
Alex wagged a finger at the woman. "There are several reasons. I did not expect the Avengers to lead by a woman, and pardon me for saying so. You are quite strong as well. Why wouldn't I be interested?" He shrugged. "Look, I do believe you are misunderstanding my intentions. You speak to me like I am some kind of warmonger, a cold-blooded killer. But where is the proof? Do you see anyone's blood on my hands?" He held up his hands to her as he said this, and waved them around. "I'll also remind you that YOU attack US. We weren't bothering anyone, so who is the warmonger, Miss...? Oh my, you never gave me your name."

At her comment about their similarity, Alex sighed. "Well, of course, there are some minor differences, but at the very core, we are both...different from the rest of the world, am I right? Suffering persecution for the qualities that make us unique. Oh sure, you are enjoying yourselves now while the governments still find favor with your presence. But what happens, pray tell, when they tire of you?" Alex cocked his head at the woman, a bemused look on his face. "How long do you really think the regulars will abide someone of your abilities, hmm?"
"Now that is just sexist, honestly," Faith rolled her eyes. I thought he'd only be interested because he looks like a bloody pervert. "Let's put it this way, shall we? You attacked one of our own, why else would I think that you look like an animal?" She growled under her breath when he raised his hands up. Stephen is dead and it's his fault! "We only do what we're required to do. Our priority is saving the world from Supernatural nasties. They've ruined the world! They caused the nuclear explosion in New York City one year ago! How do you think people are going to react to that? They'd be angry and want revenge. It's not right!" She was really starting to get annoyed. "You can call me Crimson for now, real names come later."

She didn't want to admit this, but Alex was actually talking some ... sense into her. He was right; they were suffering because they were different to everyone else. "I don't enjoy my job, but I do it because it's the right thing to do," Faith said calmly. Now he was really beginning to mess with her head, even though she was a telepath. "They won't tire with me. I'm not fully Supernatural myself, I'm human at the same time. I have a heartbeat, a head to think with and the emotions that we feel. So perhaps in a way, I am regular. I'm regular to most the people in this world! Not many people know what I am." But the thought was starting to swallow her up whole. "Just shut up! What do you know, anyway? You probably don't have human emotions!"
The smile faded from Alex's face. "No emotions, you say? No emotions!" He took off his eye patch, exposing a large scar that ran down his face. The eye that was covered by the patch was pure white. He stepped into the face of...Crimson, was it? "Look at this! Because of my last name, my country's government hunted down my family! I was 14 years old. I have to stand by and watch as the killed my father, mother, younger sister!" His accent became thicker as the words came out faster. "I am fortunate that I only carry this scar with me to remind me of that time. The only reason I was kept alive was to be used as a experiment. For years, they strapped me down and injected me with all kinds of things, exposed me to all kinds of radiation, treated me like some kind of monster, just because of who I am...the power I wield..."

He turned away and spat into the ground. "How dare you accuse me of such a thing?" He turned back to her and pointed his finger in her direction. "You...you know nothing of suffering." He put the eyepatch back on his face. "Just you wait, until the powers that be decide you are just a...freak. They tolerate you now, because you are useful. Remember, regulars could never understand." He sighed. "I do what I do to right wrongs, to fight injustice, much like yourself. I, Crimson, I am no animal. No more than everyone else is, at least."
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Stephen was in the Gym practicing with his powers when he looked at one of the regulars who worked in the Avengers HQ "Shooter, Crimson has not returned yet" Stephen looked at Kai "go, your ready" Kai informed him "I will be in the weapons section when you get back" Stephen smiled "thanks, for everything" Stephen then turned around and teleported to the weapons locker, his rifle was in there along with his Beretta. he was given them by the locker worker and also handed a pair of fingerless leather gloves.

Stephen put on the gloves and then teleported to the surface, he began running back to the battle field and every few yards he would teleport around 50 meters, when he arrived and could see Alex and Faith he took his Beretta out of It's holster and pointed it at Alex he walked towards Crimson "Crimson, we gotta go, now" he kept his glare on Alex who was undoubtedly ordered the Sniper to take the shot on him "Come on Crimson, he isn't worth it, not right now"
" 'Kay then..." Rene said to himself as he loaded his handgun and put it into his holster tucked into the back of his jeans and hidden by his shirt and jacket. He put on his black, leather, fingerless gloves and balled his hands into fists. "I'll snoop around for a bit, hopefully I'll find something useful." Rene stretched his arms and cracked his knuckles before turning invisible once more and leaving the cupboard he had hidden himself in. Rene cursed as a man left his room the exact moment Rene left the cupboard. The man had obviously spotted something as he had his handgun out and was in a ready stance. Damn it... Rene thought to himself as he stayed extremely still. This guy doesn't look like a regular recruit, he looks pretty strong. As the man looked in Rene's general direction his eyes suddenly widened and Rene took that chance.

