Any plans for tonight?

Knowing how I am anymore, combined with the fact that nobody IRL cares about me, added with I can't do shit...........

Means that I'm gonna most likely stay at home. Again. It's been *counts* too many days since I went anywhere. :sad3:
Going dress hunting after work and also Christmas shopping.

Need to get a few more presents before Christmas.

Doesn't help that certain people think that it's too early to think about Christmas and so they won't give me any ideas on what it is that they want. XD

Frustrating! Don't they understand that I want to beat the Christmas rush! So no it isn't too early. XD
Staying in and watching TV with everyone else.

I may have been going to the a-ha concert tonight if my mum had bidded a good price for tickets, but she sacked it in the end because it was a ridiculous journey to get them.
I just got my ACT score back yesterday. I'm not too happy with it, so I'm debating whether if I should leave it as it is and start applying for colleges or to sign up to re-take the ACT. I should be able to decide one or the other by next week. Tonight, I'm going to see Harry Potter: The Deathly Hollows today with 4 of my best friends, and my mom and dad are coming over to visit me early today since they couldn't come yesterday, so today's going to be plain fun ~
Staying in and watching TV, whilst I get on with some Uni work at the same time. Nothing interesting, probably nothing interesting for a few nights at least now.
Going to try and get home early to hook up the internet to wireless again.

Lucky for us we never use the PS3 online (which makes me wonder why we bother having it) so it hasn't put us out that much.

Just sick of not having a nice kitchen table to eat at. Stupid desktop is sprawled out across it!
I'm off to a late lecture running from half six to half eight. I don't see the point of them really, even if it is just to accommodate part-time people. I'm full-time, dammit.

When I get in, which won't probably be until about nine o'clock, I'll be flicking the TV on, making some food and doing my second radio review. Want to have an entirely free day tomorrow, one I've not had in such a while now.
Going to make Banana Pudding for a Thanksgiving Party that the Sophomores in my college department are throwing~

One of two big ass meals I will be eating this week. Here I come, 20lbs...
I'm off to bingo for the first time with my mum and grandma. Never been before, so I'm hoping to win some money. Could really need it now, what with Christmas coming up and all. Whatever we do win, we're going to split it three ways.
I'm going to the German market in town, Ive never been before, apparently its ace, and Ive been wanting to go for a while, and it's summat different for a firstr date as well :neomon:
Well I am going to my Uncle's house later as it is one of my cousin's birthday. I guess we are going to eat there and all that. Not too fond of kids running around though. They are 2 little girls and only one of them has a birthday today but... yeah it will kinda turn to hell as they make so much trouble. Like I said I hate kids running around and making so MUCH noise..
We're just staying in saving money and cooking up some yummy chevaps, mashed potato and veges for dinner.

More lovely bills this week.

Wish bills would come to a standstill over the holidays and then continue on afterwards. Would be a nice break. =P
Well I got my ACT score last week. I think its about time I start applying to some colleges. I'm not exactly too happy with my score, but I can put in each of my letters that I'll sign up to take it again later on. Going to Starbucks again with my friend again after school and then visit my friend down town (no he's not in jail) to see if he can take me to get a tattoo soon .
Well I just arrived at the Hilton here in Memphis, TN. About to head to Amerigos for some Pasta with my brother and his wife and then going to try to sleep early for tomorrow's Marathon for St. Judes.

Should be an interesting day tomorrow... 26.2 miles..
Well we were meant to head out to La Porchetta for dinner until one of our supposed mates lied. <_<

He said he would be at ours at 5pm with the ute so that we could go and pick up our fish tank from our other mates. All night we've been ringing him and checking up to see where he's at and what time he'll be here and then at 8:30pm he turned his phone off.

It's like, 'Dude seriously, if you can't get here with the ute, just bloody tell us! Don't be a pussy and turn your phone off so you don't have to tell us the truth. By now we've figured out that you aren't coming and it's wasted our whole night, when we should have been out at La Porchetta eating and drinking the night away!!!'

If you had of just told us to start with we would not be pissed off with you at all! We would be disappointed that we couldn't use the ute, but at least we would know and wouldn't have wasted our night sitting around waiting for you!!! And you wouldn't be on our bad side right now!

Why do people think that they have to lie about doing things for people? Why say you're going to do something and then be a loser about it, knowing that you can't do it anymore and just not tell us? We have better things to do then wait around for you!!!

Anyway, we ended up at Hungry Jacks instead and now we're about to watch a movie and have a few Jack and cokes.

Seriously, some people really shit me off. <_<