Any plans for tonight?

Plans for tonight... plans for tonight!

Mmm cook a delicious meal, followed by DvD viewing... and sleep!!!!!!!

Gawd @_@ I haven't had a night in for 1 month. It's so sad, but I am really looking forward to it xD.
I have to write a Preview for the ND game this weekend and finish unpacking. Just moved in to a place and there's a shit ton of stuff to do. Ugh.
Tonight I get to crash early so I can get up in the middle of the night to talk to the boyfriend. :3
Happy, happy. Yay for Fridays.
We both have school and yeah, the weekends are off.
Tonight I'm going to my mates 21st.

It's gonna be a little wierd seeing as I only know him from work and through my brother. Everyone else that's going I've never even met before. Might come home a bit early due to this. >.<

In situations like these I usually drink so that it breaks the ice and I can talk to people, or I get bored and leave. >.<

Good thing is that it's only down the road from where we live as well. >.<

I have to postpone our(my GF and I) day trip tomorrow so I am planning to just take her out to dinner tonight.
Lets see my schedule today is simply one thing and thats crackdown on Star Ocean 3, Gonna go ahead and finish up moonbaseat some point today. Then of course fix myself some nice chinese food or pizza I havent decided yet though :I other than that Im gonna relax and enjoy my weekend off from work I need it -_-
Looks like I'm alone tonight :(.
So my plans are going to be pretty basic. Hopefully the plumbing for my sinks will be done this afternoon so I can cook in the evening. I am going to attempt recreating beef curry udon noodles! Oh yeah!!!! <_<;;
Apart from that I will watch TV, some episodes of House Season 6 and perhaps even crack open a cheap bottle of wine. I don't know... it's going to be pretty boring. I want to go out and do something fun but everyone is busy.
Tonight I am going to the cinemas with my pals Lauren and Tania. We're going to eat tea first, probably at some shit place called cafe primo. I hate it there but it's the closest restaurant to the cinemas.

Then I will get a nice banana choc-top to eat during the movie. The movie I am going to see is Horrible Bosses. I really like the look of it, I think it will be ok. It doesn't look shit.
Nothing really.

I got off of work about an hour and a half ago, and I don't feel like doing anything in particular except sitting here. :gasp:
I am probably going to stay up late and look things up on the computer. I also need to set up my Bridesmaids cardboard thing. I dont know what you would call them... :hmmm: Oh well, I'm just excited that I got it. I need to get it out of my car first. D8
Tonight...erm :hmmm: right now I am going to start my water so I can boil some more of those fabulous yukon potatoes that I got so I can have them with some leftover chicken for dinner :inlove: ...and I'm going to turn on Dead Island and go through the introduction so I can play the co-op part tonight with Al and Jeff :ohoho:

I suppose I'll put another load of laundry in too and do some other things. I have to work tomorrow so it won't be a late night for me. First days back to work after having off for awhile are always so hard :sad3:
Tonight I will be going to the Cinemas with my Friends Dani and Lauren to see a movie....the name of the movie escapes me but I think it is "What's your Number?" Or something like that.

It has Anna Farris in it and I loooove her :inlove:

After the movie we will probably go back to my house and hang out for a bit before I'll then have to drive my lazy friends home. :mokken: how annoying.

Then I will probably stay up a bit and then go to bed :hmmm:
I intend to get drunk and watch movies, music videos etc in the lounge room!

Today is my first official day off for my five day break and I am going to just go nuts. XD

I will have to go out and get my Jack Daniels though. We have a pathetic little dribble left in the bottle in our cupboard.

I'm so tempted to dig into my savings and go buy some right now. :gonk:
hopefully off to the Trafford Centre for a bit of shopping followed by TGI's hummmmmm. Off to Manchester tomorrow night (y)
Nothing tonight.

Feels nice to take a breathe and read this forum. I'm never here as much as I used to be. :yay:

Probably going to watch a bit of something later, not sure what.