
"ok since you two are the most powerful people here, and most awake, we have a mission. Simply put, we're going to go blow up a hostile base. During the mission, titles only, and no honorifics like sir. i don't want to give away what we are doing. Gather up what you need, and head on out to the entrance when your ready." Jet turned and sprinted for the entrance to wait for the two.
Stephen pulled his Rifle off of his shoulder, checked it was loaded and placed it back, he then did the same with his beretta. moments before he began walking for the entrance he saw a group of Supernaturals as they walked past they gave him evil looks as Stephen had no powers himself he never had any, and for all he knew he would never get them...good...he then proceeded to walk towards the entrance smiling, he was glad that he was different to the others
Filden was relaxed, and was taking a nap on his recliner. But his nap was ruined by a voice on the speakers...

"Attention: all able bodied warriors, this is General Silver. Please report to the gym immediately for a new assignment. We have discovered a hostile base nearby and are gathering a team to destroy it."
Filden's eyes widen violently, "Get the hell off my case..."

Filden then covered both his ears and closed his eyes, in an attempt to go to sleep again. Filden was tired and his feet were aching, and Filden was a very stubborn individual. Just then, his mobile began to ring. Filden moaned again, he sat up, and got his phone out of his inside pocket, and looked at the name that came up. It was Ed, Filden sighed, and answered.

"What!?" Filden shouted down the phone,
"Blimey!" Ed laughed, "Someone's on their period!"
"Not the time, old man!" Filden growled, "I just got back from a mission and someone is trying to get me on another...the swine!"
"Oh stop being such a tart!" Ed laughed,
"Easy for you to say, ya lazy old geezer!" Filden answered,
"Alright, whatever, nevermind if your gonna be a cranky old tart!" Ed sniggered,
"Okay! Thanks! Bye!" Filden then hit the hang up button on his phone, and dropped back down to sleep.
Stephen got the coordinates to the base and searched a map for a fairly good Vantage point. after finding it he looked at General Silver, "I'll set up there, it will give me a good view of the entire base" he informed as he ran up the ramp towards the car park. upon arriving at his car he placed his finger on his Communicator and turned on his engine "HQ, Inform General Silver I shall be on this channel if he needs me" Stephen then drove to his Vantage point, grabbed his rifle from his car and began climbing up to the top of the flats, he set up his rifle and waited for the Teams to begin storming the Base
OOC: The delay was inevitable, sorry.

"Hostile base?" Faith said, stretching her body out to be more awake. "And since when I do use sir? Who put you in charge, anyway? I thought I was, but at least someone has the decency to take command when I was gone." She finished drinking her hot chocolate and put on her denim jacket. Another mission was at hand. Let's go do this bad boy mission already then. She turned to face Jet. "I'll meet you there, already read your mind to get the coordinates. Sorry!" And with that, Faith ran took the lift to the ground surface. When no one was around, she flew up into the air and stayed close to the clouds to get some cover. "Anti-Avengers are out there then," she muttered under her breath.

She heard Stephen through her earpiece and answered him. "Roger that, Shooter," she said. "I'm sure he got the message, anyway." Faith found the base and noticed that Stephen was already waiting at the top of the block of flats. Here we go again, thought Faith, as she descended upon the alleyway at the back of the flats as not to blow her cover. She floated a little in the air as not to make any sound, except for her breathing. When she sensed no one around, she contacted Jet on her earpiece. "General Silver, this is Crimson," she said. "Shooter's in position. Get your ass over here, so we can have ourselves a party." Faith said the last part sarcastically. This had been what she'd been waiting for.
as Stephen heard faith on the ear piece "Roger that, Shooter," as Stephen heard her voice he smiled "Crimson, it's great to hear your voice, you joining us on this mission" Stephen asked Smiling he then looked through his scope "oh would you look at that, poor poor assholes don't even know I'm here" Stephen muttered as he looked down on the soldiers carrying assault Rifles "Such a shame really."

