Are you....?

Spanish (I'm not just one of the Filipinos who says this, I actually have mestizo background)

A lot of people think I'm Mexican because I live in a Mexican area and happen to be brown. Some people recognize me to be Asian, but think I'm from India. When I was a kid everyone thought I was Chinese.
Spanish (I'm not just one of the Filipinos who says this, I actually have mestizo background)

A lot of people think I'm Mexican because I live in a Mexican area and happen to be brown. Some people recognize me to be Asian, but think I'm from India. When I was a kid everyone thought I was Chinese.

I get this a lot too. I hate it when someone comes up to me and says something in a language I don't even understand lol. Mainly it's Spanish 'cause I apparently I look Mexican. I'm not.
<------ mostly Irish and Korean (probably a little English and Chinese, too)
Polish, oh yeah

(Poland is that country in Europe that just consists of one village full of peasants, with a couple of gulags here and there, oh and its all grey....colour hasnt been invented yet...)
Polish, oh yeah

(Poland is that country in Europe that just consists of one village full of peasants, with a couple of gulags here and there, oh and its all grey....colour hasnt been invented yet...)

lmao, thank you for that lovely description, now I know I don't have to bother going there to find distant relatives. I'm 1/3 Polish, 1/3 German, 1/3 English....and supposedly there's a teeensy weensy bit of Native American in me on my mom's dad's side...but for all I know he's BSing it. And I'm not sure if that Native American is in his real bloodline or in his adoptive mother's any rate it's hardly worth mentioning.
I'm German, English, Scottish, Irish, and French-Canadian. My parents immigrated to the states from Quebec. Boooo, I wish I were something more exciting. Oh well. ;(
Half Taiwanese. 1/4 Polish. 1/4 Ukrainian. Throw in a little Dutch and possibly some Japanese blood and you have me.

Im just a white british female, altho my dad says he did a family tree thing a while back & our ancestors were american indian slaves or something. I'm not so sure, I am pale with green eyes. Somehow I think he made a mistake there. So, sadly nothing interesting for me!
Oceanian natural tanned white, with small portions of tribal black (Maori), Espanic and some other whites.
I actually have no English heritage at all lolol.
African American (black) and some Native American (Souix; if that's how it's spelled). Other than that I really don't know what else is mixed in me, though there could be some other stuff.
I am Scottish, although my mum is English, and my dad is Scottish although both his parents were Irish but lived in Scotland, and he lived in Scotland his whole life as have I...
I usually just say Scottish though :P
My friends think that I look mediterranean though.. so work that one out :lol: