Any plans for tonight?

Probably the user.

Reading, writing, gaming, browsing ... whatever takes my fancy. It's all I seem to do just nowadays, except from when I'm working at the weekend. Might crack open my remaining alcohol since I'm packing everything next week.
Tonight I'm gonna finish an AMV for the party this saturday. I already delayed it for 6 weeks so I have no choice, also don't want to finish it the day before because I don't have much time to fix the errors then.
Ugh Have to go to work tomorrow...............whinge.

Which means responsible bed time and getting up to catch the bus I hate people in the mourning..........fuck it Im gonna walk the 4 km to the place where I do my thing that I do.
(defeated sigh).
It's one of my friends' birthday today. So this evening we're off to eat out and celebrate afterwards in her house. I don't know where we're going to eat, but I'm expecting that I won't be back home until about about eleven.

Afterwards I'll probably do a bit more artwork before going to bed.
Its 11:51 here and I'm still up and "studying" for the damn philosophy and french literature finals on thursday. Damn philosophy prof gave us 65 pages to read like five days ago :panic:
and on top of that, I have to know four novels and their sodding authors and be able to quote them...looks like another long night...if I can manage to get off the forums here that is:lew:
Bored off my tits, msn seems to be broke, so I'm spending my night browsing eBay for FF merch to pass the time until I'm sleepy.
Yeah Im gonna sharpen my Masamune and Clean my Buster Sword It showing signs of neglect and rust wear.......damn stupid air moisture in the winter......Also gonna watch some Family Guy DVD's.

"This is better than that job I had supplying nght time heat for Lara FLynn-Boyle"

Swiches scenes

Lara:"Thanks Peter, I was getting a little chilly"

Peter:"hey you have your self a fine sleep there Lara"

Peter:" hey Lara?'"


Peter"Is Dylan Mcdermott nice in person?"



^^ Haha that scene was so gross. XD

I'll just be sitting at home and maybe I'll watch my new Bartok the Magnificent DVD that I got in the mail today. >.<

I do feel like sleeping more though. I'm dead tired and just want my aching body to rejuvenate.
Going to the Sox-Dodgers game! :awesome: This is going to be exciting, the arrival of Man Ram against the his former team, with men he did battle along side with to win a World Series in '04 and '07. This should be pretty awesome. Oh, and I'll have sunscreen this time so I don't turn into a tomato. :lew: Enjoy the day everyone, I know I will! :ryan:
Gaming, listening to music. The usual.

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Gonna watch the rest of the Familyguy DVD's I got.........and try and recoup my loses from Boston losing to L.A...........I thought they were primed :(. Nevermind.
Off to see the Britain's Got Talent tour tonight. Working a bit earlier, so that makes me a bit happier as well. Just gotta get through the day, knowing that it's in sight.
Went out last night, so Im gunna have the day of doing nowt today instead of last night like I planned. Might just scoff and game today. infact, firing up the PS2 has never felt so appealling, just a shame the fuckers upstairs
Tonight I'm gonna go to my best friend because it's her birthday and we'll go BBQ.
Maybe we're gonna watch a movie as well. Hope it will be fun, a girl will show up who I really dislike.

I deserve it after the very long day I've had. So that'll including writing, reading, gaming, catching up with online TV, going on MSN, etc.