Seeing as the man seemed to be transfixed to whatever he was transfixed to, Rene had to assume the man wasn't transfixed because he had discovered Rene of course. Rene charged forward as fast as he could whilst still invisible and attempted to grab the mans arm, hoping to be able to take him down and pin him. He wouldn't knock the man out of course, Rene still needed information.
Stephen stood, Still with his Beretta pointed at Alex, "Crimson, come on" Bang there was a familiar sound of a sniper rifle firing and as the bullet got to around one foot away from Stephen it changed direction and hit the floor, Stephen then pivoted on his right foot and shot the Window where the enemy Sniper was four times with his Beretta "thats for shooting me, asshole" he then pointed his gun Back at Alex "Crimson, lace your hand on my shoulder and i will get us out of here"

Michael didn’t have much time to be surprised in. His mind was still reeling with Stephen’s sudden resurrection when his body was sent reeling by a sudden hit that slammed the air out of his lungs. Before he could react, his arm was swept upwards and he pulled the trigger out of reflex. The bullet ricocheted off the ceiling, the blast echoed in the empty corridor. In an attempt to defend himself, Michael swept his other arm wide at the seemingly empty space in front of him, which he could see was fragmented, as if looking at a broken mirror.

Michael then reverted to the brawling he’d learned in the weeks (or was it months? He couldn’t remember) that he’d spent fighting in pubs and diners. And brawling was dirty, fighting with arms, legs, fists, feet, knees, teeth… All forgotten but his simmering anger at the injustice done him when they took his wife, the shock of losing all that had been dear to him, and the primal instinct of survival, Michael tried to grapple an invisible adversary.

And preferably put a knee in his… or its groin.
Filden got suspicious, Faith was not answering...something was up. He did not want to meddle in this coversation, it was his place to. Though he never hesitated to interupt coversations before, Filden didn't have the first clue of what they were discussing, so he had naught to say.

Eventually began a talk of the 'normal' people chucking the 'freaks' aside once they are done with them...Filden squinted his eyes...

No way...this bloke lacks faith...Filden thought to himself, Not everyone is like that, there is bound to be people who would stick up for us...

Filden tightened his grip on his guns...but he then put them both away in his inside pockets...

"Your wrong!" Filden shouted to Alex, "There may be those who hate us, but there are those also who still consider us to be the same as them! Stop judging all of them merely because a small quantity made you suffer!" Filden then turned to Faith, "Crimson! Don't listen to him! Not all of them are the same!"
Rene smiled as the man fell backwards causing his to pull the trigger of his gun. That's gonna attract attention, Rene thought to himself, before he could think of anything else Rene felt an arm aimlessly smack him in the head. It stung a bit but didn't knock him over. Rene stepped back and smirked as the man put himself into a brawling stance. "Heh ya look like ya know how to fight." Rene said to the man whilst still invisible. The man attempted to force Rene into a grapple but Rene easily deflected it and struck hard towards the mans abdomen in an attempt to catch him off guard.

As Rene's hand went forward to strike he also used his other hand to conjure a fireball and send it towards the mans gun to melt it making it unusable. My life will be at too much risk if I allow him to keep that gun...
"Bloody hell!" Michael swore as a blast of fire came out of nothing and turned his pistol glowing hot in a matter of moments. He dropped it immediately but was then punched right in his stomach, and he gasped for air. His left hand was still burning with pain, breathing was nigh impossible, and somewheer in front of him was an invisible enemy, throwing fire and punches and intent on taking him out.

Michael knew with certainty that there would be no way out. There would be no help. Michael cringed at the memory of screaming for help in the ruins of New York. The piles of rubble, the few buildings that had remained standing nothing more than empty shells... and no one there to help him. No one to help any of them.

The voice from nowhere was toying with him, staying invisible, hiding himself. I can play that game, Michael thought. The pain and his memories had stirred the anger he was so bad at suppressing.

His head hurt, his stomach hurt, his... Wait, his head didn't hurt! He'd swung his arm and he'd hit something. The pain wasn't much, only a faint signal from outside compared to the pain to his hand and stomach. But now he knew where to look, he could determine its source, trace it back to the pain itself. A mirthless smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. In front of him was someone... and now he knew where to aim! Without warning he lunged forward and slammed into the nothing that was his enemy. He aimed for the source of the faint sting that he could feel, savouring the relief of finally having something to focus on.
Rene's head snapped backwards as the blow struck him. He had been cocky. Blood poured from Rene's mouth. He coughed loudly and painfully. The pain eventually forced Rene to reveal himself, allowing the man to see him properly. "Heh, smart." Rene said plainly. He brushed the blood on his chin off causing it to spray onto the wall. Rene cracked his knuckles and smiled at the man. He closed his eyes briefly. "BRING IT ON!" Rene shouted, as he did so his fists set themselves alight. He charged forward and aimed a powerful blow for the mans face.

