Any plans for tonight?

I'm not sure what I want to do tonight :hmmm:

I can either be lazy and forum/sb tonight and blop if other people are on...

or I can watch my Netflix movie Tangled that has been sitting on top of our dvd player for a couple of weeks tonight and curl up and watch that on the couch...

or I can do some reading for school and watch whatever is on AMC afterwards because its FrightFest and they are only running scary movies on it now.

I dunno. After my paper I feel really unproductive so I'm kindof writing off the third option as I finish my post :damon:
I will be waiting for Steve to come home from work so that he can make us some dinner. <3

I love having my own personal chef. XD He makes the best food. <3

While I wait I'll either browse the forums and/or watch T.V. if my digital box decides to work for once. <_>
Yet again nope.

Hanging out on here a bit, then some Netflix.

Fucking college starting again means I see less of Si, but I am dealing with it rather well. Well, as well as I can deal with him missing. :wacky:
Nothing again. :yay:

It's refreshing because next week I get to be really busy. Fun busy, but busy still, so I'm seriously enjoying this down time this week.

Listening to music, and probably some Netflixin later. State of Georgia was so funny earlier might have to finish it. :lew:
Just gonna go get cheap Tuesday pizza and fill my car up. Oh joy. I hate spending money on petrol.

Then we shall sit and watch T.V. Hopefully there's something good on tonight because I've just about exhausted my DVD collection.

I could go to bed early and get rid of this headache but I know that won't happen. XD
Two of my flatmates are going out tonight. 3 of them aren't though I think they're just going to be dossing in their rooms doing whatever. Personally I'm going to start writing my 3000 words essay for Public Law about whether the UK should have a written constitution. Not exactly a fun way to spend your night but it doesn't have to be in until December 9th so if I can get it over and done with as soon as possible it means I have a lot of time to tweak it if need be when I talk to other people in my class and when I learn something new in lecture, though that will probably be minimal at best.
Well as of right now I am thinking of going Christmas shopping seeing as it is Thursday night late shopping.

There are a few things that have caught my eye at work that look like they could be awesome presents and not only are they cheap, I also get a 20% discount just for working there.

I'll have to pay off my work account before I put anything else on it though. >.<
I may watch a movie, but will almost certainly do some gaming! Either Final Fantasy VI or Uncharted 3, perhaps both. My mother has also made a pumpkin casserole, so I shall be enjoying that later! :D
Well Steve is cooking up a home made pizza so that's something to look forward too tonight.

Have to wash the dishes before he starts though. Oh joy.

I'll probably just watch T.V. until I fall asleep. I'm far too tired to bother doing anything else. :gonk:
A simple meal followed by some Uncharted 3, methinks! I may finish it. :D

Apart from that... I may take a break from the screen just before bed to do some reading. :)
Well I got home late from work tonight.

We had our Christmas Preview night and I had to stay back and help out.

I just got home not long ago and I intend to just much on goodies and drink Jack Daniels and watch some T.V. <3

This has been the best work night for me in a while. <3
I'm going to be volunteering at a local youth club, getting to know the kids more and just generally getting involved in activities.

Before that, I am gonna watch some TV, may play more of Uncharted 3 (I've just reached the desert!) and will be having lentil soup for dinner. :D
Well my plans changed last night.

We had to take our neighbour to the hospital. She was there waiting for six hours. =/

Tonight we'll just be staying in and watching Fast and Furious Five and cooking up some Dolmio Tuscan Chicken Stirfry. Not had that in ages! Looking forward to it!
After years of waiting, I finally have the Lion King on DVD! :D (And Blu-ray...) So I may watch that. :)

Reading and/or writing would also be a good idea. =]
I'm having an early one. I really can't keep doing this to my body. :gonk:

I'm so so tired and my eyes look like crap.

I look like I'm on drugs or something, which I most definitely am not!

If I can't sleep I'll watch my new True Blood Blu-rays that came in the mail yesterday. <3
Plans for Tonight:

Well I hate it when it comes to weekends, but I have to head back to my Mother's house for one night after spending 3 days at home after the fire incident. I have to help her clean house for a little while just only vacuum the upstairs just the living room, dinning room, and hallway, also my spare bedroom when my cat was here last weekend.

Afterwards, spend some time on my mom's computer, hanging at the site, and read some fanfics till about midnight tonight. I gotta stop staying up so late so I can get extra hours worth of sleep since I have bowling tomorrow. :)