

Too orsm for you.
Jul 5, 2006

New world.
New rules.
New threat.


The dawning of the twenty-first century was when everything changed. There were even worse things than terrorists themselves. For the first time, the supernatural creatures that hid in the shadows in fear of humans finally came to life and decided to take the world back. In the year 2012, New York was hit with a nuclear explosion, which wiped out millions of innocent people. Every country in the world divided its land into sectors. Identification cards had to be present all the time, the police were given special power over civilians and nothing was ever the same again ...

Now one year later, a new organisation has come together as the new solution to save the world. Only known as The Avengers, this group is solely responsible for local, national and worldwide threats. They specialise in dealing with the supernatural. But there are traitors in the world that will want to stop The Avengers. Saving the world will not be an easy task in itself, it will require one step at a time to finally work. Question is, will the world be saved? Or is it beyond reparation?

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"Ceasefire!" yelled Faith Crest to the soldiers that were gathered around a small block of flats in the middle of a deserted estate. Well, it wasn't exactly deserted yet. The soldiers stopped firing and she concentrated hard on finding the creature that they were hunting. It was a black shadowy figure that relied on their shadows to remain as hidden for as much time as possible. I'll go in alone, she projected her thoughts to the unit general, one who knew that she was part supernatural. Keep the men here, unless I say so. Do you understand? He nodded in her direction. Oh, and one more thing. If my team gets here, send them in after me, but tell them to approach with caution. With that, she went inside the block of flats alone.

Her gun was in her holster, which was attached to her jeans belt, but she rarely had to use that, anyway. Faith crept through the door quietly and telekinetically closed it. Once that was done, she floated in the air because she didn't want to use the stairs. It would be bad and although she didn't use her ability of flight very much, it always seemed to come in handy when she needed to be in stealth mode. The shadow hissed, but now it was louder. It only meant that she was getting closer and closer. Faith descended upon the ground when she went up the first flight of stairs and was careful to sneak through to the corridor. Kicking down the door, where she sensed the shadow, she raised her gun and it tackled down to the floor immediately.
Filden charged along the main road, running at 100 miles per hour, heading for where he was told to meet with the rest of The Avengers, a flat in the middle of an empty estate.

"Urgh...Trust me not to be there when everyone else is leaving..." Filden sighed to himself,

Three seconds after sighing, Filden noticed the flats ahead of him.

"Ah...Fantastic," Filden smirked,

Filden then speeded up slightly, and then made it to the front of the flats. He stopped, and then brushed himself down. The soldiers eyes widened as Filden suddenly appeared. A soldier then walked up to Filden from behind and patted his shoulder to get his attention...

"Umm...sir...?" The soldier stuttered,
"..Hmm?" Filden replied, turning his head around, eyes half clossed, and still brushing himself down,
"Crimson went inside a moment ago...she asked us to tell her back-up that she's gone on ahead..." The soldier explained,
"What!?" Filden shouted as he turned his whole body towards the soldier, grabbing the soldier's arms with both hands, whilst Filden's eye widened, "Why did ya stop her! Blimey! She's so impatient!"

Filden then let go off the soldier and ran into the building, running at 50 miles per hour, whilst activating his invisibility.
Running up the stairs steven began talking into his communicator "Guy's, shooter here, nearly on the fourth floor of the opposing building, gimmie a hint where this thing is" as Steven kicked open a door he pointed his Beretta into the room, he searched the flat quickly and then set up his rifle at a window that he could see the entire building that the rest of the team had gone into as he uncapped his scope's covers he looked through to see if he could find Crimson and stealth, the latter would be impossible to find with out his heat vision scope.

