Balamb Garden

Enigma had received his weapon and left the weapon store in good time. The sooner he could get on that train, the sooner he could potentially get some sleep.
He weaved his way through the bussle of the train station crowd, trying to find what looked to be the train to Fishermans Horizon.

"Attention all! The train leaving for Fishermans Horizon will be departing in 30 minutes on platform 1. That's 30 minutes, platform 1. Thankyou."

The bellowing voice of the conductor rung through the rafters, although Enigma doubted all of his SeeD compatriots would have heard it from outside.

The view of the weapon store outside was clear, the queue was rapidly depleating and people were beginning to flood into the train station.
"Attention all! The train leaving for Fishermans Horizon will be departing in 30 minutes on platform 1. That's 30 minutes, platform 1. Thankyou."

Upon hearing this message Damon stood from his lean and walked towards the train entrance. When he was inside he noticed the door to the SeeD compartments was open, he walked inside and he was faced with a long corridoor, he noticed a large row of doors leading to another room for the SeeDs. Damon opened the door to the room second nearest to the door and sat himself down onto the couch.
Jimmy heard the announcement and started to walk in the direction of the trainstation, he remembered that FH connected with Esthar and thought that if he had any luck he could go visit his uncle Ward who was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Esthar.

All of the SeeDs who were going to FH had finished collecting their weapons and hurried inside the train, Jimmy smiled at the fact that they all needed new weapons, unlike him they would be completely defensless if they lost their weapons.

"No wonder i was one of the chosen to come..."

Smiling and putting behind his back the fact that he had made a fool of himself inside the bus he walked inside the train and entered a vacant cabin.
Evan heard the announcement and sprinted to the train as to get a comfortable bed so he could Sleep to FH "haha, the most comfortable bed shall be mine" he though to himself as he leaped onto the train he checked every vacant room for the most comfortable bed, when he found it he leaped into it rested the Keyblade next to the bed and tried going to sleep
Hearing everyone else start to get on board Damon waited to see if anyone would enter his room. Damon rose from his seat and walked over to the table on his right and picked up a weapons magazine, it was slightly out of date but was still a good read from time to time. Damon sat back down on the couch after he had picked up the magazine and began reading it.
As the announcement was made, Arthvader quickly ran towards the train. upon entering the train, Arthvader walked to look around the train. he then noticed Damon.

Arthvader "Hey there, Damon. What's going on? What are you doing here?"
Damon lowered his magazine and looked directly at Arthvader. He then answer his question "Didn't you know? We are on a mission, didn't you have your headset on?" Damon sighed slightly and resumed reading. He skipped a few pages forward and found an intriguing weapon design for his Irkana that interested him. This held his concentration while he read through the modifications and materials.
There was only a few minutes left before the train departed and Enigma didn't want to be left with the crappy rooms. With a dismissive wave of his hand, Enigma ran into the train and began to look for what he deemed to be a suitable empty cabin.

"Hmm, I suppose this will do..."

The room was surprisingly spacious and well decorated. Extremely well maintained for a train! There were two beds, one above the other, in case of any long journeys. Thankfully the trip to Fisherman's Horizon would take a couple of hours, tops.
Despite the relatively short journey, he thought it would be best to get some rest so he was fresh upon arrival.
He realised it would be hard to sleep with all of the thoughts he had.
Where were they going to live? What exactly were they expected to do for the next however many weeks?! Were they allowed to leave Fishermans Horizon at any time...

"God dammit! No wonder I can't sleep; my stupid brain won't let me!"

Enigma threw himself onto the bed in frustration, like a small child. Although muffled by the pillow, he could still hear the bellow of the train conductor, announcing there was only 10 minutes to go before departure.

