Any plans for tonight?

I just got back from work and it's something relaxing. I may read some of To Kill a Mockingbird - I REALLY need to prepare for my PGCE :gasp: - or watch a DVD. I could watch King Lear on DVD or look for Orthello on youtube. :hmmm: I'm gonna read Hamlet within the next month too. I need to read more Shakespeare and poetry!
It's Tuesday night, so we'll be buying pizza and hiring out cheap movies. :ryan:

I really want to watch Pirates of the Caribbean 4, so we may watch that. :ryan:

Other than that nothing much else. The housework was done yesterday and it's still only the start of the week. Can't really do much on a work night.
Tonight I will be spending with the family, probably watching some rubbish soaps on television, and texting my fiance every so often. Later on I will probably sneak down to play a little bit of Xbox 360 too.
I'm probably going to stay home and rest my body. Getting beat up, combined with the cold, is not good on a person. Probably gonna work on my paper some, then maybe play the xbox.
We're just staying in and watching The Island.

It's a really hot night as well. No breeze at all. Wierd considering the first part of the week was freezing!!!

Might have a Drumstick ice-cream and a few Jack and Cokes as well. :ryan:
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Tonight I will be playing a lot of Xbox 360 (probably FFXIII and Dance Central 2), drinking a lot of diet coke, maybe do some writing and sort of some washing, oh and cooking dinner maybe.
I'm back from word around 7, so will either do some reading to prepare for the PGCE or will play some Uncharted 2! I think Masterchef is also on tonight! The two semi-finalists who were battling one another yesterday were so evenly matched that both went into the final and I think they've decided to run an extra show. I can't help but feel a little sorry for the two other finalists who won their round and may now be eliminated a little sooner than expected. :(
Amazingly boring night.

We went out for a BBQ but I got in a bad mood because everyone fucking smokes and ditches me to go and smoke downstairs.

Excuse me for not being a smoker and therefore an outcast in your eyes. Fucking idiots. Even my "friend" went downstairs and had a smoke as soon as she rocked up because apparently she's taken up the filthy habit now.

Idiots the lot of them! We are living in the generation where people now know the consequences for smoking and yet they still decide to do it anyway! Idiots!

I feel like I'm the only normal one for thinking this way, yet I also feel abnormal sometimes because everyone I know smokes and I'm always the odd one out.

I don't even bother going out to have a drink with them anymore because I can't stand the bloody smell.

Anyway, that was my shit night.
I am working from three until ten, and after that I am getting a taxi to the next town over, where a pal is giving me a lift to another pal's 21st. I anticipate serious carnage, I just got paid yesterday, there are 50 odd people going, and I have a couch to crash on
Tonight I am home alone, and during that time;
- Lots of writing and drawing
- Planning out xmas presents ideas for family (Still haven't gotten them all yet!)
- Deleting facebook perhaps (I hate the drama it causes 24/7)
Praying it doesn't hail. :jtc:

What pooey weather again. I wish the weather could be consistent. One minute it's beautiful and sunny and then after lunch it's crazy thunderstorms and what not.

Why can't it just be stable? An ideal weather pattern would be sunny with a nice breeze all day and then light rain at night, so that we don't have a drought or anything. XD
Tonight we shall eat real food.

We've had takeaway a lot lately and it's making me feel yuck.

I need something fresh and yummy.

We shall have lasagne and salad and I really want to buy some fruit as well. I need to eat healthier!

Hadcore Pawn is on tonight too. I love seeing all the wierd and wonderful things people bring in to hock. XD
I'm probably going to go to my friend's house for the night, though, since we don't have enough beds in my house for all of the relatives staying over. We'll probably run and get fast food and then raid the outlet mall. We're stupid and bored.
filling my face with junk food whilst the boy is playing out, gunna have a soak in the bath, maybe game a bit and wait for the text to go pick said boy up from the pub. So I hope its not like a 3am job, or i wont be answering il be in a food coma :wacky:
Well last night we had our Christmas Eve party and today we're going to my parents for lunch, so we don't really have all that much planned for tonight.

I'm not really all that fussed though. I'd rather stay home and sleep/relax. Even though it's the weekend I've been waking up early and running around trying to get things sorted for Christmas. Not relaxed as yet. XD
Playing Assassin's Creed for a few hours. I have chocolate cake. :britt:

So far, I'm loving this game. Even if I can never get the hang of the delicate environment which makes me probably the most obvious assassin ever. I managed to step on a woman's head and she ran away screaming. I've killed so many soldiers unnecessarily, I've lost count. :ffs:
Tonight? Filling my face with Christmas dinner leftovers, sleeping, onlimne shopping, going on a walk with my dad, sitting on facebook and tumblr bored, and charging my phone.
In no particular order though xD
I need to get started on my finance management assignment. Also, in one of my marketing classes, I was made co-head of creatives sooo I need to contact the team and ask how their graphics are coming along. Then I compile it and make a presentation. :gonk:

I've put it off because I wanted to enjoy the holidays. It went by so fast! :ness: Only three days to go until I go back to uni.
a bunch of us are going for chinese, im not hungry though, and ive hardly eaten all day so i will be hungry but im not arghhhhh