Stephen then pressed down on his ear piece "Shooter here, awaiting the go for Mission commence"
-24 Hours Earlier, Black Hand HQ, Unknown Location-

Romanov stood before the Black Hand's High Council, a group of elite assassins, all of them Supernaturals. "The Avengers' actions are becoming more and more focused. They are becoming a real threat." Alex Romanov stood and walked around the round table where the Council sat, dressed in his Iron Hammer uniform. "The time has come to deal a quick, decisive blow to their ranks. It's time to set the Omega Contingency into motion." The council members looked at each other, not really sure what to make of this development. The Omega Contingency....well....was really just a fail-safe. It was never meant to actually be implemented. The fact that Romanov said it was necessary meant times were dark indeed.


A sound from a console interrupted the thoughtful silence in the room. A soldier's face came up onto the screen. "Sir, we're showing hostiles inbound, twenty clicks north. Avengers among them."

"Impossible!" Alex bellowed. "How in the hell can they know where we are? There still must be informers buried in the Hand." His eyes swept among the Council. "We need to retreat. Take your units and go. I'll stay behind and handle this myself." Alex grabbed his weapon, the Hammer of Svarog, and turned to the elevator that would take him to the surface.

"Oh, and watch your backs. I want all spies killed on the spot." He frowned. "No more problems like this, is that clear?" The Council nodded their assent, and Romanov got into the elevator. As the doors closed, he gripped his hammer. "No more games, Avengers. Now you will see what we are capable of...."
"Another beer Joe!" Rene Skylar asked the barman.

"It's not Joe for gods sake." He shouted as he threw him another bottle

"Whatever Joe..." Rene Skylar was 23, and he was currently drinking himself dead. He had light brown hair and dark blue eyes. It had been quite a while now since the bomb but the loud TV in the corner of the room still bellowed out news about it. "Can't ya shut that damned thing off?"

"Hey, it ain't my TV why don't cha ask the guy who brought it in?" The barman whose name Rene had already forgotten said.

"Eh. Whatever... I better get goin' I'll pay my tab tomorrow 'kay?" Rene told him

"You're already 3 weeks behind Rene, ya should quit drinking before ya get in debt."

Like I care, I won't be comin' back...

As Rene exited the dank dark bar, the harsh cold hit him on the face. As Rene sighed he closed his eyes and concentrated before becoming totally invisible. He checked to make sure that his gun was strapped carefully in its holster and set off for the police checkpoint.

As he neared the checkpoint the storm has slowed, making visibilty slightly better, meaning it'd be even harder for Rene. The armed guards waited for civilians to show them there passes and Rene sighed. He ran to the railing and jumped over, as soon as he landed he went prone and made sure no one saw him.

"Good, almost there..." As Rene stood up his target was in sight. One of the man bases of the group known only as the Avengers. "Time to find out where Mr. X is hiding. I will find out about myself..."
"Screw this, Crimson, if your ready to go I'm gonna get things started" Stephen then looked down at the base and Sigh "Shooter, you are under direct orders to Cover Crimson and the other members of your unit" came through his ear piece "HQ This is Shooter, enemy Units approaching Crimson's position to open fire" there was a moment of silence then "Shooter, you have the fire order" Stephen smiled "Finally, he then looked through his scope and pulled the trigger. BANG......BANG.....BANG... round after round hit the Enemy Units and Stephen kept his eyes open for more enemy combatants.

Meanwhile on one of the opposing buildings
target locked...Enemy sniper in sight...Requesting a kill order..."this is HQ when you have the shot Take it" gotcha...BANG
Faith walked into the open space, knowing full well that she was going to get shot at any minute if she let her guard down. She heard three bangs come from up above. Shooter obviously, so she pretended as if nothing had happened and carried on walking, which was a good thing for her. Then she froze when she sensed someone on one of the opposing buildings. She closed her eyes and heard what one of the enemies was saying because she delved into his mind quickly. When she escaped, she caught her breath and shook off the strange sensation that she was feeling right now. I really need to get used to that, she thought and carried on walking. But as soon as she walked again, there was an unfamiliar bang coming out of nowhere.

