Are you....?

My granddad went back through the family tree one time

he ended up back in the 1600's, and it seems that my family
is a branch from the Danish king at that time.

So. I guess im Norwegian/danish
With a hint of royalty ^^
I'm Australian, but my family came from Ireland. I also have just a tad of Spanish in me.

As for ethnicities, I'm Caucasian.
I'm part Filipino/Hawaiin, and other part whatever the hell my Dad is. Not to bring personal issues into this, but I never cared much to know or find out.
I'm pretty much all Aussie. I think my great grandma from my dad's side is from England and my great grandparents on my mums side are from Russia / Spain.

But that's what my dad tells me. He's into the whole geneology thing and says we come from Spanish royalty. But really everyone is linked to something like that somehow. You just have to go through a whole heap of second cousins and then some stepbrothers and yadyadayada...but you'll get there. >_<

I'm really just pure Aussie seeing as 3 generations of our family have been living here and marrying other Aussies since my great grandparents.
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I'm a Filipino half Singaporean Chinese even though I don't look like one because I didn't get my Chinese features from my mom. My father's dad was half Indian, his mother was half Japanese (because of the Japanese invasion in the Philippines) and my great grandma (mother side) was Vietnamese. I look like a pale Filipino.
Ahh, I always think it's interesting to find out what a person's heritage is!

For me.. I'm half Norwegian from my father's side. My father and my grandma were both born in Oslo. But on my mum's side I am Irish, as well as English, though both she and my grandma were born in Canada.
My orgins come from Hungary, Turky, Poland, and Germany. Technically, I'm more Polish and German. Also, Arian in Hilter's eyes. Blonde hair, blue eyes, thus my German decent (it is genetic, but not common in the family).
A little bit of a buncha junk. Polish, German, Indian, but overall just a Caucasian American I guess.
A little bit more content in people's posts, please - remember that The Meeting Room is now a post-count forum and requires members to add that extra bit of effort. Cheers.
I'm all greek and proud of it! But I live in australia.:sparta:
My family has been Italian as far as we could search (seven generations back). From my father's side we don't know much, but it doesen't seem to be "peculiar" ancestors; since we live in northern Italy, probably they descended from people established here a long time ago mixed with Germans.
From my mother side, things are a little more interesting: from her father side, they were local people but my grandma's grandma was from southern Italy and from what we could put togheter, she probably was of Arabian or Greek descent.
She married a man of a local family, which almost certainly was of German descent, and from then we had a mix of the traits: my grandma, her father and I have fair skin and hair ecc, while my mother looks like she's permanently tanned and a lot more mediterranean, people always ask her if she's from South America! :D
I'm Aussie. :P
Born and raised in Australia but my father was born in England. I also have some Irish and Swedish, apparantly.
I'm White,American Indian,Norwegian...and a bunch of other things thrown in there but the listed three are the majority of me.
This may be maybe a teeny bit old, but I'm going to post anyways...
For reasons of which I dunno.

As for myself, I'm German-Hispanic prominently, though I have bit o' native and I'm sure other stuff. As far as what dominates them all, though, I'm g/h. I look like a mix of
both, at times very white and at times dark. I guess it's just random days?
I'm a white man from Ireland. I still live in Ireland, I can speak Irish and i'm typically Irish. Go me.
3/8 Malaysian, 1/4 Spanish, 1/8 Japanese, 1/8 Chinese, and 1/8 generation Filipino; mix them all together and place in the Philippines, and you get Filipino/Asian/Pacific Islander <__<
I'm half white and half latin. I'm 1/2 Puerto Rican and the other 1/2 is a mixture of Irish, French and Austrian. My great grandfather used to call himself a "swamp yankee", which would mean he was Irish and English, so there might be some English there as well. My middle name has carried on for a few generations, which may mean I'm part American Indian as well. Sorry I can't tell you my middle name though :P.