Any plans for tonight?

Watching the semi finals of Britain's Got Talent and generally relaxing. I'll be on here, listening to music and might finally get around to playing a PC game I ordered off ebay weeks ago. Couldn't play it previously since I had my deadlines coming up.
Hopefully, I'll be cracking on with some writing. I've had far too many distractions just lately and I really do think I can work better in the night. If not, then I'll be doing the usual: playing FFIX/X, browsing around here, being on MSN, etc.
I'm going to a Red Sox game in about 12 hours! :awesome: They're going against the Oakland Athletics, but a game's a game. As a result of going to the game, I won't be around here until tomorrow night. :lew: But either way, going to Fenway is always a good deal. Enjoy the day everyone! :ryan:
Well, aren't you just lucky Dan. Bring me back a souvenier. :mokken:

As for me, I'm gonna sit at home and play Fable 2, try to go to bed at a reasonable hour, then go to school tomorrow, where I'm gonna do......nothing new.
Watch yet another semi final of Britain's Got Talent, try get myself adjusted to some of the sticky keys on my laptop and pretty much the same as I do every night: just relaxing.
I'm just about to have dinner and then we're going to watch some Merrick and Rosso in a bit too!

I've just got their boxset with both Seasons, so I can't wait to have a watch. XD

Then I am going to eat ice cream and chips and pray I don't get sick from it all. XD
Try and meet some new people on the forum and have a laugh in general. Probably watch Eastenders then some other television shows. Talk to some friends on MSN and basically try to have fun... whilst the man comes to estimate how much the house is worth.
Yay it's finally Friday!

I thought it was Saturday until I heard my alarm go off this morning. =( Nothing worse then thinking it's the weekend when it's not.

It's good when you think you have to work and then realise it's the weekend though. XD

So yeah, just going to be chilling at home tonight. I have a big Saturday and Saturday night this weekend, so I need to rest up tonight. =)
Going to watch the last semi final of Britain's Got Talent. Not too much and just the same as I do most nights. Relax, go on MSN, write, listen to music, etc.
Off oooooooooot. Not sure if Ginas coming, but Kelly is still looking promising, shes had form for letting us down recently, either way, me and Clare can cause enough trouble between the two of us on a manchester night out, theres normally some drama or other by the end of the night xD

Really looking forward to it, not been out on a proper night out for aaaaaages, and its been even longer since me and clare hit the tiles I cant wait!!
Tonight shall be a quiet one.

My gosh we had a big day and night last night

Went shopping all day and spent around $200 on clothes and underwear.

Finally got back to hers and then I had to go and get Steve to join us for the 21st celebration that night.

We ordered Chinese and Thai and then just partied, drank and what not until 1am until I passed out.

So tonight will be a quiet one. I need to catch up on sleep and get my head together before Monday. XD
With exams coming with a vacation nearby,its the time to think. Tonight i will get my acts straight for studying for the last time this year,and if im bored I will watch kuroshitsuji and play xbox 360.
Basketball outside with some of the guys from work.

Been trying to get back into it since it's nice out and I finally found some people that want to play on a continual basis. Everyone's always wanting to stay inside and play video games and shit or lives off-base, so I finally got a crew around that's solid playing and won't bail each time.

Probably going to go to the pool are and swim. My god it's burning :gonk:

Of course, keke's coming too :ryan:

Robert's coming over too :hmmm:

So, most likely will be playing cards and be chilling later tonight xD. Which is fine with me lol.

Gunna play dragon age too :monster: