Any plans for tonight?

I plan to get absolutely hammered tonight.
It's going to be an evening of just the guys which sounds a little gay. We've got about 10 hours of rugby and league to watch, two bottles of vodka, 48 cans of beer. We're ordering pizza soon, and a sesh will probably be occuring too.
No wimminz, but generally whenever they watch rugby they always keep going on about how hot all the guys are :sad:
Hm iv got a 21st that i really cant be arsed goin to. To be honest i cant afford to be goin out at all. Also this is gunna sound gay but ive got nowt to wear, im in dire need of new clothes, but again that collides with the money issues. I cant stay in tonight, not knowin that everyone else is goin out. So guess il jus go lookin like a bum.
I'm planning on going to bed early considering I have to be awake at the crack of dawn to go to work. >_<

But I love my new job so it's worth it!!! =D

However, before I hit the hay I intend on having a few drinks in hopes to forget about the ass of an ex-landlord we have. <_<

Trying to steal our bond he is.
Yeah im gunna get smashed :D My mate has recently come into money after being unemployed for the last 2 months so hes repaying us by buying the booze and the pints at the bar. Which he knows is silly cuz i can drink til the sun rises. But nah it should be a good night hopefully, im not getting my hopes up to much though, when i do i always get dissapointed.
Im going to get SHIT FACED. Going to Manchester with the girlies. Long long overdue big night out and I cant wait. I was planning on being good and pacing myself. But morning Ive had, fuck it, Im getting wankered
Well so far the majority of the night has already gone but I intend to spend the rest of it watching either:

a) Family Guy
b) Heroes

Still trying to figure out which one to go with. Hmm...decisions decisions.

Other than that I'll probably have a few drinks and then pass out in my unmade bed. XD
Relax, hang out here, and maybe watch some easter specials (tv shows, if i get lucky, or else its church things...).
I get to do more study tonight! XD

No I'm not really that excited about it, I'm just trying to be positive about doing it because I have to finish my booklet by tomorrow. XD

Other than that, just hanging out on here and maybe watch a movie.

There's nothing much to do except go to bed really. I have to go back to work tomorrow so I really should get some shut-eye.
Relax, hang out here, and maybe watch some easter specials (tv shows, if i get lucky, or else its church things...).
I do not know what I'll do...
Maybe I'll do what I always do... sit around and play some final fantasy or any koei warriors games.
Let's try to avoid posts of this length in future. Thank you =]
I probably won't get up to much tonight. I just spent the day at my friends BBQ, so I can't really be stuffed going out tonight. For some reason I feel really exhausted at the moment, so I will probably just watch some shows, kick back and relax tonight.
I'll do more study before turning in for a good, well-deserved night's sleep tonight. Just burnt the midnight oil yesterday PLAYING instead of studying, and am rather tired today, not to mention there's a test tomorrow. Wow.

So, good luck to me~! And a delicious dinner coming up too.. I guess.
Not really. Think Im having a night in. My gran has just gone away to Ibiza for 2 weeks, so no one to chat to really. Just going to play Persona and eat Miso soup lol!
I did have plans. I was meant to go into the city for dinner and drinks with my best friends boyfriends birthday.

I actually came home at 5pm, got ready and headed out at 6pm. I was supposed to be at my mates at 6.30pm.

However, it was freakin' pouring down rain and I was freaking out. I was about 2 minutes from their house when I see this animal in front of me on the road not moving. I slowed down and realised that it was a doggy that had just been hit by a car pulled over in front of me.

I just jumped outta the car and ran to the poor little thing and the actual owner of the dog was behind me in her car and she got out too. She was screaming out the dogs name and then her little boy got out and did the same thing. They were balling their eyes out.

I told them I didn't hit it and that I was trying to make sure no one else did again. I was actually about to pick it up and take it somewhere to get help but that was when the owner got out of the car.

She took him away and I was freaking out.

I continued on and then I see a smashed up car blocking my road to my friends street. I was like "Screw this. I've seen enough shit tonight. I really don't want to see anymore."

So I turned back home and told my friend who was really annoyed. But I value my life over some people I hardly know. We were meant to be celebrating her boyfriends birthday.

Oh well, if she's a true friend she'll call me back.

So yeah that was my plans for the night. But sadly it was ruined. I was looking forward to tonight all week. =(
Nothing planned so far, I'm probably just gonna sit there and pretend I don't have college tomorrow, I should get some revision done as well since my first exam is like May 15th I just don't have energy and willingness to get any done >.>
Well I really should be working on my coursework. I actually handed it in last week only to have it handed back to me because I hadn't finished it. <_<

I missed a big part at the back and I'm so annoyed. >_<

Oh well. Better get it out of the way before it ruins my weekend. <_<

Oh and might be going food shopping tonight too. XD
I'm probably going to go to the pub tonight. I really don't feel like it but I want to go... Hate to say it but I consumed a lot more alcohol in Greece than I have ever before and now I'm always thirsty for the stuff. Not to alcoholic levels, and I'll keep it to a minimum. Don't like getting drunk you see. :monster:

But might be good to see if more people are there this week as it was empty last week. Then again, I don't know many people. I just hope my mate shuts up about his year old problem that is all over and sorted now. I don't mind people having problems if they are willing to listen to yours as well.. But when they babble on all night repeating the same stuff and going on and on every day of every week, not even pretending to listen to your advice and replies, then bah!

So yeah. More of that probably. :brooding:
I planned on a quiet night in the house watching the tv and having a few beers but ive been offered to goout in the town, which i really cant afford unless i dip into spending money which i CANT do. They knew i was gonna stay in tonight aswell.....whyd they have to go tempting me like that :dry: its not fair, i wanna go out but i just cant afford it -__-
^^ I hate when people do THAT! ^^ My mate always asks me to go out every week for expensive dinners and I shout every second week and then when I say I can't afford it she gets the shits! XD But still continues to nag me. Maybe if I was still living with mummy and daddy and had no bills yes I might be able to afford it but no guarantees that mum and dad will actually let me out of the house. XD Lose either way. XD

Anyways I plan to watch Labyrinth with Steve tonight. We had a massive night out last night.

We went to Surfers Paradise and went to Time Zone to play Laser Skirmish which I came second last in my team. XD Played mini golf and dodgem cars and other miscellaneous games.

So yeah tonight we'll have a quite one, considering it's back to work tomorrow anyway. <_<