Any plans for tonight?

Am off to the motherships soon, the brother is back from down south for a week, so stayingover tonight and having a catch up with the little shit, I cant wait
I'm gonna call up my friend to see what she wants to do for her birthday. I'm pretty sure she wants to go out and do something. Other then going out, I really have nothing else planned :monster:

Maybe go and hit the gym or sumthing :hmmm:

Idunno xD.
Ohhh I am soooo tired...have been since I got up at 5:30 this morning for work. My plan is to watch some cheap shows on MTV until I fall asleep and then saunter off to bed. I've been excited about going to sleep all day today :woo:
I am most definitely pouring myself a glass of Jack and Coke and sitting in front of the T.V watching the movies I just got off layby.

Steve should cook something awesome for dinner once again as well so I can't wait for that.

Really should have an early night because of my splitting headache but I really don't want to go to bed and wake up and it be time for work again.
Almost absolutely nothing.

I've got tonight's edition for trivia, will be doing a bit of gaming and cracking open the Smirnoff Ice because I'm in such a good mood.
Going to be watching movies, eating Seargents pies and drinking Jack and Coke.

It seems to be a regular routine these days, but I actually look forward to it every night. XD

It beats sitting at work in front of a computer all day in the hot office. >.<
Going to relax with the family and watch TV. I'll also probably go to bed early because I've got the early shift at work tomorrow and going out later on for the Christmas do, so I'm going to need all the rest I can get! xD
We're off to our mates to collect the rest of their coral for our fish tanks.

Far too heavy for my friend to bring with her last night, so Steve and I will be going tonight and he can lift it into the car. XD

Then we plan on going out to dinner to Hogs Breath. Haven't been there in ages!
I am going to go home and wind down after the match today. I forsee me doing alot of yelling, and if I'm lucky, I will have a voice tomorrow.

Knowing my luck, though, I doubt that's gonna happen.
Going out to the Christmas do with the rest of work. I'm meeting them outside a pub in about forty-five minutes, so I'll have to change into my clothes in about fifteen minutes and wait for a text to say I'm getting picked up. The place we're going to is kind of expensive, but it'll mostly be paid by the prize money we won from a competition.

It's also going to be the first time I've been out with my main boss. It's going to be weird.
Well it's Sunday so that means sitting in and watching movies.

Can't believe how fast the weekend went again.

Didn't even feel like anything much happened during the day yesterday. =/

Might go do some food shopping tonight for next week though. Need more meat!
It's going to be a boring Saturday night for me. I have to study for my final exams next week. I have tomorrow to study too and next week since I have one exam per day. I'm probably gonna end up my saturday night by downloading some music or watch a movie.
First thing I'm doing when I get home is having a drink of Jack and Coke.

Can't believe I've not had a drink this weekend.

I was going to have one tonight, but it's midnight now and far too late. =(

So I'm hanging out for tomorrow (technically tonight) now.
Well, I'm going to eat food I got from a takeaway and then get on with doing this final radio review. I have to listen to a brand new radio play and review it as part of my listening journal. Dull, but it's all work work work from here!
Well, was gonna watch some Hockey however, we don't get that channel :sad3: so, we're gonna just watch a movie or so and get some food :D

I'll probably play more Dragoons later tonight as well.

Other then that, trying to pass some time so that Christmas eve can hurry itself up xD.
Tonight I am just relaxing and playing some BlazBlue and will probably watch Soul Eater!
Got puppies to look after so no going out for me :(

Man I've been waiting for this for 3 months! They don't have them down south because those soft southerners can't handle 2000+ calories in one meal, the majority of people down there haven't even heard of it. Oh sweet parmo in a box, tonight we shall make sweet tastes. :ohoho: