
Alex's eye went wide when he found himself suspended in midair. So, this explains the Avengers' successes. Supernaturals fight among them. This is most fascinating. Before he could say anything, he was flung into the ground. He went to stand back up, but found himself being held by his neck face-to-face with this odd woman.

"Who am I, you ask? Why, you're right! We haven't been properly introduced." As he spoke, he delivered a solid punch to her gut. Alex was incredibly strong, so a punch like that would no doubt send her flying. Alex kept a wary eye on the other person who suddenly just appeared, killing a foot soldier with a lightning bolt. "There are more than one of you, eh? This is VERY interesting indeed. Well then, the more the merrier. Allow me to introduce myself."

Alex smiled and made a bowing gesture. "My name is Alexsandr Grigorivich Romanov, but I am also known as the Iron Hammer." Alex's voice, which had a slight Russian accent, began to increase in volume. "You may call me Alex, for the remainder of your short lives." He cracked his knuckles and faced the man who had teleported there. He held his fists high into the air and brought them crashing down into the ground, sending shockwaves of heaving earth towards the electric man...
Just as she heard Stephen was dead, someone named Kai found Faith. She was completely astounded by the fact that Shooter was dead. Then she glanced down at Alex and anger was coursing through her veins. Stephen can't be dead! He can't be, she thought, looking clearly in denial. Faith looked to Kai and nodded. My name is Faith, don't tell him that. She nodded in Alex's direction. Please don't be alarmed. You can hear my voice in my head. Now she had the anti-Avenger at hand to deal with. When he spoke, he punched her in the gut and she went flying into the burning dustbins. The punch was so hard that Faith could hardly move. "You can bet there's more than one of us!" she spat in his direction.

How was it VERY interesting that there was more than one Avenger? Please save the introductions and get to the fighting already, thought Faith, as she allowed herself time to recover and rise to her feet again. I am clearly NOT in the mood right now, having known one of my comrades has fallen. "Remainder of my short life, eh? You don't know who you're dealing with here." There was anger in Faith's eyes, an anger that was rarely seen. It was his fault that Stephen was dead, his fault that he was going to get his just desserts. As always, her eyes turned a crimson colour. Faith could feel herself losing control of herself, but she didn't care. Stephen was dead. Someone had to avenge him, right?

Several different objects, including the burning dustbins, began to float all around Faith. Broken shards of glass were sent towards Kai to protect him from the shockwaves. Next, she turned her attention to Alex. "You really don't know what you've just done, do you?" she taunted him, although speaking in an emotionless voice at the same time. It only took a bullet to her right shoulder to snap her out of it. The objects dropped and so did Faith as well. However, it did not mean that she was done. She rose to her feet after telekinetically getting rid of the bullet out of her shoulder and turned to face Alex. "If you want someone, then take me!" she shouted at him. "I'm the leader of the Avengers, so you might as send your crap at me!"
Filden began seeing Faith in the distance...and another man...and then this big bulky man. Filden squinted his eyes to see who the men were, but he recognised neither. All he noticed was that Faith was getting angry, and her powers seemed to be going haywire.

Filden eventually arrived into the fray. He stood 30 feet southwest to Faith, and aimed both his pistols at the big guy.

"Crimson, what's going on?" Filden asked.
The battered jeep came to a grinding halt just behind the SUV. Michael saw Filden jump out and throw himself into the fray. Michael himself stepped out of the jeep, threw closed the door and locked it. From the pickup he took his shotgun and... Where was it? Michael had the feeling he'd lost something, and only after a few seconds realised that the pain he had been feeling had drained away. He clutched at his chest, tried to concentrate on the feeling that had so short ago indicated someone in pain, but failed to recieve any kind of signal from that particular source. It was gone.

He stood there blinking his eyes when slowly his senses returned, the sounds of the battle around him filtered through and he saw Filden rampaging through a cluster of enemies. From the flat to one side someone came shooting bolts of lightning, a sniper rifle in one han... Sniper rifle? Michael recognised Stephen's rifle with a shock. Had it been him? Had it been his pain? What had happened? Had he been shot?

