Any plans for tonight?

I'm going to bed and hope tomorrow comes faster! XD

I really can't wait for tomorrow night.

Considered calling in sick because I really am not feeling the best, but sitting at home all day will only make the day go longer, so I'll go to work.

Plus things need to be done at work. :gonk:
Going to be chilling out in my room, of course. I do plan on doing something productive tonight, just not quite sure what it'll be.
This is really for tomorrow night, but seeing as I'm not going to be online tomorrow, I may as well put it down here now. :hmmm:

For the whole of the evening to about 10-11pm, there's this college awards night in a hotel somewhere. I have to go because I have a subject award and some unidentified prize to collect. I don't know why it ends so late perhaps? :hmm:

For the rest of tonight however, probably a shower and then bed soon. xD
Not in work till tommorow morning. So just chilling tonight and havent got a clue what to do lol. Got games and books galore, but what to do, blimey lol.
Need to catch up with some TV online, so I'll most likely be doing that. Other than that, I'll be unwinding after such an intense match this afternoon. I get too excited sometimes. xD
Bed at 7/8pm wake at 1am, play Xbox until I get bored of it. Oh what fun plans I have D=
Yeah I'm gonna search ebay for a new sword!

I'm thinking the Glamdring sword of Gandalf from LOTR. I already have an, what do the kids these days epic Anduril:Sword of the King.

Im gonna play a game maybe some FFIX...or Saints Row. IDK
Clare's coming rouuuuuuuun, feel like Ive not seen her for aaaages, when in reality it's probably ony been a week or so :wacky:

We are both skint as, so we're just gunna have a cheap and cheerful oneon the wine and a good old gossip, she said she might be bring V as well, who has the most soap opera life ever, but I can imagine Clare saying she aint coming, she's in Dubai or summat. Dunno where that woman gets her dosh from

I've invited Gina as well, I think she will leave her car at home after Thursdays incident :wacky:

Glad I didn't drink last night, looking forward to tonight :monster:
I've woken up in the middle of the night (my sleeping patterns have been horrendous lately) and now I'm stuck here on forums and on Xbox and with shitty midnight TV until the sun comes up. Unless I can manage to fall back asleep.
Heading to the folks lakehouse this weekend with the wife. Apparently grilling out, but the drive is so damn long. I just wish I had a way of getting there faster. Anyway, hope to waterski a bit and then ride the old jet ski a few times. Did I forget something? Drink a bit of alcyhol.

That's about it.
Going to see if I can catch up with my TV shows online.

I've been neglecting them a lot just recently and I'd rather get caught up. It's also good inspiration for me to write and I might get a good giggle out of most of them.
Photoshop and GFX is the only two words I can say......
Take a trip down to a few nearby drinks and just make a night of it. Cheap and easy. I'm not paying like £7 for a beer anyways. Swim in the nearby lakes which should be badass. And then on the flipside, most probably get annihilated by mosquitoes in the process. All in all, a fun thing.
Off to Blackpool for a mahoosive piss up with the ladies later. STILL don't know what am wearing, so I've packed both outfits :andry:

Can't wait :ryan:
Well, plan was to go to the movies and see Inception :hmmm: hopefully that does happen. I think afterwards just gunna get a bite to eat and come back.. might have some peeps over to play cards or someshit :hmmm:
I am so going to sell my MTG's <3.

"We never thought of finding a place where we belong, You don't have to stand alone, we'll never let you fall, don't need permission to decide what you'll believe.

You're gonna learn something when we meet you after school! I said jump, down on Jump Street, Said jump! Down on Jump Street!

Your friends will be there when your back is to the wall, you'll find you need us 'cause there's no one else to call, when it looks hopeless, a decision's what you need.

You better be ready 'cause you're running out of time! I said Jump! 21 Jump Street".

21 Jump Street tonight! I can't wait haha. It's lame but I love watching. Even if it started before I was even born. Johnny Depp was not shit back then. Different to how he is now. Kind of fucks me off how his characters are almost always the same, you know? Still, credit where it's due. He's good.