
Stephen smirked at Michael "yea, i guess your right" he walked over to him "non of us asked for this, it just happened" Stephen then turned to exit the infirmary and when he opened the door he glanced over his shoulder "Sorry for you loss mate" he muttered as he walked out.

Stephen then headed towards the Brigg where the intruder was being kept, he was going to 'Interrogate' him, by interrogate he meant torture to find out everything that the prisoner knew. he pressed on his Intercom "Guards, open the prisoner's chamber I'm on my way"
Michael debated standing up and dressing himself, but opted against it for the time being. He'd been hit hard a couple of times, and his blistered left hand had been treated and bandaged. He was still a bit dizzy from the punches, and nauseous of radiation sickness. The young man who had attacked him was probably well secured by now. Perhaps they were interrogating him now.

'Interrogation'... Michael knew what they meant, and didn't like it one bit. They were supposed to be the good guys... but especially the younger Avengers wanted to see blood after a day like this. And who could blame them, really? After what they'd seen, what they'd been through? Stephen had almost died today. Perhaps he had really died, but somehow they had brought him back to life. And they had given him powers he hadn't asked for. They had turned him into a Supernatural. What a way to be resurrected.

Michael sat up and started to dress himself, fighting down the nausea and ignoring his trembling body and splitting headache. He'd just have to cope. And no one could make him believe staying in bed all day was good for you, even though he longed to do just that. He thanked the nurses for their trouble and went on his way to the armoury to ask for a new pistol. He frowned. How the hell was he going to explain that his gun had melted?
"112, 113, 114." Rene huffed as he performed many squats. He was literally forcing himself to heal up. He already felt his strength returning and was actually quite relieved that the suppression field stopped him from bleeding out. He had also figured out a loop hole in the system. It relied on his wounds to stop him from regaining his power but if he exercised and got stronger then his powers would increases but most likely not be at their strongest. Rene sat back down on the bed and put his hands behind his back. He clicked his fingers and smiled as a shot of flame burst from his palm.

"Hey! You! Face the wall with your hands behind your back!" The security guard shouted through the intercom. Rene did as he was told and faced the wall. He heard a buzzer sound and the clanking of the metal door hitting the wall. Two security men rushed into the room and pummeled Rene into the wall. They forcibly crossed his arms and put a pair of handcuffs on him. "Heh heh, you're gonna get the special treatment now punk. You shoulda thought better before breakin in here and takin out several of our men." Rene listened to the man and happily imagined beating several shades of crap out of him. The security men then through him onto the ground and put a chair in the center of the room. A man grabbed him and threw him on the chair. The man then punched him powerful in the gut causing Rene to grunt in pain. The man chuckled and left the room along with his counterpart.

Rene was calm, despite the fact that he had just been sucker punched in the stomach, because he knew he could easily melt the cuffs and fight his way out. But before that, he'd see how things would pan out.
OOC: hey Rene, i just tried to rescue you. Ah fine, pretend my last post didn't exist.

IC: "HEY WHAT ARE YOU-" There was a sound of a struggle, then the a slam as a wall bent slightly inward. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM? I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!" there was then another sound, and then the door burst open, being propelled by a guard's unconscious body. "Hey kid, you ok?" General Silver asked as he stepped into the room. He glanced at the guard's body and shook his head. "they need to up their security by a ton, because that was to easy" General Silver breathed in slowly, then breathed out for a few seconds, then turned towards the kid. "Ready or not, time to go kid"
OOC: i thought you were an Avenger Shadow? if so why are you breaking one of the Avengers prisoners out of his cell?

IC: as Stephen strode around the corner he saw General Silver stood at the entrance to the cell of the intruder. he instantly un-holstered his Beretta and pointed it at the General "Sir, step away from the door and you wont get harmed" Stephen took a couple of steps towards the General, who was unaware of his resurrection and new found powers "I am to Interrogate the Prisoner, not you sir so leave"
"Dudes. Either way I can't leave." Rene said to the men who had appeared. Rene considered getting rid of the gun but thought otherwise. Best not to show that my powers are returning, Rene thought as the men spoke

"I am to Interrogate the Prisoner, not you sir so leave" Said a man holding a gun to the other man. Geez, this guy sounds like such a hard up, i'm really not looking forward to this interrogation.