"Come on guys. Hurry up so we can go..."
Evan awoke in his cabin after about an hour sleep and stood up he looked at the window and noticed that they were still in the train station he thought to himself "your joking right, how long is it gunna take for us to leave and begin our trip to FH" he walked over to the window and opened it. He took a deep breath of the polluted train station air and closed it again "damn this train station is a mess" he walked out of his room, leaving his jacket behind to show the room was taken, he walked towards the front of the train, to the shop, and looked at the shop worker,

Evan: "you serving yet?"
Shop worker: "yes, what would you like?"
Evan: "um can i have a cup of tea please?"
Shop keeper: "yes" she handed Evan the hot cup of tea "that 3 Gil please"
Evan: "sure" he reached into his pocket and pulled out 3 Gil "here you go" he handed her the money and returned to his room"
Hebi Climbed onto the train and handed his stub to the ticket collecter. Without stoping he called back to him, "I am not to be disturbed, do you understand?" He took the ticket collecters silence as a yes and made his way towards an empty cabin at the back end of the train. He slid the door open and closed it behind him checking the latch to make sure it was locked tightly. Alone in his cabin he made himself comfortable, laying down across one of the matted seats, and took out a small palm piolet. With his stylus he began to sift through the documents and prioritize for his next mission.

"I see, so I won't be entirely alone on this one?"

He tucked the palm piolet away and folded his arms. Sleep came easily for him, even in noisy environments.
Jimmy heard the train doors closing meaning that they were finally ready to depart...
It was weird not nothing when he would return home and see his friends again, and what confused him the most was the fact that he did not even knew where the Garden was going, all he knew was that Headmaster Cid had trusted him and a few others to protect some documents from falling on the wrong hands.

"(Well at least i will be able to get a tan)"

Thinking about the beatiful weather and the beach of Fishermans Horizon Jimmy felt the train starting to move, a new journey had begun...
Evan felt the train jolt foreward as it began the trip to FH, the jolt nearly made him spill his tea as he was not yet back in his cabin.
he arived back at his cabin only to be met by the young and beautiful Sarah
Sarah: "hello, Mr"
Evan: "oh hey sarah"
Sarah: "you left me back there"
Evan: "sorry went shopping"
Sarah looked at him with an angry look
Sarah: "are you ignoring me"
Evan: "no, why would i"
Sarah: "because you might think i am a burden"
Evan: "you are but i promised Cid i would keep you safe"
Sarah: "Fine i'll leave you alone until we get to FH"
Evan: "okay then, see you there"
Sarah stormed out of the cabin and Evan placed his tea on the table he sat back in his chair and looked at the roof

"FH here i come"
As Balamb was left behind Jimmy looked at the ocean, the railway from Balamb to Fishermans Horizon had been constructed about two years ago after the Galbadia War it crossed the sea through a bridge, it took about 3 hours to reach FHs.

There were not many other passagers on the train, Zell entered Jimmy cabined followed by two other SeeD members, Quistis and a tall african american guy with a serious look on his face.

Zell:"Hey Jimmy whassupppp?"

Zell seemed pretty excited about this new mission he was one of the SeeDs in charge along with Quistis, Xu and a few other instructors.

Zell:"You already now Instructor Quistis and this guy right here is Perell West!!!"

The tall african guy looked at Jimmy and made a small movement with his head.

"Nice to meet you man! I heard all about you, you took out 20 Galbadians alone when Balamb fought Galbadia right?"

Perell looked at Jimmy and gave a small smile...

Perell:"Yes...although they were 22 and not 20."

They all sat down and Jimmy started a game of triple triad with Quistis, who was a pretty good player and had a good bunch of cards.
The train jolted into life and awoke Enigma from a sleep he was unaware of.
As far as Enigma knew everyone had made it onto the train and were set for Fisherman's Horizon, and in a way he was relieved.
Now they had departed there was nothing they could do to change it; the SeeD's just had to learn to live with Cid's decision.

"Three hours on a train and nothing to do but sleep, how dull."

Enigma constantly needed to be busy doing something, he had an overactive mind and he was the first to admit it.
Not wanting to sleep more, he left the luxurious cabin and headed down the sun-drenched corridor.

There were many cabins like Enigma's, all with their doors shut and the customary 'do not disturb' signs on the doorknobs. One room however, had its door open for all to see into.
Obviously, it was Jimmy.

Enigma chuckled to himself as he watched Jimmy and Quistis, engulfed in their Triple Triad game. Jimmy was quite a handy little player, but Quistis had been around that bit longer to know all the tricks. She was toying with Jimmy and the poor boy couldn't see it.

"Good day everybody. We will be sending a food and drinks cart around shortly. No alcohol is to be served and all sandwiches today are a mere 2 gil! Thank you..."

