Any plans for tonight?

Off to meet Clare soon, she's been away for the week and Ive not seen her for agggges. There's going to be wine, I'm pretty sure I was going to not drink this week, and it's like, tuesday, and I've already crumbled under her bad influence already (Even though it was my idea, but she said
Just popped Gothika into the Xbox. I think it's one of the very few films I haven't seen out of this whale of a collection I have built up. I think that I have seen it before but I am not overly sure so best to check it out just to be sure. I am sure it'll be a letdown too.
Just older tunes from the early 80s and some trivium later Iwould love to play some Blitzball but my bro has the PS2 so ima just hang out with my otherhalf and laze on the couch and
post some stuff and pretend like it matters
Going to kick back and relax. It's been quite a day being out and all. I'll be here on the site, listening to music and doing more writing. I've recently got back into it, so I refuse to let my muse run off.
Going out Friday to a local fair. I'm gonna pick up chicks with my broseph and buy sum chikinz from a hot chick :monster:
Going out to town tonight and having a meal and drinks with some friends at Frankie and Benny's. Can't wait since it's been a while and I'll be meeting one of their boyfriends, too.
Going out Friday to a local fair. I'm gonna pick up chicks with my broseph and buy sum chikinz from a hot chick :monster:

that clearly didnt go as planned but i went anyway and had ribs and chikinz

but tonight i also had ribz n chikinz n pizza n soda n chili dogs n gatorade and won a scarface portrait in one of those throw darts at the balloon games (reminds me of that time i won the shoot water at the clowns face until the balloon on his head pops and got a giant teddy bear i was gonna give to a cute girl but somehow set it on fire) :monster:

i also watched a horribly mediocre band play live, but it was kind of fun :awesome:
Relaxing. It's been an exhausting day and maybe an early good night's sleep might be happening, too. Music's on, just going to kick back and do whatever.
Watching movies and relaxing until my eyes burn and I fall asleep...which I'm guessing will be around 9 or 10 since I worked the last two days and haven't slept well in the last three. Its going to be a rather short night :monster:
I am going to stay up for probably another couple of hours, then go to bed and wake up bright and early tomorrow morning. :hmph:
Well I'll more than likely have an early one tonight.

I have an appointment with my Orthodontist tomorrow morning and then I need to see the Doctor after that.

Thought I'd get all the yucky doctor appointments and such over and done with on my holidays while I had the time off. =P

Might cook up a nice salad or something for dinner too. Really been loving cooking lately! <3
I cant cook for shit..........out of a can Im brilliant but.......with make your own stuff....eeeshhh:(

Its kinda lat so all im gona do is waych some DVD's and have an early one, mes got work on the moro and I get awful sleep when I do.......if get any at all.

Also scoping Ebay for stuff......I love my stuff.
We're just going to cook up some Shephard's pie for dinner.

We already had some beer battered chips to satisfy our hunger for a bit though. XD

I'm doing the laundry at the moment and just finished the dishes.

Then I'm off to make myself a nice salad for tomorrow's lunch.

Left it a bit late but I got home late, so meh. >.<

After that we'll just watch a DVD. I can't stand not watching a DVD before going to bed. >.< I need a good story. XD
Helen and martinne are coming round tonight, I think there's gunna be sambuca as well. Clare might be coming too. I anticipate the hangover of my life tomorrow. I have a bottle of vodka the cupboard. I was hungover alllllllll day yesterday and that was just from wine, which is the staple drink for me!

I really hope the waterworks don't start, I've already had a wee blub this morning -__-
nopr nothing

Had a guitar lesson at 5pm and planned on going out afterwards with my pals around 8 but ive cancelled everything as im still feeling under the weather.
Gunna have to go out at some point today regardless, i get so bored just trollin around the house with the laptop ps3 or whatever. Need some fresh air =[
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