Any plans for tonight?

The only thing set in stone is lm gonna eat the donut l got at lunch!

I may watch sum DVD's.........the sky is clear so I may hit the old telescope and look at the stars. WOW!
Going to relax at my flat, eat some food and do some gaming. Just want to chill out for tonight and unwind. Don't want to be doing anything after the long fun afternoon I've had today.
Am off slummin' it down 'Bridge with Gina and Zoe, not been on a night out since the end of July, so it's over fucking due! My gob still hurts, but at least alcohol will sort that out
Get out at work at 9 then I've an hour bike ride all uphill to get home. When I get in I'm going to get washed then slob out on the internet drinking tea and eating toast.
I'm planning to go to an auto show with a few friends and look at some of the newest concept and market cars out right now. After that, I am going to study some of my classwork to remain sharp on our current subjects and to be ready if there will be a sudden exam.
Get the night over with, crash, maybe play some video games... in my sleep. And maybe work on my categorization skills.
Ugh, Steve wants to go out for dinner, but I just got home from the shops to buy potatoes to make us a yummy dinner tonight. >.< It won't just be potatoes. XD I just needed them to complete the meal I was going to prepare.

Anyway, he wants to go out but I still feel pretty yuck and I am sick of spending money on shitty food when I can probably make the same meal twice with the money we end up spending on take out.

The place he wants to go is fairly cheap, but still, we have food in the house to use up and I don't want to waste it or my money. :gonk:
I have to go back to Game Stop today. I bought a PSP but forgot to buy a memory stick with it. So until then I have to keep playing the beginning of my games over and over without being able to save. -_-
cant drink again, but waiting for Gina and we are just gunna slob out and have a massive scoff. Ive already ahd a massive feast today. My gob is recovering nicely (thank you antibioticssssss) so Ive just gone on a bit of a munch
We'll be going to a wedding tonight/this afternoon rather.

It's for a girl at my work and I can't wait to go because I don't ever recall ever going to a wedding before.

Apparently I went to one when I was four but I can't remember or appreciate what was going on at that age. XD

It'd be good to see how it all goes. <3
Quiet night. My flat mates are going to some foam party tonight but I've got a massive headache and a bit of a dodgy stomach so I'm giving it a miss, especially if I get it in my mouth it'll be the end of my stomach. I'll just wait for them to go out, cook dinner and just relax. :ryan:
Well, with any luck I won't be working all night but tonight looks like one of those night where it might just be the case. I scheduled myself to work overnight 2 nights this week on accident when I should have been working overnight 1 night. Oh well maybe I'll just have to leave early
clares coming round after work, bringing eclipse, so goss and perv times

Going to turn in a job application and sample some frozen yogurt at this new place called Wild Yo's that opened near us today. Then I'm gonna go dancin' at the disco club!
Hahano. I'm going to Plush. It's a club, but not for disco.