"shooter in position, someone talk to me" Stephen spoke through his communicator, as he searched the windows of the building in hope that he could find where his team mates were, he pulled a bullet out of his belt and loaded the Rifle "Crimson, give me a sign of this thing and I'll put it out for good"
Choking and attempting to fight off the shadow, she kicked it out of the way and coughed immediately, as she rolled to her side. "Bastard," she muttered and rose back on to her feet to face it. "You only came after me because you can sense what I am, right?" The shadow swayed in the air laughing darkly, as it watched Faith raise her gun again. "Ohhh yeah, that's right! Laugh while you're dying. I was finished playing these games five years ago!" She heard Stephen in the communicator. "Rifle at the ready, huh?" she spoke into her own earpiece. "I got the damn thing here with me ..." It lunged at her, but she dived to the left. "And it looks a lot stronger than the last one we had in Birmingham, I'll tell you now."

Faith shot at the creature, but it rose again, only to become bigger. There's something I didn't see coming, she thought. "Shooter, I'll try getting into the air with it. All you need to is aim and blast the creature to smithereens. Just DON'T threaten to shoot Stealth again or else I'll bore you to death with that health and safety lecture." She then got into contact with Filden. "Hey, Stealth. I need you to get to the first floor. I assume you're already in these block of flats? You need to cover me. Shooter's going in for the kill already and I don't think I can hold this shadow down for much longer." The shadow grabbed her by the throat when she was off her guard and laughed darkly. It was beginning to absorb her energy.
BANG!! the shadow instantly dropped Faith as a part of it flew off Shooter reloaded his rifle with a smile on his face "Crimson, you okay, couldn't get its head so i went for it's ankle, get it closer to the window if possible" Stephen said into his ear piece, Stephen the picked up his rifle and moved a window across to his left to get a better view of Crimson and the beast, that was still standing "Damn, this one is stronger than the one from Birmingham" Stephen though to himself as he targeted the Shadow again
Filden was in one of the rooms in the first floor, when he heard Faith trying to get through to him, he then put his index and middle finger of his right hand on the ear piece in his right ear.

"Hey, Stealth. I need you to get to the first floor. I assume you're already in these block of flats? You need to cover me. Shooter's going in for the kill already and I don't think I can hold this shadow down for much longer." Faith instructed Filden,
"Right!" Filden answered...

But he then started hearing something...it sounded like someone being strangled...

"Oh Shit! Crimson!" Filden shouted.

Filden then heard a gunshoot...Filden eye's widened, he then began searching for Faith on the floor...and with his speed, it was not much of a challenge at all. He eventually found her as she was being having her energy absorbed, though it had just been shot by Stephen...

"Dammit!" Filden panicked.

He then quickly quickly got out two 9mm pistols he had placed in the inside pockets of his jacket, and began aiming at the shadow, and fired 2 rounds of bullets from each gun whilst trying to avoid Faith.
"Dammit" Stephen announced as he jumped to his feet, swung his rifle over his shoulder and pulled his beretta out of it's holster, he raised his left hand to his com and began speaking "This is Shooter, i have lost my shot moving to a different vantage point, bear with me" he then ran out of the room he was in and headed down to the first floor.

he ran down the corridor to a room that would have a view, he kicked the door open and the man inside jumped to his feet and grabbed a shotgun from next to his coach "Freeze" Shooter shouted as he pointed his Beretta at the man "Sir I am a member of the Avengers, i need to use one of your windows" the man lowered his shotgun "you got ID?" shooter reached into his back pocket and puled out his ID card, he fashed it at the man who nodded and sat back down to watch TV.

Shooter got to the window and set his Rifle back up "Shooter in position" he announced through the Com, "Target acquired" he continued as he found the Window they were in BANG...RELOAD....BANG....RELOAD....BANG all three shots hit the shadow in the torso, from the angle they were nowhere near Crimson or Stealth. Yet still the creature wasn't going down
The shadow stopped absorbing Faith's energy as soon as it was shot in the ankle. She rolled on to her side feeling drained, but was still able to get to her feet, although she needed the support of the wall. However, she fell again barely a moment later. Crap, she thought, trying to shake off the dizziness she was experiencing right now. She noticed Filden shooting the monster, so she raised her hand and a psionic barrier appeared, protecting her from any harm that would dare try to come in her way. "I'll be fine for now," she said in her earpiece. The shadow was shot a further three times and Faith knew it was clinging on to dear life so hard. She didn't pity it, though. No way would she ever pity the enemy!

