Any plans for tonight?

SLEEPING. And then the next morning: MORE sleeping. The math midterm we had to take today was hard beyond imagination and I am so glad that I'm done with it (my grade was dissapointing.). But we have no school tomorrow because the semester ends today, so I'm just going to relax enough so then the only thing left to worry about is the ACT.
Tonight we're off to La Porchetta for dinner!

Absolutely can not wait!!! It's been ages since we went on a nice dinner date out.

They make the best pizzas there too. So light and healthy. None of that greasy doughy crap.

Then I shall have lemon lime and bitters to go with it and come home and go to bed early as I have to start at 5am tomorrow. :gonk:
My plans for tonight, well after I shower, I am going to start a fire, pop in a scary movie and curl up on the couch with my pillow and blanket and enjoy a quiet night. Don't have to be at work till tomorrow night so I can stay up late and sleep in. Probably during the movie I'll eat some fattening chocolate desert with milk. It's time to treat myself for once!

I have no other intention then having an early night tonight, I need one so, so bad. I can't remember the last time I got a somewhat decent amount of sleep. Even if people are going to be doing something tonight (which I doubt) I staying in and catching up on a few Zs.
Pretty much what I'm doing all day.

I'm trying to relax and rest. This cold has weakened my body and now that my back's playing up again, it annoys me so much. So my night would include watching my TV boxsets, gaming, talking to people online and maybe some reading. I feel like I've been neglecting my brain just recently. :sad3:
It's my 4-year anniversary with my girlfriend, so we're going to have a home-cooked meal and watch a movie.

I dunno what to cook though. :hmmm:
And I dunno what movie to watch either.
^ Italian food! If you know how to make it.

But for me, me and my friend Kimmy are planning on stopping at Starbucks again after school, and since every Wednesday is a short day, we get to spend a little more time there to drink coffee and chat. I remember she dropped me off at my house yesterday and my grandma was outside and she looked so confused. It may happen again, but not as surprisingly. Going to Starbucks has been an everyday thing for me nowadays.
Hm, we decided on sweet and sour chicken in the end. We're quite partial to Chinese food.
We like Indian-style food too, but we have chicken tikka masala like once or twice a week, and my girlfriend's too much of a wuss to eat anything spicier.

She's going to cook chocolate shortbread too, so it's all good.
And we'll probably watch The Dark Knight or something, I fell asleep last time we tried to watch it together.
i'm gonna sit my ass down watch movies and then sleep as work is ruling my life :eek: woop woop, HMV career ftw, emm i normally get a phone call about 8ish asking if i am going out, so perhaps at 8pm i shall be going to mc donalds :)
I may be going over to my mates to watch more True Blood tonight.

Let's hope I can actually pay attention to this episode. >.<

I think I'll be staying home though as Steve and I want to go out to dinner.

It's been a really long week and all I want to do is stay in really.
Tonight I am going out to dinner, and then I'm going haunted housing! We've picked out 3 of the best haunted houses we could find. Some of them are kind of expensive so we're hoping those are going to be the goods. I've got my tennies ready in case I have to run!
Turns out that Steve and I are both going to my mates house.

(Steve and my mates boyfriend are friends too.)

Going to have another all nighter and then crash at their's again tonight, the same as last Friday night lol.

I soooo can't wait to get ready! I dunno what to wear! XD Even though it's only my mates house and I see them all the time, it doesn't hurt to get all dressed up and enjoy the night even more!
I'm going to be relaxing and taking it easy at my dad's.

Going back for the weekend because I have work Saturday and Sunday. Definitely going to grab an early night because of how early I'm in tomorrow at work and after my failed attempts to get decent sleep lately, I need it. -__-
Today i plan on going to the bookies to place some dead cert bets and then come back home and Watch Rangers destroy Inverness 6-0 then later on watch the X factor
Off to Manchester as a vampire!

I'm abit ropey froml ast night though, and I only went out for a couple, double fucking vodkas and no food, probably made a spaz of myself. Ah well. just got home and crashed out. Of shopping with the mothership soon, so hopefully after retail therapy and oodles of food I should be ready to go!
Had a big night last night and we were meant to go to a Halloween party tonight but can't be bothered.

Too far away to drive and still feel a tad bit seedy every now and then to feel like partying.

Staying in with Steve and just watching a bit of T.V. I think.
Going to Starbucks after school again. And then I'm going to my friend's house to have a little discussion with her about what I heard one of her closest friends said about her. This had just started yesterday and it's ALREADY so fucking dramatic. I just want to stay home for the rest of the week. Even if I had to do school from home, I'd totally go for it. People are just on my nerves twice as much lately.