She raised her hand and the bullet meant for her stopped in the air, just a metre away from her body. "Shooter, we've got ourselves a party," she said in her earpiece. "That shot was meant for me. Lucky thing that they don't know who they're dealing with here. Keep your eye out for any suspicious individuals." There were a few more bullets shot from out of nowhere. Two of them had Faith doing the exact same, while the last one, not a bullet at all, appeared to be a missile. It shot right at her, prompting Faith to fly out of the way and she banged into the nearby wall, as she watched the missile hit the dustbins. "I hate it when they use the missiles ..." she muttered under her breath and rose to her feet again. "This is child's play."
OOC: FAITH THAT BULLET WAS MEANT FOR ME DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!! but it's okay, i shall just have him fire another

IC: Stephen saw what was happening to Faith and because she was stopping the bullets before they hit her Stephen couldn't figure out where they were being shot from "fuck fuck fuck" Stephen muttered as he searched the opposing buildings

BANG...Stephen's grip loosened on his Rifles handle, his eyes phased in and out of Focus he looked down at his Bullet proof vest and saw a hole in it, he released his Rifle as he fell to the ground from his squatting position, he lay on his side and managed to raise his right hand to his ear piece blood dribbled down from his mouth, the bullet must have pierced his lung "Ma...n..D...o...wn" His words were quiet and spoke through immense pain "re.....ques....t.....as.sis....ten.....se........."
What the heck is goin' on? Rene thought as he heard several bullets being fired in the distance. The weather was calm now meaning Rene could see and be seen easier even if he's invisible. He saw a young woman walking away from the Avengers base, she raised her hand and seemingly stopped something. But that was none of Rene's concern, all he had to do was break into the base and get what he needed. He legged the final distance and rolled himself over to a vent. He pulled out a knife and levered the vent open before putting it away and using his hands to open it up. Steam billowed out of the vent and threw itself into the air. Rene cursed and prayed that no one would see it. He put himself into the vent and smiled as he felt the heat.

"What a stupid security system... Motion detectors and boiling hot steam, my invisibility wont be detected by the detectors and this heat is nothin..." He crawled forward and took out his PDA to check his map of the place. "Data room, data room hmm..." He smirked and continued the way he ws going.

"I'll find you soon X... And then you can answer my damned questions..."
The elevator stopped at the top floor, which was at ground level. Alex walked out, his single eye gleaming in the sun. He saw combat taking place all around him. He hoisted the Hammer of Svarog and strode out towards an enemy batallion, who immediately began to open fire. The bullets pinged off of Alex's skin as if they were useless pellets. He smiled. As he began running toward the panicking soldiers, he shouted "Enjoy a taste of my hammer!" He swung the hammer in a mighty arc through the soldiers. The impact was incredible, and sent soldiers flying every which way. He grinned. "This is too easy....where are those Avengers?"

He looked up and spotted a missile fly over him, and almost hit a woman, who wasn't in uniform. "There you are!" he said, beginning to walk towards her. "Avengers, know that your end if coming soon!" Alex leaped into the air, bringing his hammer crashing down towards the woman...
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Filden let out a sigh of relief as the masseur rubbed Filden's right foot.

"Ahh...this is the life..." Filden sighed as he reached for the glass of coke with a lemon in placed on the table next to his recliner.
"Umm...sir..?" The female masseur said quietly,
"What is it love?" Filden smiled as he took a sip of the coke,
"Shouldn't you be on that mission with everyone else...?" She asked,
"Eh...they probaly have enough people. Besides, I can't work in this condition!" Filden answered,
"I see, sir." She sighed.

Filden then placed the drink back to where it was. It was then that Filden's phone went off again. Filden placed his hand in the pocket inside his jacket and got out his phone, and glanced at the screen to see who was calling.