I cannot lose now, Rene thought as the blow headed for the man, I have to find out about myself, even if it means killing this man. Rene's entire body felt as though it was going to explode, he had almost reached his limit. If this blow didn't defeat the man then Rene would lose, and most likely be killed. I cannot lose...
Stephen saw that Filden had arrived "Dammit!" he exclaimed as he looked at Alex "Not all Naturals hate supers, i never hated them" Stephen took a couple of steps towards Filden,his gun still locked on Alex, when he stood next to filden he glanced over his shoulder "Get her out of here" Stephen then took a couple of steps awayfromHim and smiled at Alex "well, i gotta go, see you all later" Stephen then Vanished into a cloud of black and Purple smoke.

he arrived back at the Elevator of HQ and hit the button to go down into the base and Holstered his weapon. Bing it rang out signaling the arrival at the level he wanted to be on, and as the doors opened he saw Michael and a strange man fighting, his electrical charge began to grow but he couldn't unleash it without hitting Michael.

he took a couple of steps forward and pressed his Intercom "Intruder on the 6thfloor" he announced downit, he then came up with a brilliant idea he placed one hand either side of the corridor and discharged his Electricity into them, the current ran down the walls and when they passed Michael he brought them back into the man who was attacking him.
Michael felt his hits land, one by one, on the invisible being he was fighting. Suddenly, like a curtain being pulled away, a young man appeared before him. The man's face was bloody, Michael's fists had struck home.

Michael allowed himself a moment to heave a sigh, and made ready to jump on the young man and take him into custody... that is, if he didn't have to go to the hospital first. Then the young man suddenly lunged forward, shouting "BRING IT ON!". The man's fists suddenly burst into flame, and Michael cursed himself for letting him recuperate. He sure was out of practise.

Multiple things happened at the same time then. The young man, flaming hands raised, surging forward to hit him. Behind Michael, a sound, the thud of footsteps, and then a sound as if lightning discharged itself. The lamps in the corridor flickered, creating an eerie scene.

Michael didn't think, couldn't think anymore. There was no more time for thinking. Instinct had to take over, an instinct that had learned a few new tricks since the nuclear blast in New York. An instinct that had command over forces unlike those of regular people. Without realising what he did, without even consciously thinking about it, Michael pushed outward with his mind. A surge of telekinetic power pushed forward, slammed right into the young man and threw him back against a wall head-first. At that exact moment, two bolts of lightning detached themselves from the walls and slammed into one another, creating a blinding burst of light and a deafening explosion.

Everything tossed and turned. Michael doubled over. His stomach hurt, burned, his head felt like it would burst. He could only hear a cracking noise, distant shouts were barely whispers to him.

He vomited. Blood as well as gall came out. His nose bled too. He coughed, and coughed, coughed as if he would cough out his lungs. So far, it was only blood. A dizzying feeling came over him. Through hazy vision, he could see the prone figure of the man he'd been fighting slumped against the wall, probably knocked out by the combination of Michael's surge of power and the bolt of lightning from the walls.

... Bolt of lightning? Michael tried to care, but couldn't. He coughed again, another spurt of blood on the floor.

EDIT: typo
"Da-Damn..." Rene coughed as he was thrown into the far wall, he instantly collapsed on the ground. His fists had turned themselves off due to exhaustion and were now smoking slightly. Rene forcibly crawled forward slightly and somehow managed to pick himself up. He stood for several seconds before falling backwards and smacking his head on the wall. How did I... Lose? Rene thought to himself. He then remembered lightning. What the hell? I guess I'm not the only one with powers...

Rene shut his eyes slightly and smiled. I wonder if I'll ever wake up... And with that he fell unconscious, his head slumped forward and his hands fell to the ground.
Stephen saw the carnage he had caused, the lights were flickering and he jogged over to Michael and saw he was in bad shape, he pushed down on his intercom "threat neutralized, First aid team to the sixth floor" Stephen then glanced up at the fallen intruder "and you better send a security detail" Stephen then walked over to the intruder and lifted him up "I bet this wasn't how you planned to end your day" he whispered as he carried him over to Michael.

