunpo and ended up next to Gourry.* Hey Gourry, what is this thing and why is it after you?
OOC: did Ichigo ever use Getsuga Tensho in his Shikai state?
I thought he could only use it in his Bankai state...

"How should I know" Gourry stated in a slight panic.

Gourry took a wider stance, and brought his sword back.
A powerful swing towards the creature, sent out a wave of close to white energy.
The monster sidestepped, and Gourry's energy wave took down a small building in stead.

Gourry stood there, his jaw almost penetrating the ground, and eyes the size of footballs.

OOC: Yeah, he uses Getsuga Tensho in Shikai state, and he uses Kuroi Getsuga in Bankai form... Trust me, I have seen every episode of Bleach in english, japanese, and manga...

I guess it's my turn again.... *Ichigo uses shunpo, gets behind the shadowish figure and slashes wildly. The shadowish figure dodges every attack, and slashes Ichigo in the back. Ichigo flies 10 feet, gets up, and makes a drastic decision....*

BAN...KAI!!!! Tensa Zangetsu...

*After Ichigo releases his bankai, he then uses his special increasage in speed and circles the shadowish figure going so fast that he only leaves after images. While doing so, Ichigo releases 50 Kuroi Getsugas at the shadowish figure... After the dust clears, Ichigo sees the shadowish figure, and notices that he did do damage, but the shadowish figure still looks like he has a whole bunch of fight left in him.....*

Damn! I thought that that would work...
As Roy was further threatened by this mysterious man, he was mainly shocked at the prospect of it surviving his attacks. He should have at least taken some burns, unless he was not even human... After seeing Edward appear he decided to ignore him, at the moment he was slightly furious and was trying to resist the urge to strike the man again. turning around abruptly he walked away a few paces and crossed his arms in anger. After hearing the proposition with teams, he seemed to think his abilities were in doubt, the prospect of teaming up with somebody he hadn't even been introduced to yet puzzled and angered him further. The thought of killing some monsters may relax him somewhat though, so he stood there, like a statue, waiting to see who would approach him first. However, before this could be done a shadowy demon-like being appeared overhead, before Roy could make out what it was saying it seemed to be readying an attack, Roy prepared to fight back should the foe attempt to strike him. He prepared a fireball and manipulated its course towards the 'face' of the being.