Any plans for tonight?

Nope, I have been out for dinner with the girls today though, I think there was summat inthe water though, we kept getting the giggles over stupid things, and Gina had an argument with a fellow motorist haha
I was meant to go out for drinks with the friends from work tonight, but that's been called off and I'm glad it has because my feet don't want to get up after the shift I had today. So instead, I'm having a nice comfortable night in watching TV, most likely X Factor. xD
My plans for tonight are to finish up some of my projects, and finally get some sleep. I've been working on a few things nearly non-stop. =3 I also have a RO client downloading, depending on wether or not it gets done though... I might play on that.
Nah nothing. Its sunday now, the weekends over so its a case of preparing myself for the dreaded monday morning at work.
The furthest point away from the weekend *sigh*
Same feeling with Lewis. :hmph:

Attending a birthday party. Looks like there's great food - like with all Filipino parties.
Well, I am working tonight, and what I'm doing at work tonight. Well I get to watch bacteria all night under a microscope. Doesn't that sound fun? Well between doing all that I'll be writing a paper that I have due tomorrow on cellular fusion. Haven't started it yet but I'll be doing that all night. Depending on what time I get done, I'll either go right to bed, or I'll just stay up and work on more GFX
Well if i can fix my bmx i'm heading out for some poker and a few beers, atleast that way i wont get raped for riding back pissed ;D

EDIT: It wont give me a break, stupid ass valve T_T
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Basically what I've been doing today.

Relaxing, gaming, writing, chatting. I've hardly got any money, so going out is out of the question.
We hired out Date Night to watch tonight so that's what we'll be doing after we've made some yummy dinner.

We've been working all day fixing up the house so we're gonna be pretty buggered come nightfall.

Early night tonight as I have to be up at 5am to start at 6am tomorrow morning. =(
Relaxing, gaming, writing, chilling.

I'm probably going to be doing more lying down and that by the time I'm finished. After a lecture, three and a half hours to wait in between, then another lecture and not being back at the flat until 9, I'm not going to want to do much.
After the exhausting day I've had, I'm going to be relaxing. Might be chatting to friends online, browsing the site and playing more of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Really getting into it.
Going to Starbucks to have a Wi-Fi chat with my study buddy to help me get ready for this Thursday's midterm and then some. I had to take one and a half tests today. I have to take the other half of the one test and a quiz tomorrow, and Thursday's finally the midterm. Plus I have my ACT testing this Saturday. I'm going to be binge drinking coffee all week. Its a good thing I have a Starbucks gift card.
Going to be at work more than likely.

Need to catch up on a load of things. I really hope I get home early though. I need more beauty sleep!

I would love it if I had foxtel. Instead I would come home early and watch the next episode of True Blood Season 3!

No point paying for foxtel when you're never home and never watch regular T.V. though.
Gina came round for a few hours, we tried our outfits on, her dress ios hilarious, cant wait to get arsing around with the make up tomorrow night :lew:

Just gunna spend the rest of the night monging... I should go to bed really