Michael shook his head and grunted. Everyone else was doing their job, and he was just standing aruond dumbfounded? No way! He had been idle for long enough. Now he would pick up the threads of his life again, however changed it might be. He cocked his shotgun, rose from his kneeled position and shot one of the enemies squarely in the face. Droplets of blood rained down on his face, and he wiped it clean with his sleeve. He ground his teeth. It were always the good and the young that died. Today, he would do his job in evening out that balance.

He ran across the plaza that was now rapidly turning into a full-blown battlefield, cocking and firing his shotgun all the while. Suddenly, he felt a dull pain in his stomach, and he nearly doubled over. Feverishly, he looked around to see where it came from. Then he saw: Faith and some great big beefy guy with a Russian accent were enganged in a duel.

Michael frowned and started to jog in that direction. No way Ivan was going to try to pull shit on them!

"Need help?" he shouted at the gathered group of people.
"I don't know what's g-going on, Stealth!" sobbed Faith. She had slowly come back into reality, where she realised Stephen was no longer with them in this accursed world. "Shooter, he's ..." But she couldn't bring herself together to even say that he was dead. She wiped away the tears that were now streaming down her face. Her rage was slowly creeping up again, but she ensured that her powers wouldn't go haywire again. "Stealth, take Shooter somewhere safe," she instructed Filden and then spoke to his mind. I don't want this bastard making any fun out of our recent loss. I'll deal with him and make him pay for what he did to us! With her orders to Filden loud and clear, well, in his mind, she turned to face Alex.

But when she did, Michael had arrived. "Help Stealth take Shooter somewhere safe!" she ordered him. She wasn't still used to the idea that she was the leader of the Avengers, but Mr X had indeed left the order for her to take over in his will indeed. Now it's time to take care of our major and main problem at hand. She turned to face Alex. "What are you waiting for? I just told you that I'm the leader of the Avengers and you're standing there like a headless chicken? If there's anyone you want here, then it's me. So why don't you inflict your goddamn pain on me before you get anyone else?" She shouted at this point, eager to exact her revenge for Stephen's death. "If you really want to kill one of your kind, that is ..."
"...Dead..." Rene muttered to himself. The file in front of him stated. "Damn... Who's in charge now then?" As he said this the door to the Records room opened noisily.the

"What the-!?" A man in a white coat exclaimed as he saw Rene, before Rene could react the man threw his hand out towards the wall and smashed the alarm, causing the room to turn red and an alarm began to blare. Rene threw himself forward and grabbed the mans arms as it went to draw a gun. He twisted it and kicked the man hard in the abdomen causing him to go unconscious.

As the man hit the ground Rene quickly ran back to the computer and clicked the print button, he waited several agonizing minutes as the machine chugged out several pages of information. Rene grabbed the bundle and stuck them in the backpack the man had. He swung it over his shoulder and immediately became invisible.

Just as he did this several armed men came in, Rene quickly found the darkest corner of the room and stayed as still as possible. The men quickly checked the man.

"Shit... As if this ain't enough... What with the mini war goin' on up there. We seriously don't need an intruder." One of the men told his partner. He was obviously the senior of the two. "Get on the line to one of the agents and see if you can get one of 'em to help us out"

"Will do sir." The other man said, he tapped his ear. "Base, this is Sierra Kilo Niner. We've found the cause of the alarm, there's an intruder, he's accessed the Records room and knocked one of our men out."

As the two men spoke Rene knew this place would probably become a nightmare within a minimum of 10 minutes. So he decided to get out of here as soon as an opportunity opened.

"Hey geek boy, get over here, you understand whatever the hell this guy was lookin' for" The senior soldier ordered his underling.

Shit! Rene thought, he had forgotten to turn off the computer and the record he was looking for was still on the screen. He could either leg it seeing as the way to the door was now clear, or stop the soldiers. He thought for a moment but decided against attacking them. They were probably highly trained and all he was was a civilian. As the two soldiers looked at the screen Rene made his way to the door and out of the room.

As Rene assumed, the entire facility was now in a red alarm state and the entire corridor was bathed in red light. The alarm was still on but someone had obviously turned the volume down. Rene ran down the corridor and hid himself in a small equipment cupboard.

"Great, now what do I do?" Rene said as he took out his PDA to check the map. He groaned as the machine turned itself off. "Dammit, did I forget to charge it?"