Only moments later did the psionic barrier fade. Faith was tired, especially since the shadow had drained her energy. Maybe that was why it was able to continue. Bastard thinks that it can take my energy away? Think again, she thought. And with every ounce of strength within her body, Faith raised her hand and the shadow floated into the air, helpless and unable to move. "Shooter, this is Crimson," she said into her earpiece. "Shoot the damn thing now before it really gets pissed off." She then turned to Filden. "Lower your guns, Stealth. Just make sure that it doesn't pull any goddamn tricks. I don't want to clean up the mess we had in Birmingham again." She noticed the shadow struggling to move, but she had it frozen for now in mid air.
"Right!" Filden complied to Faith's wishes, and lowered his guns to his thigh level.

Filden waited for Stephen to fire his rifle...and then Filden began wondering..."These two ain't gonna let Birmingham go are they...? It must be eating them up inside...well...can't blame them, flaming well is eating me up inside that's for sure..."

Filden then closed his eyes and sighed..."Crimson...Are there any more shadows in these flats...?"
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Stephen reached into his belt and pulled out a bullet that had a glowing white end he slid it into his gun and slid the bolt into place "gotta love the Holy punishment ammo" he muttered as he pulled the trigger BANG... the bullet cut through the air and slammed into the Shadow. the Shadow then began shaking violently and then it's eyes and mouth began emitting a bright white light and then it Imploded.

Stephen got to his feet and returned the caps on both ends of his Scope. As he slid his rifle over his shoulder again he pushed on his com "Guys, Crisis averted" Stephen placed his right hand on the handle of his Beretta and began walking out of the flats "I'll meet you outside the Flats" Stephen Exited the flat block he was in and walked across the plaza towards the police forces "Guys, the beast has been dealt with" he announced to them "we need confirmation from your squad leader" the chief replied "well she will be out soon"
"I heard THAT, Filden," said Faith, raising an eyebrow. "Nope, we're not going to let Birmingham go at all, unfortunately." She rolled her eyes. "I don't sense anymore around. But I can't help feeling this was a whole setup! They've gone for me all this time and the creatures only attacked you when you intervened. This is really starting to bug me ..." There was another BANG from Stephen and the shadow had been imploded. As soon as it was gone, Faith felt her energy returning to her soul. "And that is the seventh reason why I am going to be eternally grateful to Shooter," she muttered and turned to face Filden. "Don't worry, we still have that one reason why I'm eternally grateful to you: for saving my life back in Manchester last month."

She rose to her feet and yawned. "You know what? I feel like I just woke up," she grinned. Then she heard Stephen on the earpiece. "Understood, Shooter. We'll be down there as soon as possible to confirm that." She looked at Filden again. "All right then, let's go inform the army that the crisis has been dealt with." Not waiting for Filden at all considering they were on official business here and this kind of business was the usual anyway, Faith walked down the stairs and over to where Stephen was, who was waiting beside the general. He saluted her and she simply nodded. "General White, the threat has been taken care of," Faith told her. "You can withdraw your troops immediately." She turned to Stephen. "Good aim, you're better now."
Stephen looked at Faith "thanks" he said smiling, he then turned around and lent towards the General "Told you so" he muttered before walking towards the car in which he used to come to the area "hey Faith you want a lift back to HQ?" Stephen shouted before placing his rifle in the boot and climbing in the drivers side door
The Kremlin, Moscow

"I'm here to see the Premier." A young associate of the Kremlin stood nervously before the large desk of a secretary. His palms were sweaty as he wiped them together, then on his pant legs. If the Premier wants to see me, well.....I don't know if it's good or bad. Perhaps my cover's been blown... This young man was an Avengers double-agent in deep cover, named Alexei Stukov. He waited while he was buzzed in.