Rene watched the scene and crossed his legs on the bed. "If you two are gonna argue can you at least close the door?" Rene said cheekily, grinning slightly. "I'm gonna get some sleep." As he said this he layed back down on the bed and rested his hands behind his head.
OOC: crap i thought Rene was an avenger. ok my last posts never existed and neither did this one for that matter. man i really need a breather...
as general Silver apologized and walked away Stephen strode over to the door and walked through, closing it on his way in. Stephen sat next to the prisoner on the bed and holstered his weapon "there are two ways to do this, the first is i Interrogate you to find out why you are here, the other is you tell me and save us both hassle" Stephen paused for a moment and looked at the prisoner "and the second saves you alot of pain"
"Well bizarrely enough, you're not my type or gender and I'm not really into the kinky stuff so I'll go for option 2." Rene said with his eyes shut facing the ceiling. Phew, he thought to himself, thought i'd have no choice in being beaten up. "So ask me every question ya want. One question first? What exactly are these Avengers I been hearin about? Also tell that guy I was in a fight with i'm sorry." Rene opened his eyes and sat up to look at the man properly.
Stephen smiled as his Intercom made a couple of noises "well we are here to pretty much keep Supernaturals in check "Stephen stood up "and as for the choice, considering the guy you beat up was one of my best friends if you lie to me or i suspect your lieing, It's gonna hurt more than you can imagine" Stephen stood up and lent against the opposite wall "why were you here, was it an attack?" Stephen stood up straight and glared at the prisoner "are you a member of the Black hand?" as Stephen asked these questions he removed the jacket he was wearing to reveal a sleeveless T-shirt that was back and skin tight
"The hecks the Black Hand?" Rene asked as the man said it. "And it depends on whatcha mean by attack. If you mean was i purposely here to attack people then no. But if it was to gather info then yah, it was an attack." As he said this Rene stood up and got a drink from the sink. He leaned against the wall opposite the man and took a sip. "So that dude was your best friend huh? What's your name anyways? If we're gonna talk we should at least be able to call each other by name." Rene finished his cup of water and placed it on the ground, as he did so he sat down and leaned back on the wall, still facing the man but looking up.
"great i am absolutely having a bad day" Jet muttered as he walked down the hallway towards the gym. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a shadow move. what the... shadows don't move Jet threw a punch at where the shadow was now and was rewarded by a wheeze and the shadow falling back. With that, 3 more shadows jumped out coming straight for him. Jet looked around and found himself surround by 4 assassins. "hmmm 4 guys with daggers vs me. Whatever shall i do" With that, Luka shouted a battle cry and sprinted towards one of the assassins.
Michael thanked the man for his new pistol. The man had been somewhat amazed by his story of melting pistols, but working with Supernaturals each day had made him a bit more accepting of that kind of stories. Michael loaded it and put it in his pocket, then proceeded to make his way to the interrogation room. He wanted to make sure Stephen didn't do anything stupid to the young man. Whence comes this forgiving soul? he asked himself amusedly. And he really had no idea. No two months ago he would have insisted he be allowed to beat the boy to a pulp as soon as possible. Apparantly he'd changed.

As he was almost there, he caught faint sounds of a struggle behind the corner. Michael heaved a sigh and silently cursed whichever deity saw fit to throw him from one fight into the other. At this rate, he would never get the rest he so sorely needed. Still a bit shaky on his legs, but resolving to ignore that as best he could, he pulled his brand new pistol and silently moved toward the corner. He turned it and was confronted with the sight of several dark figures attacking that General Silver. He spoke into the mic of his earpiece. "Intruders near the Custodary Area, General Silver is under attack. I'm assisting. Michael out." He raised his pistol and fired the first shot at the back of one of the intruders, carefully aiming to NOT hit General Silver in the struggle.
OOC: My apologies for not posting sooner. I only get internet access when I'm at my dad's place at the moment. But since I'll be going back to college on Monday, I'll be able to post at least once a day. From my birthday (which is next Thursday), I'll be staying at my dad's for two weeks. So happy days!

IC: Faith was somewhat alerted when Alex revealed the scar that ran down his face as soon as he removed his eye patch. She stood her ground when he came closer and expressed how he was feeling. So this was the true story of this man then? He acts like he's the only one in the world who has suffered because of who he is, she thought to herself. But he's not. We've all suffered in some shape or form! Even myself included. "You have to understand some things," she said to him now able to gather her emotions together. "Some people in this world don't understand who we are or why we're here. In fact, I don't even know why I'm here either! But I'm here and I've been taught by someone I know that you have to fight for what you believe in." She paused for a moment, sighing, before continuing. "Look, I know you're in pain and I'm sorry for all that, but ..."