"Ed..." Filden sighed, Filden then answered the phone and put it to his ear, "Yes Ed...?"
Ed sounded stressed, "Hey kid, are you even working...?"
"...Maybe..." Filden sounded innocent,
"Filden, stop being bone idol and actually work, your an Avenger so go do some...Avenging...thingy...whatever!" Ed demanded,
"How do you know I even got work to do at the moment?" Filden answered cheekily,
"Filden, I know when your lieing, just do and work!" Ed commanded, and then hung up.
"...Swine..." Filden sighed as he closed his eyes. Filden then jumped up and put his phone away. "Cheers love," He smiled to the masseur.

Filden then quickly ran to gunnery and then grabbed two pistols.

Something light that won't slow me down...Filden thought to himself.

Filden then ran to the car park and quickly found an SUV with a driver smoking while leaning on the door to the driver's seat.

"Take me wherever everyone else has gone, cheers," Filden smiled as he jumped into the passenger seat,
"Uh...okay?" The driver said as he chucked his cigarette on the floor and got into the car.

The SUV then drove off and headed to Enemy's base.
"Accordin to the map the records room should be riiiight here." Rene said as he kicked open the ventilation shaft and dropped down into the large room filled with cabinets and computers. Rene looked around the room and spotted a lone camera. He snuck over to it and ripped out the power cord before becoming visible once more.

Rene walked over to the nearest computer and switched it on praying there wouldnt be a password. As he waited for the bastard to load up he noticed it was a Windows Vista system.

"Trust the slow one to be effing vista." Rene said to himself. The computer finally loaded up and Rene clicked the "Search Records" button. He typed in Mr. X and waited as the computer looked for any relevant files.

"Chriiiist this is taking tooo long dammit!" Rene said annoyed.
Michael sat up in his bed with a shock, looking around feverishly where the jolt of pain had come from. His head was pounding, and he was breathing heavily. He turned and sat up straight, put his hands to his head to stop the dull pain. Where was it coming from? With an effort, he concentrated on the source of the pain and found it to be rather close to where he was right now. That close to the Avengers' headquarters? Michael could scarcely believe it.

He hastily donned his clothing, tied his shoelaces, and went to the armoury. His fingers fumbled for the key of his locker. He opened it and took out his pistol and shotgun and some ammunition for both, as well as a flash grenade. No sense in going out unprepared, he thought grimly. The distant pain that was not actually his still throbbed inside of him, the source becoming clearer and clearer for him, as if it was his own. He absent-mindedly rubbed his chest, where the pain was concentrated.

Michael walked down the corridor leading to the elevator and went up, trying to ignore the toneless music that played there. He tapped his foot impatiently as the elevator made its way slowly upward. He walked out as soon as the doors opened and nearly jogged to the parking lot, only to see an SUV driving off fast. He recognised one passenger.

"Filden, wait!" he yelled, to no avail.

Michael stared after the SUV, then put his boot on a still burning cigarette butt and stamped it out. He turned to take a car for himself, the pain still nagging but getting less focussed, the signal losing its strength. He had to hurry. Only a minute or two after the SUV had left the parking lot, a battered jeep followed it at high speed.
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Stephen managed to roll onto his front and he had begun crawling for the exit to the building, his only problem was the Elevator was Out of Order and in his current state the Stairs could be difficult. he slowly crawled, Still bleeding heavily when he heard a voice "hey, are you alright" the voice was followed by footsteps and then Stephen was rolled over it was a man, not much older than Stephen. "one of my friends will be arriving soon" The man was pushing Down on the gunshot "and Don't worry, i will keep you alive until then"the Man was attempting to keep Stephen alive to no avail...