"Go on in, the Premier will see you now."

As Stukov walked into the office, he immediately noticed a sour mood in the room. The office was dark, as it was night in Russia. The only light in the room came from the lamp on the Premier's desk. "Good evening, Alexei." a voice called from the shadows on the other side of the large obsidian desk. "I trust things are well for you?" The shadow leaned forward, and the face of Russian Premier Aleksandr Romanov came into view. His strong features were set into an impassive face, and he simply looked at Stukov, not seeming to be angry at all.

"Very well, Premier. I trust the operation was successful?" Maybe he's not angry. Perhaps I'm safe.

"I'll be honest, Alexei." Romanov stood from his desk as he spoke, and came around to the other side to come face-to-face with Stukov. "Things went....poorly. According to the communication from the field, the strike was a failure. The Avengers appeared and saved the day." He waved his hands as he spoke, his tone mocking. "Interesting, though, how they seemed to almost expect this attack, wouldn't you say?" He leveled his gaze at Stukov, waiting for an answer.

"We...we...well.....I don't know. Perhaps there is an inside man?" Stukov asked, terrified now. He still couldn't be sure if the Premier knew or not. Then, Romanov snapped his fingers, and two burly guards came from the shadows and tackled Stukov to the floor. The Premier stood over him, pulling a pistol from his belt.

"Perhaps there is, Alexei. Perhaps there is..." he muttered as he fired one round into Alexei's right foot. Stukov screamed in pain, but did not respond. "Are you sure that you don't know, Alexei?" Another shot, this time through the left foot. Stukov cried in pain over and over again, but said nothing, even as Romanov calmly put one bullet in each of his hands, then a bullet in his kneecaps and elbows. After the eighth shot, Romanov leaned in close to Stukov's face and pressed the hot barrel of the pistol to his forehead.


"It's true, and I'm sorry....." Stukov blubbered, tears rolling down his face. "I'll never betray you again, sir..." Romanov stood and smiled. "Very well, Alexei. Unfortunately, Mother Russia does not abide traitors." Romanov fired a shot directly into Stukov's forehead, killing him instantly.

"Cut the body up and send it to the Avengers headquarters. Keep the head intact, I want the package there when they return from their mission."

Romanov stood out at the window, looking over the cityscape of Moscow. Perhaps it's time, to call in the Hand. It's time to put our plans in motion...

"And clean up this mess!"
Filden jumped a little when Faith shouted, "I heard THAT, Filden. Nope, we're not going to let Birmingham go at all, unfortunately."
Filden hung his head..."Keep forgetting you can do that..."

When she mentioned that there don't seem to be anymore Shadows, Filden let out a sigh of relief. Then when Filden witnessed the death of the Shadow in front of him, he held his arm up to shield himself slightly. Once the light had faded after the Shadow imploded, Filden put down his arm...

When Faith finished thanking Stephen, she then turned around and said about Filden still having her eternal gratitude after saving her last month in Manchester, giving him a nice, warm feeling inside.

"Cheers Crimson..." FIlden smiled,

Filden then followed Faith outside of the flats, and stood next to her as she spoke General White.
"No thanks, I'm fine," Faith said, raising her hand and shaking her head in Stephen's direction. "I have some business to take of care, one of our informants needs to see me straight away. Ask Filden if you want, I'll be back at headquarters in around two hours maybe?" She then turned to Filden. "You better get used to it, I didn't mean to pry. Sometimes, it happens when I least expect it, even after so many years of trying to control it. I'll see you two later back at the headquarters. Get my usual hot chocolate ready, will ya? I think our informant will have some good news to give us." And so, Faith walked off in another direction away from the blocks of flats. She carried on walking, careful to sense if anyone was following her.

