Any plans for tonight?

Watching the first episode of the first season of The Sopranos for one of my Uni modules and taking down notes for my cultural map in my other module. Other than that, it'll involve some gaming and watching TV.

I'm gonna have a nice meal with my boyfriend to celebrate his birthday then veg out and play Street Fighter or FFX. :D

I was meant to be going to the pub, but then it got switched to Saturday and now it's been cancelled because some people can't come.

So instead, I'm going to be getting on with an assignment due in on Monday. I always leave it until the last minute on Sunday night and I really shouldn't be doing that.
Passed out before I had the chance to play Ar Tonelicoll so other than giving this game a bash, I'm hopefully going to get some time alone with Leo. If not, I'll move on from PS to Xbox and get into the zone with Prince of Persia.
just monging at the mothers. ive not had a moments peace all week, so just got me feet up and enjoying some not going out time for the first time in a week. i cant believe how mucch weight ive put on. mega diet from monday D:
im torn between going out and going home

i kinda just wanna go home and chill, but on the other hand, i kinda wanna go get really drunk..... curses to the temptation. only reason i dont wanna go out ios because i havent had a moment to myself all wekk, but then i havent seen them lot for aaaages and il have my boring normal doing fuck all through the weeks back from monday. so im kinda torn. bah
Dunno if I should go out for dinner or stay in again.

I would like to end the holiday with another night out but at the same time I want to just relax at home and save my energy for the following day.

Have to wait for Steve to get up and ask him to make the final decision for me.
I'm just glad that the brutal stuff happened yesterday when it was suspected.
After school today though, staying with my friend at Starbucks for a while to work on assignments together for fun. Theeen when I get home, I have to finish the rest of my financial aid application form as well as order my cap & gown for graduation.
For stuff I have on my to-do-for-fun list, I'll be working more on my POV story. 4 pages so far, and with the schedule I've been having lately, that's not bad at all . :ryan:
Nothing much really.

I wanted to catch up on watching Xena again. Haven't watched it in a while now. I was on a roll before my holidays. Up to Season 5 now. Only one more to go after that. :sad3:

Waiting for Steve to get home is the main thing I'll be doing. He just called to say that they're not even started on the last bit of work they have to do every night before they leave and it takes about half an hour to do that.

Then he has to drive half an hour home. So that's at least another hour. It's already 8pm, the time he should be home. :gonk:
I think I'm spending tonight at my Uni flat with my friend, we're on full on "get assignment done" mode, and we always have a laugh when we're together.

Although, I finished my assignment yesterday, and had no sleep because of it, so I might just cancel and grab an early night's sleep. There is nothing more boring than watching someone else do an assignment.

Totally boring night, but it's more fun than it sounds :lew:
Tonight I think my plans are gonna be revolving around getting coursework done and spending intervals in the bathroom :hmmm:

I think its my diet telling me I need to eat properly and not really on quick snacks and subways to keep me going -__-

But tonight is the night I need to get all of my undone coursework finished otherwise I can kiss my A-levels good bye....

Well I've been out all morning sorting things out and I'm pretty tired so I guess I'm just staying in, maybe watch a DvD or something. Wanna spend my time relaxing before work on Monday :/
eh im sposed to be going out for my mates GFs 21st. Shes got a table booked at a place and everything. Honestly i think il cancel. Shes a bit of a pain in the arse tbh and her family is gunna be there which doesnt really appeal to me too much ¬¬
Besides i could do with not spending the money what with only having 4 weeks of work left so all around its good. I may just stay in and watch a film or something.
Just gonna stay in and drink some alcoholic drinks.

I have a splitting headache and need to numb the pain, plus I have a gazillion ulcers in the back of my throat from stressing so much lately. Probably where the headaches have come from as well.

So just gonna have a shower, drink some JD and watch Xena.
WORK. WORK. WORK. :rage:

My teacher may or may not give me an extra day to work on my ASL project. If not, chances are I won't be presenting today anyway. But I'll probably be up till like, 3 in the morning working on the remainder of it. That and there's the other stuff I have to do - like finish the last application to the last of several colleges I'm applying to. Deadline on Friday. Have a big essay part to fill out on it. Joooy. This'll probably be a hectic week for me . ~_~
I ain't doin' shit. :mokken:

I got home from my work trip last night, so I plan on doing nothing but relaxing tonight. I'll probably play some vidya games, and talk to people on Skype. All in all, I'm not doing a damned thing that requires a bit of effort. :griin:
These past few weeks I spend my nights doing papers or studying for finals. THAT'S BASICALLY THE STORY OF MY LIFE :rage:

But whenever I have free time, I watch Supernatural. I just finished the third season. So...honestly, I have no idea what else to do tonight. :rage: I might try to make a set of Dean Winchester since it's been ages since I made any graphics.