The bubbly voice of the conductor rung through the cabins and the ears of it's inhabitants.
Enigma hopped in glee at the prospect of food; even if his eyes were always much larger than his stomach.
Enigma, forever the overthinker, stopped abruptly and looked up and down the corridor. The carridge further down the train appeared to be empty, as did the carridge previously.

"Now that is weird...."
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EXTREMELY sorry for not posting.
Ill be active from now on ^^

Ill just make it like Al was with them, all the time.
and lats say, he was on the train

3 hours after departure. Damn these trains are dull.
they should have something interesting to read, at least.
But alas, only the same, 3 weeks old magazines, that where just to the limit of being known asleep.
Perhaps its a learning method that the officials intend to use. Al'umar chucked to himself.

Al had been lucky, as he had already entered the train before al ot of the others.
since he got his weapon from the garden, and not in Balamb, he had more time to board the train.
He managed to enter an ok room, he didn't take one of the biggest, then he would have to share.

Instead, he chose on of the smaller ones, and put on the 'Do Not Disturb' sign at the very time he entered. Though, the wrong way on.
So it just displayed random 'how to' text, and sorta went against its own idea.

The speaker cracked, and a female voice stated;
"Good day everybody. We will be sending a food and drinks cart around shortly. No alcohol is to be served and all sandwiches today are a mere 2 gil! Thank you..."

A jolt was sent through him.
"sandwiches at 2 gil" he said to himself, followed by a growling stomach.
He jumped out of the bed, and darted over to the slide door.
he opened it as fast as humanly possible. only to be greeted by a close to empty cart, and the lady pushing it, say: "Sorry. Sir. We only have beverages left"
Almost like a kick in the nuts, all hopes where shot down.
"Give me a large cola then" he said, and payed.

He backtracked his steps, closing the door behind him.
And sat down, opened the Coke, and looked out the window.

"I miss Howl"
Quistis was indeed a good player but unfortunately she took Jimmy too lightly and did not use her Gilgamesh and her Kiros card and so Jimmy defeated her 6-4 by using his Cerberus card, claiming a Tiamat card from her.

Quistis:"What!? Well i was not expecting such an outcome...oh well good game but be warned Jimmy i am no longer the Card King of the CC. And i have not yet used by best deck..."

Jimmy did not know Quistis was a member of the card club...

Quistis:"I am CC member Heart, there at two stronger players then me which i will not reveal to you since you have to find them alone. I will warn the other cc members that you will be looking for them to challenge, you're in luck because they all came to this mission, i guess you should try and find Jack first of all."

After hearing Quistis speech Jimmy got up and looked out the window, they were still crossing the ocean, the sun was starting to come down...
Amelia was snoring in the bedroom while on the train to FH.
"Mmmph...Nightcrawlie...mmph..." Amelia rolled over her bed, trying to find her digital alarm to check what time it is.
Amelia was shocked.
"9:00 ALREADY?!?!?! I'M SOOOOOO LATE!!!!" Amelia was fuming around her room, trying to find her clothes.
"Stupid alarm clock. It must be broken."
She found her clothes under the bed, and quickly put it on.
She ran out the room, and saw Jimmy. She need to ask him if they were there at FH.
"Hiya Jimmy!" Amelia said cheerfully.
"We there at FH yet? My clock snoozed me up and made me late."
Jimmy was still complementing himself when he Amelia talked to him...

"Yo what's up? Hmm...i think it will take at least one more hour until we reach it. I'm going to get one of those 2 gil sandwiches now."

And so Jimmy departed out of his cabinet with Zell tagging along in the hopes of buying a hot dog, it was getting darker outside and the lights of the train carriages were already on.
Evan was stood at the window of his cabin watching the Ocean as they were heading for Fisherman's horizon. the sun was slowly getting lower in the sky and the darkness of night was taking over in the sky. "what happens if FH is attacked because of us" Evan the sat down on the chair in his room and looked at his watch "Great an hour left until we arrive at FH"
Amelia was really hungry, so she tagged along with Jimmy and Zell, in hopes to get a hot dog too.
Amelia noticed the darkness revealing out the train window, and was looking concerned.
"Is it night, or is the world about to end now?" Amelia said curiously.
"This darkness is scaring me, and it's coming from FH, because I can see the whole town about 500 metres away from us."
Amelia looked at Jimmy, then to Zell.
"Maybe we're late for the mission..."