When she'd been walking for another twenty minutes, she came to a halt and was faced with a man in his thirties. "Good that you could come," she nodded at him. "Now what's this useful information you claimed to have picked up on about last night? You sounded so eager on the phone. Remember, you don't have to tell it me. Just think it." She nodded, as she began to hear his thoughts in her head. It sometimes hurt her because she was still in the stage of controlling whose thoughts that she could control. "Understood. Thanks for the info. I'll get on to it straight away." Walking away, Faith knew it was too early to go back. And she froze when she noticed things were out of order. Someone anti-Avenger? Perhaps supernatural, she thought.
Stephen looked t Filden and smiled "common the stealth, I'll race ya back" he announced as he hit the accelerator so hard it hit the floor, the car picked up speed and withing 4 seconds it was going over 60 miles an hour.

around 20 minutes later Stephen arrived back at HQ and headed straight for the rifle range, he took a bucket of ammo that held around 200 rounds and he set his target at around 300 yards he put his earphones in and turned his I-pod on, he then lay on the floor, set his Rifle up and took position to practice his shooting, the rifle range was outside to aid in wind direction and speed training. BANG...REELOAD...BANG...RELOAD...BANG Stephen did the same every time hitting the target wit ease
Filden smiled back Stephan, "Nah...I'm gonna gonna hop a ride in the SUV, my legs are killing me to tell the truth," Filden sighed,

Filden walked to the nearest SUV, he then knocked on the driver's window. The window put the window down, and Filden asked if the SUV was heading back to base, the driver told him that it was, so Filden walked around and hopped into the passenger's seat.

Filden didn't keep track of how long it took, but the SUV eventually arrived at Base, Filden got out, and headed to the break room. When he was there, he immediately went to the seating room, where upon arrival, he jumped onto a recliner, put the back down, and let out a big sigh of relief.
Jet punched the punching bag and it shattered into small bits. "crap... hey guys i broke another one can i-" "no can do sir, that was our last one. we gotta wait till next shipment" "WHAT! THAT'S F***ING BS MAN I ONLY BROKE TEN! you gotta be kidding me" Jet grumbled as he marched out to the bulletin board. "Nothing better to do than go beat up some Supernatural sunuva- WTF man?!?!!" Jet shouted as saw the board. right in the middle was a warning that their was a hostile base not far from here. "and nobody ever saw it? wow this is sad. best get a team going" Jet marched over to an intercom, slightly altered his voice, and hit the activation switch. "Attention: all able bodied warriors, this is General Silver. Please report to the gym immediately for a new assignment. We have discovered a hostile base nearby and are gathering a team to destroy it."
Stephen stood up, grabbed his rifle and the remaining bullets and headed for the gym "i just get back from a goddamn assignement and im getting sent on another one, although i do enjoy them" as Stephen arrived at the gym he looked at General silver and smiled "Shooter reporting for duty...sir"
"It's funny that I run into this little bugger," laughed Faith softly, as she glanced down at what she was holding in her hand. It was some sort of stone that was glowing an orange colour. "Could be something supernatural, but I guess that I'll have to get Jet to check it out when I get back to the base." She cringed at the thought of the base. It was underground just to be on the safe side and she was still trying to overcome her fear of claustrophobia. What is it that this stone can do? A cure to cancer maybe? It has to do something, Faith thought, as she strode along the road and pocketed the stone in her jacket. Well, Jet can add it on to our growing list of research. I may not know much, but ...

And that was where she stopped thinking. Research would eventually drag up her dead godmother's name and ever since the nuclear explosion occurred, even in front of her own eyes, Faith's heart had turned somewhat cold. She never spoke about the past and her motto was to look to the future instead. But as she walked down the road to the base, she couldn't help, but feel that she was being watched. Luckily for her, no one would discover the base so easily. There were supernatural illusions that hid the base itself and would protect The Avengers. "Faith Crest," she spoke into her earpiece and the floor below her started to move downwards, eventually leading her to the base and hearing Jet's announcement. "Great, what's going on now?"