Any plans for tonight?

I just got home from my brothers 21st birthday dinner.

I'm just about to sit down and watch a movie with Steve. Haven't done that in ages it feels like.

A dog came into our yard tonight too. So I'm currently freaking out about that. :gasp:

It is nice at the moment and it likes Steve. But it's huge. A staffy crossed with something else. I'm scared it'll get annoyed and attack. >.<
I just got home from my brothers 21st birthday dinner.

I'm just about to sit down and watch a movie with Steve. Haven't done that in ages it feels like.

A dog came into our yard tonight too. So I'm currently freaking out about that. :gasp:

It is nice at the moment and it likes Steve. But it's huge. A staffy crossed with something else. I'm scared it'll get annoyed and attack. >.<

Congrats with the birthday of your brother. = )

I just had a fantastic breakfast, I love sundays. Think I'll in the jacuzzi today and tonight I'm going to my own (student : P)place.
^^ Thank you! =)

Steve won't be home until late tonight, but when he does get in he's going to cook some yummy dinner. :gasp:

Some yummy chicken stirfry we've been craving since the last one didn't work out as planned.

Then just sit and watch a movie of his choice.
I'll be plugging away at my portfolio that has to be in for Tuesday, I've got a nice little schedule planned out that is currently running smoothly, so long as I have everything done by tonight or tomorrow. Flatmates are going out, depressingly, but priorities have to be put straight when coming to assignments. :mokken:
Off out for Ginas bday, Grease night at the village. Well in need of a night out, I think me Gina and Clare are most in need of a massive piss up, not seen mel for ages and me and zoe are a massive bad influence on each other so should be a fucking ball

cant wait!
Definitely catching up on the sleep, after doing an all nighter last night to finish my portfolio I feel worse than death even though I've had a little sleep during the day. Hopefully I can manage to get to bed at a reasonably decent time to ensure my sleeping pattern isn't fucked :gonk:
Might get Steve to hook up the T.V. and the DVD player tonight.

I hate fiddling around the back of the T.V.

So much going on there and he's the one who set it all up so I'd hate to ruin his work. XD

Haven't watched T.V. in my own home since 2008 I think. XD
I'll be working out and maybe tweek about with graphics. :hmmm:
I don't plan on doing much today because I've been ill though.
I'm off to the comedy club, Frog and Bucket, down town tonight for my friend's 26th birthday. I've been there before and it was pretty great, so I naturally have high expectations tonight.
If everything works out, I'm gonna go see my friend before he leaves for Texas on Sunday. Knowing my luck, though, I don't think that's gonna happen.
I'm going to go buy a new bookshelf and build it, probably. It's got five shelves and my current bookshelf is overflowing with comics. Time for an upgrade.
Working on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 now i finished Call of Duty 4 on my PS3 last night. I'm trying to get all my data story lines back then get back to Final Fantasy 13 soon :)
I'm going to just stay in and get my work done for Computer Literacy and English Composition 1. Then I have to start some research for Noam Chomsky for Philosophy so I can jump on my presentations. Work, work, work. Oh but it'll be sooo rewarding in the end. :D
Just going to have a few drinks and some dinner.

We need to go out food shopping first though. No food in the house again!

I really need to wash my hair again tonight too after cleaning up all that grass.

Probably little bugs in my hair making homes as I speak! =0
Probably a quiet one tonight. Maybe hit the PS3 and play some games. Good thing is, I can stay up later than usual since I don't have the early shift in work tomorrow. Besides that, if I feel like it, I'll probably get going on my next script or do some research for my report.