as the Security and First aid crew arrived Stephen gave the intruder to the Security team and helped them get Michael onto the stretcher, Stephen then accompanied Michael to the medical wing
Rene's eyes flickered as he brought himself back to consciousness. Rene's entire body ached as if it had been repeatedly beaten. Rene forced his eyes open and finally surveyed his surroundings. He was laying on a soft but thin mattress on top of a steel outlet in the wall. He was in a 5x5 room. There were no windows, and only a steel door to allow people in and out. Rene threw his legs over the side of the bed and rested his head in his hands. "Damn... I got one hell of a headache..." Rene said as he rubbed his head gently. "Why am I still alive? I coulda sworn I got hit by lightning..." Then he remembered. The man he had fought punched him hard sending him flying. "I wonder if he purposely pushed me out the way?" Nah he couldnt have seen the guy sending lightning along the wall, Rene thought to himself. Rene finally managed to stand and paced around the room. After a few minutes he finally figured he had enough strength and walked towards the door. He placed a palm on the middle of the door and concentrated hard. He felt his palm heat up but eventually had to force himself away from the door. The area he had heated up wasn't even red.

His strength was completely gone. Rene noticed a sink and cup and poured himself one. He downed the contents in one and laid back down on the bed. "So you're awake huh?" A metallic voice shouted over the intercom "Guess I'll go and get an officer to interrogate you!"

"Wait! Where the hell am I?" Rene shouted. He stood up but as he did so his energy suddenly left him and he ended up falling over and hitting the ground.
"Just stay still kid, the room has a suppression field that stops you from bleeding out. The medical team hasn't been by yet, so you still got a lot of wounds." The man told him "Right I'll be right back." As Rene listened to the man he could only think, I guess that's why my power aren't very strong.

"Fine then..." Rene said to himself as he laid back down on the bed. He closed his eyes and allowed sleep to take him for a few minutes.
OOC: sorry i've been gone. I'm going to come back now ok? i kinda forgot about this within a bunch of other stuff i am doing. Ok time to make a new appearance.

IC: "you okay kid?" a voice said from the door. "Kid, i'm going to get you out of here now, stand away from the door" With that, the door banged onto it's hinges. "crap i guess they reinforced it. plan B" The door jumped again. "jesus what did they put on this door? crap" There was a shout, followed by the sounds of a struggle, the a yell. "finally, ok kid, Plan C should work" The door flew over to the opposite wall. From the doorway stepped out General Silver, Jet. "Great he's fast asleep" Jet muttered as he glanced at the bed. He walked over to the bed and started to shake it lightly "Kid. Hey kid, wake up. Trying to do a rescue mission here"
Michael opened his eyes slightly, expecting to be in the corridor still. But he wasn't. He looked dazedly around, almost unaware of where he was. His head felt as if it was going to burst, his limbs felt weak and he just felt generally gutted. When consciousness took over in his mind again, he started to recognise the familiar furnishings of the medical quarters. Still a bit dizzy, he tried to sit up in bed. His head screamed in pain, but he managed to stay upright. He'd fainted. He'd bloody fainted! He cursed himself for overexerting himself. He shouldn't have. This wouldn only remind people he was far more vulnerable than he liked people to know. Fuck.

His vision was becoming less blurry. A blurry shape slowly became Stephen. Michael suddenly jolted with the memory. His hands shook. In fact, his whole body still trembled. He stared, almost accusingly, at Stephen.

"Why aren't you dead? You were dead, I bloody carried you here!"
Michael had a weird feeling inside, a stomach twisting feeling of both guilt and anger that had nothing to do with radiation sickness. Stephen had had the chance. His wife Myra hadn't. She had died, thousands had died.
"What gives you the right?" Michael suddenly burst out. "Why you? Why not Myra?!" Michael tried to stand up, walk over to Stephen, but his legs folded up beneath him and he fell to the ground.

"I'd have given up this shit life if only she'd lived..." he whispered.
Stephen walked over to Michael and lifted him up and sat him back on the bed "Firstly the doctor says you shouldn't be on your feet, don't make me tie you down" after Stephen had lay him on the bed he turned and took a few steps away, he then leaned back on the wall and looked at Michael "I didn't have the choice" he held his left hand around three inches in front of his face his fingers spread, Electricity began surging down his Fingers "I was given my powers without the chance to say no, i used to pride myself on being regular but..." Stephen began to hesitate "now I'm just like every other Supernatural"
Despite his condition and mood, Michael smirked at Stephen's last remark.

"Just like any other Supernatural... Then what are we like, huh? Are we freaks of nature? Mistakes? Dangerous, not to be trusted?" Michael leaned on his elbows and tried to focus his blurred vision on Stephen. "Are you ashamed of what you are now?"

He lay back again, breathing slowly. "I didn't have a choice either. I daresay almost none of us ever had a say in it. I didn't ask to survive the blast of New York, kid. I'd rather have died there. But I didn't. You think I'm happy with what I am?"

He closed his eyes. His headache was starting to vanish, but it would take some time for him to recuperate fully.
"Sorry for the rant... I'm not in the best of moods right now."