"Guess I'll have to find my own way out..." Rene said as he entered the corridor once more.
Michael stood in indecision. He was as hurt by Shooter's death (Possible death, he corrected himself) as anyone was, and he was eager to show the enemy what's what. Stephen had simply been too young. How old had the lad been? Sixteen, Seventeen? Much too young to die. He hadn't even reached the prime of his life.

But in this, he just had to adhere to their current commander's orders. And the young boy's body needed to be recovered. They would give him that honour, at least. With one last glance over his shoulder at faith and her adversary, and a final shout "Give that commie hell, Faith!", he grudgingly hurried toward the flat he'd felt the pain had come from. Shooter would have found a window somewhere to cover the plaza from...

Michael fumbled around for his earpiece, then realised he'd left it back at the base. Bloody hell. If only he could send his thoughts as reliably as Faith... Against his better judgement, he tried sending a bried thought to Filden, but felt the same resistance, the same walls in his mind that were almost always there. Then he caught sight of the boy.

"Hey! Filden!" he yelled, jogging in the boy's direction. "Do you-" An enemy tried to block Michael's way, but he felled the man by slamming the butt of his shotgun into the man's face, then kicked the man squarely in the chest, then to the head. That one wouldn't stand up anymore. For Stephen, he thought grimly. "Do you know where Shooter was before he- before he was hit?"

Odd. No matter how much he had been acquainted with death, Michael just couldn't bring himself to say 'before he died'.
Kai did a back flip and vanished into his cloud of Smoke to dodge the shock waves, he reappeared next to Faith he pulled the Avengers badge out of his pocket and passed it to Faith "take this, we need to get out of here, sorry to say it but you guys have just lost someone who seemed close to you all your in no condition to fight"

Kai then placed his right hand on Faith's shoulder "just say the word and I'll get you out of here" he announced as he looked at her, he could see the emotions running through her eyes
"...He's dead...I know..." Filden sighed as he closed his eyes,

Filden then recieved his telepathic instructions from Faith, and snapping out of his state of despression, he nodded, and ran back and towards the corpse of his ally.

He eventually made it to the body...Filden stared at Shooter, and he couldn't help but cry again. But it was then that Filden heard the rattling sound of machine guns. Filden turned around and saw 4 soldiers. Filden growled and drew his pistols. They all started shooting at him, but Filden jumped 20 feet into the air to avoid the bullets, and Filden shot down at both all soldiers, firing 4 bullets, one for each soldier, killing all of them.

When Filden landed back on the floor, he put his guns away again. And turned around to take another look at it...

...Stephen...I'm sorry dude...Filden thought to himself,

Filden growled again, he then turned around, and ran back towards Faith, "Fuck it, sorry Crimson, but I'm gonna help you avenge him!"
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Kai saw the man charging back into the fray "faith, i shall get him out of here, you need your team" Kai released Faith's shoulder and teleported up to the Body of Shooter. as he appeared next to Stephen's body he looked up at Michael, Kai then placed his right hand on Stephen and extended his left arm Towards Michael "Give me your hand, i shall get you both out of here"
"Wait, what?" Michael had been startled by the main's sudden appearance out of thin air, but tried not to let it show. "Where would you take us? Excuse me if I'm rude, but I don't know who the hell you are! I wouldn't be doing a good job if I just trusted everyone. For all I know you could be one of them!"

Michael then saw the prone, limp figure of Stephen. The face stilled, the eyes empty. Faith had told him to bring his body to safety. Once more he tried to send his thoughts out, tried to reach Faith. Maybe her hightened awareness could pick up his tenuous thoughts.

Man offers way out for Stephen and me. Want to reach me, I'm on Stephen's channel...
Now he hoped she'd pick it up.
Michael kneeled, grabbed Stephen's earpiece and stuffed it in his pocket. His one hand touched his pistol's handle, the other went to the stranger's.
"Take us away then. But one wrong move and it'll be your last one."

You're much too untrusting, he said to himself. But he brushed the thought aside. It never hurt anyone to be careful. Better safe than sorry.
Kai grabbed Michael's hand and smiled I'm Kai by the way, i was trying to save him he is only a child" Kai then shut his eyes and the three of them turned into a cloud of smoke and appeared in the Elevator that took them down into the Avenger's HQ "i believe this is your HQ" Kai muttered, "I used to be one of you guys, i quit when i lead my team into an Ambush and they were all killed.