...Stephen's last breathes were drawing near and the young sharp shooter knew it "do me a favor?" he asked the stranger "no, you will be alive long enough to do it yourself, your not going to Die, i won't let you" the man had began to panic slightly "come on where are your friends eh?" Stephen reached into his coat Pocket and pulled out his Avengers badge "give this to a lady called Faith" the man pressed the badge back down onto Stephen "i wont have to man, you can give it to her yourself when this is done"

Stephen's eyes closed and didn't open and the man shook him but it didn't help, the man checked Stephen's pulse but he couldn't find it "Fuck" the man rolled up his sleeve and small charges of electricity began jumping down his arms, the man placed both of his Index fingers on Stephen's chest the electricity discharged into Stephen "come on Kid, come back" the Electrical charge ran down his arms and discharged into Stephen again.
OOC: Oops! Sorry about that, Hellboy. I thought it was headed my way.

IC: Only moments later did Faith hear Stephen faintly say he was down. "Shit!" she cursed under her breath and was about to go aid him, but something else stopped her. She sensed someone else here, an unfamiliar presence amongst them. She closed her eyes, focusing harder on where this person was while trying to ignore the pain coursing through her body from flying into the brick wall. And that was the moment that she saw Alex walking towards her with an evil grin etched across his face. It was the moment that had changed everything. Even when she tried to read his mind, there seemed to be some powerful voodoo protecting him. "What the fuck is going on?" she muttered quietly to herself, rising to her feet.

Faith watched him leap into the air. Even though her body was weakened at this point, her mind was stronger than ever. The hammer was about to crash down and hit her face to make it bleed. But however, she raised her hand and Alex was floating in the air. "Bet you anti-Avengers never expected that, huh? One of the Supernaturals fighting against her own kind," she said, winking at Alex and then twisting her hand around. Alex went flying on to the floor and his hammer went floating into the wall. Faith wiped the blood from her nose, which had been trickling down her mouth and walked over to where he was lying. "Now who the hell are you coming out like that?" she shouted, grabbing the scuff of his neck.
The Electricity wasn't helping, the man couldn't get Stephen to wake back up, he took Stephen's bagde and put it in his Pocket, "Don't worry Kid, I'll give it to her" the man the walked over to Stephen's Rifle and grabbed it, he took it to Stephen and lay it down his Body vertically, he then placed Stephen's hands on the Rifle "rest well Kid" the man then looked down onto the Battle field and saw a lady holding the leader of Grimme by the scruff of his neck. "Faith i presume" he muttered under his breath.

the man took Stephen's ear piece and placed it in his own ear. "my name is Kai" he announced into it "the young boy with the Sniper Rifle is dead, I have left him where he is and i have a package for Faith" he continued.

Kai looked down at the Battle field and then he disappeared into cloud of smoke that was a kind of blacky purpe colour and he reappeared near Faith, he glanced around and noticed a man running towards him, he turned and extended his arm, and a bolt of Lightning shot from his hand into the man, killing him instantly. he then jogged over to the Girl "are you Faith?"
The SUV drove at 90 miles per hour, and it was approaching it's destination, The Enemy's base. The drive put his foot to the brakes, and the vehicle twisted 90 degrees clockwise, Filden then quickly jumped out of the SUV, and charged into the fray.

When he arrived, the first thing he noticed was his ally's corpse...Stephen.

"This...this can't be ..." Filden's eye widened and his mouth dropped, shocked by what he saw.

A tear ran down Filden's eye, he then closed his eyes, and grinded his teeth. Filden then turned his head away from the body.

"They'll pay for this..." Filden growled.

Filden then charged onwards. Filden drew both his guns, and noticed 3 soldiers charging towards him,

"Don't piss about with me, I'm not in the mood!" Filden shouted,

He aimed both guns at one soldier, and began shooting 2 rounds at one whilst still running, that soldier dropped dead, and then the other two began firing machine guns at Filden. Filden side flipped 16 feet into the air and aimed for another soldier. The machine gun bullets missed Filden, and Filden began shooting at the soldier, taking him down. The 3rd soldier then gasped and quickly glanced at his fallen ally, Filden then saw that as an opportunity whilst still airbound, he aimed for the 3rd soldier. The soldier then quickly glanced at Filden and noticed he was aiming, but before he could react. 2 Bullets went through soldier's forehead...the soldier then dropped dead.

Filden landed on his feet, and then continued running forward.