Any plans for tonight?

Was going to go out with a few friends tonight, but don't feel like it. For one, I'm feeling ill. Two, I don't fancy it. And finally, I've got the early shift at work tomorrow.

So instead, I'm staying in. Probably going to do my final assignment while watching the first season of The Vampire Diaries.
Couple of relatives are coming over. Some dinner....lots of dessert =P should be a fun night, and a good way to pass time seeing as my internet's dropping out...
Relaxing/winding down from the days events. Have to spend another Saturday going all day without being here with my friends.

Oh well, I knew what I was getting into when I signed up for it, so I can't complain TOO much. *complain complain* :hmph:
Off to Manchester with Helen and whoever else is going, I didn't pay attention to details other than town and alcohol. It's usually a messy one when I'm out with Helen as well, so hangover of doom expected the morn. Mother wants to go out for dinner as well :gonl:

Anyway, looking forward to this seeing as I didn't go out new year :ryan:
Probably just a quiet one with the usual banter. We're going out tomorrow night anyway so there's no particular reason to get pissed tonight, especially with lecture in the morning. :( Other than that, I highly doubt it'll be something mega interesting tonight.
I'm gonna come home and relax. I will be running around all day, and will need a well-earned sleep when I finally get home at whatever time I get home.

Go Mustangs?
In reference to my last post: Scan went fine. =) Results all good! Got them checked the weekend just gone.

Anyway, just sitting in and watching movies.

We hired out about 8 movies and 1 game and we got a new PS3 controller yesterday to play multiplayer too!

It's raining at the moment so it's the best weather to stay in. =)
Almost lunch time, going to get something delicious!! Afterwards, come back to work,

wait till it's over, then go home and play some Dance Central!!!
Hmm listenin to music while reading manga and chattin with peeps on the forums....might stalk facebook for a bit, the bastards on my facebook deserve to be stalked.... :)

Wish i had mates alittle closer to home though, that way i could actually get smashed and have fun :)
Crash out way earlier than normal, due to an early start tomorrow. Have to be up at 3 in the morning. Go me.

I just hope that nothing else happens. The last couple days have already been bad enough.
My plans for tonight is to pass out on the floor with a playstation
controller in one hand while the other holds onto an empty tea cup. :'D
Going out for dinner and then a movie hopefully.

Looks like we're about to get another storm too. I just hope it holds off until we get home.

Then it can rain all it likes. Just as long as there is no wind, hail or lightning strikes to strike down a power pole or a tree onto my cars. <_<
I don't really have any set plans for tonight. For the past three nights, I've been drinking and partying. I think I'll just take it easy tonight. I might go for a bike ride if it's not too cold. It'd be nice to spend the day outside.