Kai then stood up and a tear rolled down his cheek he then glanced over his shoulder and smiled at Michael "your safe now" he then looked back at the pannel and pressed the ground floor button the security camera spun around and looked at who was in the Elevator "take Shooter to the science lab" a voice announced and then it paused "electro, is that you?" Kai looked up at the camera "yea it is" the Elevator began moving "rumours had it you were killed in action" Kai smiled "yea, they were my fault"
[OOC: Ok, no problem]

Michael had to fight down a feeling of desorientation as their surroundings suddenly blurred, then changed into the Avengers headquarter's elevator. After he'd recovered, he quickly looked around and was relieved to find the body of Stephen present, and the man posing no discernable threat.

"Sorry to hear that," Michael said with heartfelt sympathy. "It must have been tough on you." He turned and picked Stephen's body up carefully, finding it an awkward job. It was odd to carry someone like this. It felt somehow... disrespectful. He grunted with the effort as he stood up, taking note of the voice's order.

As he got down into the corridor he made to proceed carrying Stephen's body to the Science Lab. He was startled to find the alarms sounding and lights flashing. He fumbled for his pistol with his left hand while holding on to Stephen with his right. Something was wrong here. The enemy hadn't come in here, had they? Cautiously he proceeded down the corridor in the direction of the Science Lab, looking out for whatever would be amiss here.

Right in the Avengers' headquarters? Things are really getting serious now... He reached for his earpiece to notify the rest of the team who were still out there.
Kai walked next to Michael as he went towards the Science lab. Upon their arrival a kind of mad doctor looking guy looked at them "well, thank you for getting him here while he is still warm" the Doctor muttered Kai looked at him "No problem Doc" the Doctor looked at him and smiled "Electro, i remember when you first came here, heavy electrical burns" Kai smiled "i go by Kai now and yes, i learned to control it"

Kai then looked at Stephen "I know what your gunna do Doc, the power swap Serum" the Doctor nodded "yes, but how did you know?" Kai then smiled " a young boy wanted to live a normal life, so i took his power of teleportation using it" the Doctor Nodded "then you know what is required?" Kai nodded and then looked at Michael "you might want to leave"

the Doctor then filled a syringe with a glowing yellow fluid "ready?" Kai nodded the Doctor injected Stephen and Kai placed his hand on Stephen's chest. Kai's electrical charge shot into Stephen as did a kind of purple flash.

Stephen took a deep breath and his Gunshot wound vanished, and Kai fell to the floor, Stephen sat up, amazed to be alive "what happened" he demanded "I gave you my powers, to save your life" Kai replied, "I have always wanted to be normal" Stephen was shocked
((OOC: Sorry for the delay, I've got a ton of classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Apologies. >_<))

Before Alex could respond to the woman's questions, chaos broke out all around him. Avengers were appearing, running, teleporting, all kinds of things. I don't have time for this. She says she is their leader, fine. I'll just wait for this rabble to clear out, then we can communicate like civilized people. Finally, the other Avengers were gone, leaving Alex and this woman alone on the deserted base. He cleared his throat.

"That is better, yes? Now we can talk like...civilized people." He began to walk slowly towards her as he continued speaking. "And to answer your question, I don't want to kill you. I certainly wouldn't want to kill someone so...fascinating. I only desire to see what you all are capable of. After all, the Avengers have been quite the active force lately." In spite of the fact that he had an accent, Alex's words were easy to understand. It was obvious that Alex was an accomplished public speaker. "Surely there is no need for all of this anger from you." He had come within a few steps of her now.

"Oh, and did you receive the...package that I sent for you?" He smiled, and stopped walking. "If you continue to be irrational, then I am prepared to fight you, and I won't hold back. As I said before, I've no intention of shedding blood here today, unnecessarily. After all, we are similar, you and I. But if you insist on being so angry, I will not hold back..." His eye narrowed as he waited for a response...
he looked at Kai almost as though he had just been told his family were dead again, "so this strange feeling i have" Kai stood up "you were dead and this was the only way to save you" Kai explained "that feeling is your body adjusting to it's new cell make-up, you now have two powers now, the ability to control and Manipulate Electrical currents, and the ability to teleport, but it's best to do that outside as it can get kinda smokey in small places" Stephen placed his Feet on the floor and stood up he had felt better but he was able to walk.