When he accused her knowing nothing of suffering, that was when her eyes turned red again. "I DON'T KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO SUFFER, DO I?" she yelled. "You're not the only goddamn person in the world that's lost someone, you know that? I was there on the day of the nuclear explosion in New York! I lost someone I loved! She was like my mother to me and I never found her in the end! She was probably blown to pieces, lost forever in the ashes of the once great city ..." Faith turned to face him. "So don't you ever say I don't know how it feels!" She heard what he said about her being useful and it was playing in her head again. Would they dispose of her when she was useless to them? "You and I are different," Faith told him again. "You're the animal because of what happened to you. You were turned into an animal and I ..." But she could not cope with her emotions.

Without any warning, she took off into the sky, flying high into the air until she had the clouds to cover herself. As Faith was flying, she realised that what Alex had said to her had some kind of strange, but significant impact on her. Was she really being used? Her emotions were uncontrollable right now, her anger was significantly unstoppable. Losing her godmother, Patricia Musso, in the nuclear explosion changed Faith a lot. She closed her heart and insisted on looking to the future instead of looking back to the past. But at what cost? Her heart had turned ice cold and she didn't really want to socialise much anymore. Was she in turn, the monster here? Faith didn't know. She knew of suffering, but perhaps she was wrong about Alex being the monster. Her mind was being seriously screwed over. She didn't even know the difference between right and wrong anymore ...
Jet glanced across and saw a kid aiming a gun at one of the assassins. "Kid catch!" Jet yelled tossing one of the assassins straight into the line of fire. Then he turned and delivered a roundhouse kick to another assassin, banging him against the wall and apparently knocking him out cold.
"although my name is unimportant i shall allow you to know it" Stephen paused momentarily "I'm shooter, who are you" he announced. Stephen then walked over to the bed and placed his right index finger on the bed frame.

"but, thats not really important either as, i think your lying about why your here" Stephen then smirked "and that really isn't a good thing for you" Stephen then unleashed and electric charge into the bed that should have passed through the metal bedframe and into the prisoner
"OW YOU SONOFABITCH!" Rene yelped as he jumped from the bed. His butt had just taken a buttload of electrical power and it stung like hell. "I'm telling you the truth you jackass! I was gathering information on Mr. X you dickhead!" Rene finished his rant and sat back down cautiously, not wanting to get his arse zapped once more.
"And what the frickin hell kinda name is Shooter. It's obviously a code name but dude you seriously got the short straw, the amount of jokes I could make about the name Shooter... Anyway's, my name's Skylar, Rene Skylar. Pleasure to make you acquaintance"
Stephen looked at Rene with a smirk "well, i had to be sure,and as for the information on X he died a while back" Stephen then looked at Rene with a look of theory"so you have Pyrokinesis and the ability to go invisible, the Avengers could use a man of your...talents"

Stephenthen exited the Celland glanced over his shoulder "come on, while i runthe idea past the appropriate channels" Stephen then Smirked "that is if your interested, If not enjoy your stay in your cell"
"Ya don't think I figured that out already?!" Rene snapped at him. "You're damned security is so friggin bad I found out about X 5 minutes after I arrived." Rene layed back down on the bed and pointed a finger into the air. He made a circle made of fire and let it stay for a couple of seconds before vaporizing it and turning it into smoke. "And sorry mate, but if I leave this room that damned suppression field will make my wounds start bleeding again, so get me some medical attention and I might, I MIGHT just consider joing you guys. On the one condition that you explain to just how the fuck I got powers like these." As he said this last part he curled his hand into a fist and let it explode into flame and then letting it extinguish itself.
"Kid?" Michael shot the assassin through the head, covering the wall opposite with a film of red droplets. The assassin slowly slumped to the floor. "You are what, two, three years older than me?" He shot another one that was just trying to sneak up on Silver. The dark figure screamed and cursed, and backed away, injured and obviously straining to remain upright. The trail of blood indicated he had been hit in an artery. He wouldn't live long. "I don't think I merit the term 'kid' if you ask me. Sir."

Just one threat left. The assassin was obviously aware that the tables had been turned, and he was nervously backing down the corridor, trying to get away no doubt.

Michael stepped over one of the fallen assassins, and took up a position next to general Silver. "So what do you reckon we do with this one, then? You want to get some information out of him?"