Any plans for tonight?

I'll probably attempt to draw a FF character for that Birthweek drawing event tonight. I have a vague idea of who I'm going to draw and it's now a case of finding a good pencil to draw it (and a camera as well). :andry:
To my knowledge we are supposed to have another cookout, although I hope we don't. After my run yesterday my sinuses caved in again and now today I'm paying for it. This weather sucks, and Mississippi sucks for allergies. I just don't understand why all the sudden I am starting to get allergies at the age of 25.
I just finished my last exam so I'm going on a big night out tonight. The dirty, slimy club that sells £2 quad vodkas and mixer and where the bass makes your body vibrate. :hmmm:

I won't get smashed though. I kinda want to remember all the comical stuff that happens and that girl that keeps stealing my glasses. :rage: I have no idea what she looks like. :rage:
After work tonight, I'm going to Thompson Speedway! :awesome: Thompson is an excellent track, but they race on Thrusday nights and it's about an hour away, so it's inconvenient to go to. But my father's getting the tickets for free, so it gives us incentive to go. :lew: Should be a lot of fun, but working all day and then going to the track after is going to make for a long day. But it'll still be a lot of fun. :ryan:
Well lets see I dint watch the footy or the world cup, the next NBA finals is not on for a few days so sports are gone for the night. I'll dick around on here for a few hours and then hit the sack and spend the week end playing FF something or other.....But for now it just me and the whole of Stillwater to play in!

Its friday night and thats the best I can come up with?
This is the first Friday in forever that I have nothing to do. Not even John can entertain me because he's at his friends house. Planning on watching Toy Story 2 and playing some games.
I am going to stay over at a friend's house and mess around with my new video camera. We will probably do the usual stuff as well, Mario Kart, Halo, Super Smash Bros.
But the main thing we are doing is filming stuff which is going to be awesome.
Defenetly not something too exciting. I finished watching Forrest Gump and I've been somewhat flooded with inspiration. Back before the school exams, I would just turn on Microsoft Word and write something random, whatever comes to mind. Now I feel as if "I don't get the feeling", if you know what I mean. No ding-dong... Yeah.

I'm gonna write anyway -__- ... Something. Maybe a new poem or something... :hmmm:
Went out to dinner - going to either pop in some old cartoons or work on my current FF VIII file and probably not make it 15 minutes before I fall asleep. Fridays are a waste - too tired from the work week to do much of anything.
plan to be on the FFF.............anything wrong with that or I'm I just being a sad person stayin here............and not going out in the weekend?
Off to another bday BBQ, weathers still holding out, but it's not starting til 6.... at least that means i wont be on the sambuca by 6.30 like when I was at Helens.... bloody bad influence. All Ive done this week is eat and drink.... oh well, had a week off, had to be done. Looking forward to later anyway, should be funnnnn :8F:
I'll be next door at our neighbour's for a BBQ at about 7-ish this evening. There's no better weather for it. It's delightfully sunny and the breeze isn't too cold.

Then my dad and brother as well as our neighbours will be all fired up for the England VS USA football game at about an hour later. My dad is keen to make me watch it and he isn't accepting a "no" for an answer. xD

Since I'm really not the biggest fan of football there is, I would prefer to watch something else or just do some more artwork. :andry:
I just spent the last 45 mins on a new forum my bf goes on, in their mature section looking at random people's penises and vaginas...

And I'm not sure why...
doin nothing as usual so i guess i'll be up watching M*A*S*H on dvd and maybe a movie or get on here some more. hopefully i'll have something to do tomorow that's worth getting up for
WHOOO!!!!! :busta:

Getting a new Television today don't know how many inches (yet) will try PS3 on it...............

And the first game I will play.............
You've guessed it
Final Fantasy XIII

It will look glorius if it's a massive TV!!!!