"I...Don't know what to say" Kai placed Stephen's Ear piece on the table "I think you should radio your friends" Kai then turned around and walked to the door, he stopped at the door, "I shall be waiting for you in the gym, i need to teach you to control your powers" Stephen looked at Kai as he exited then placed his Ear piece in his right ear and pressed Down on it "Guys, this is shooter, I'm alive thanks to the mad science department and an old agent, Faith, you have been around a while what was Electro like?" Stephen then chased after Kai to go to the gym and 'learn to control' his powers
After a moment of hesitation, Michael put down Stephen's body. He didn't like it when they wanted to research bodies of the deceased. Why couldn't they let them rest in piece? "Thanks for the help," he told the man who had been named Electro by the operator in the camera control room but had identified himself as Kai. He remembered something. "These were his," he said as he gave Kai Stephen's earpiece. "See that it stays with him."

Slowly, he walked out of theScience Lab and proceeded to his own room, where he sat down heavily on the bed. Immediately, he jumped up again. He wasn't done yet! The fight was still going on up there. Stephen's body was safe now, he'd go back... no, wait. The alarms in the base! In his state he'd almost forgotten about it, as the sound had been muted. But there still could be something amiss. As he stormed out of his room again, he halted and took his own earpiece from the cabinet that contained his clothing. Better not forget that again.

The corridors were empty. Everyone was either at the battle outside, or they were just somewhere else in the building. Michael cursed silently. If there'd be anyone around he could have asked what was going on, what he was looking for. But right now, he was just randomly looking around, watching for nothing in particular.

Then, suddenly in the corner in his eye he spotted some movement, though he couldn't exactly be sure what, because as he turned around all he saw was an empty corridor. Was the radiation sickness affecting his mind? A few moments more he peered into the corridor, pistol raised.

Then he heard something that caused Michael to stand transfixed, while his heart hammered in his chest.

"Guys, this is shooter, I'm alive thanks to the mad science department and an old agent, Faith, you have been around a while what was Electro like?"

Michael's eyes widened.
Faith took off her earpiece and pocketed it in her denim jacket, now finally able to discuss like "civilised people", as Alex had described it. "Surely, someone who's bound to be anti-Avenger and is facing the leader is bound to kill them," she said sarcastically, but continued to glare coldly at Alex closely. He's different, all right. Most people would fight, but why does he want to talk? What's he up to? She listened to what he said, but her suspicions remained otherwise. "You can bet that we've been active. With all the Supernatural sightings down here, no one else is going to do anything, are they?" But then he had called her fascinating. What did that mean? "And I suppose you don't mind telling me why I'm so fascinating?"

She laughed at his remark about her anger. "Well, that's one reason why you shouldn't piss me off, that's for sure," assumed Faith. He stopped walking at this point, which put her on her guard almost instantly. "Why should I believe that you don't want to see me bleed?" She tried reading his mind again, but it was too hard to do so and it caused her to get a headache. He really DOES have some serious voodoo protecting him. Faith pointed her finger at him angrily. "You and I are NOT similar! While you scourge the earth with your Supernatural creatures, I vow to save the world and actually not be so selfish for once!" she yelled. "What separates us is that I stand with The Avengers and you stand with whatever Supernatural organisation you have!"
It was whilst Filden was charging that he heard a voice on his earpiece...Filden paused and stopped running, then placed his right finger on his right ear where he placed his earpiece so he can hear the message clearly...

"Guys, this is shooter, I'm alive thanks to the mad science department and an old agent, Faith, you have been around a while what was Electro like?"

Filden's face brightened, he smiled and shouted loudly, "Stephen!" Sounding like a child at christmas, "What happened! I was sure you were dead!"

Filden's smile then dropped...amidst the excitement, Filden had nearly forgot Faith was taking on Alex.

Crap...she hasn't said anything...you'd think she'd be the first to respond after finding this out...she can't be...no..." Filden's eyes widened,

Filden then continued running towards the battle. He then arrived, and saw Faith and Alex talking. The violence seemed to have ended...

Oh hope you can hear this Faith...Stephen has just informed us he's alive, I don't know how, but he is! Are you still going to take on this guy...? Filden hoped Faith could hear his thoughts.