Best Beginning and Ending

Even though it(X-2) was unbelievably fun to play, I have to agree with you, Floral.. to me the story of FFX ends with Tidus swimming in the Farplaine... FFX-2 was just a big, long fanfiction, to me.x.x

That's the most accurate description of X-2 I've ever heard.

It's not BAD, it is incredible fun. It just shouldn't be regarded as canon.
That's the most accurate description of X-2 I've ever heard.

It's not BAD, it is incredible fun. It just shouldn't be regarded as canon.

Took the words right out of my mouth... :monster:


I liked the OT and ET of FFVIII the most. The OT is the best one out there, awesome music, breath taking fight, and the ending is just perfect IMO, the whole thing with Laguna was touching and then Zell almost chokes to death ... lol.

FFX is my second favorite, the blitzball match and all, and although we all didn't want him to go in the end I really think they made the right choice to sort of kill him off :D, of course later they screwed that up with FFX-2 :D.
I think the opening to Kingdom Hearts II was the best.

Wait a minute... :O

Haha, anyway... I'd say Final Fantasy X. From the opening scenes, your mind is racing with this completely crazy world, the blitzball game, and the sudden destruction. I remember running away from the stadium and stopping for a moment to catch my breath and try to make sense of anything. And of course, the ending was truly epic. It almost made me cry, but then I remembered that I'm not allowed to cry over videogames or movies. When Tidus realizes he is a dream and jumps off the airship into the flames... it was poetic. FFX-2 didn't ruin that for me, because I didn't think too much of it, although the Shuyin - Vegnagun thing was pretty cool.

I could elaborate for hours about everything that was awe-inspiring for FFX, but I won't. :D
X-2 was pointless.

and X didnt start that well cause you had to talk to all those people and then walk to the blitzball thing, and that was boring. but after that it was good.
I think the point of X-2 was to make S-E realize that they shouldn't make sequels, at least not without planning it through. :P

I dunno, I think the entire beginning where you were signing the blitzball and stuff was pretty good, considering the entire 'To Zanarkand' scene was before that. You fully expect there to be some grand movie after the touching moment and Tidus says 'this might be our last chance', but you end up being placed on a world where you have no idea what's going on.

"What's Blitzball?"
"Am I on a ship?"
"Why is everyone half naked?"
"Where am I going?"

It added a lot of loose ends that added to the ambiguity and mysteriousness of the game. And of course, when the 'To Zanarkand' plays when you're actually venturing to the Zanarkand Ruins, everything finally clicks. A gripping and unorthodox introduction, if I do say so myself. :D
FFX for both to me. Moreso the part where Tidus goes into his first Blitzball game is what I count Intro for this game. Gotta love the rock music played in a FF game. But not too long into it, disaster strikes and the whole city of Zanarkand and Tidus' world as he knows it is thrown into complete Chaos as his life is changed forever.

The ending is equally if not more memorable due to the tremendous emotion packed into the punch Square Soft left at the end for us. Tidus, Auron, Jecht, Yuna pushing forward...the events, memories, and characters are unforgetable.
The best beginning for me would have to be Final Fantasy viii because it has FMV from the game and when your watchin some bits of the FMV you want to no whats goin on....

best endin has to be final fantasy x because the ending is so heart tuggin <cry>
Best beginning was FFVI because I just loved watching them trek across the snow to Narshe. It just captured my attention right away.

Best ending was FFX because of the emotion
*oh man this is a cool thread!

*well in my humblest opinion and as far as ive played final fantasy I think the best opening is...

-Final Fantasy VIII-yup,it was amazing,dramatic and the fight between Squall and Seifer rocked! :) and Rinoa was the perfect girl for the opening too along with the beautiful garden :)

*Best ending for me would be...

-still Final Fantasy VIII-well in every final fantasy ending a chaotic world goes back to its peaceful nature and the characters end scenes whould be revealed,i just find the FF VIII ending more nostalgic and interestinG :)

*weeeeeeeeeeee :D :D lets PARTY EVERYBODYY!!!!! :D :D
ffVIII- has the best opening. The scenes mixed with song liberi fatali are great. It's the best opening i have ever seen in one game, not just ff games.
ffX- it has the strongest ending.
Best Beginning..?
In my opinion, i think it's FFIX. I just couldn't ever get enough of looking at Alexandria's medieval theme and the airship.. (I love airships)
Best Endings..?
FFX, lol. Pretty touching ending.
the best beggining goes to Final Fantasy X because that sweet arse opening cut scene! During the blitz ball game when sin attacks...that was awesome...

the ending...I'd say that X had one of the saddest endings...Tidus leaves yeah it's X all the way >.<
I liked FFX-2s opening theme. I disliked the game immensly but the opening with Yunas concert was actually very entertaining and lively. It also introduced the characters in a unique way. Just generally great.

Best end ...

Ouch - This is a clean toss up between IX and X. With Zidanes and Garnets reunion or Tidus's emotional ceasing of existence. Both were so touching and the characters and there reactions were portrayed beautifully.
Ooo this is a toughy. Im going with FFX for best Beggining. I loved how it opened up with the part near the end to show you a bit of whats coming. I like the part where sin comes when Tidus is playing blitzball too. Overall it was the best.

The Best Ending goes to FFX too just because it had to saddest and the best ending. I love how you have to fight
your father
at the end and how it end s up
as Jecht being the final Aeon
I thought that that was pretty sweet. I also thought it was sad when
Yuna trys to hug Tidus but he goes through him. I thought that was soooooo sad =(

I know this aint a question but even with FFX having the best ending and beggining does not mean it is the best. The best FF so far is FFT because of its amazing story. FFX is a close second though.
I like the war opening of FXII; but the intro of FFVIII was great (although i didn't like that much the game).

And the best ending is without doubt is the one of FFX. Awesome; so touching and sad!
Beginning : FFx - Cause Of The Hardcore Music By Rammstein ! And Tidus Looking Quite Hot I Must Say !!
Ending : FFx - Omg !! So Sad :'(
This is a toss up

For begining, I always loved the FF4 beginning with Cecil, but 10 was freakin awesome, hard music, a city being destroyed, and best of all Auron raising a drink to Jecht/Sin!

For ending, this is difficult. I am a big FF10/FFX2 fan, so I'd be bias to say both of theirs. However an unbias would be iX. It was long, had the play from the begining in it, and a romantic suprise. The part about Zidane staying behind was also cool:cool:
I have 3 best beginnings in order of least best awesome to the best

ff8 for the shear madness it was :P

FF10 for the happy beginning and sad end ;~;

FF12 I really really loved the beginning parts and the ending was like wrapping a present with the best gift wrap over the best present :P

best ending though hands down is ff7 >_>
The best ending

Of all the Final Fantasy games, which one do you think had the best ending? To me, without hesitation, it was FFIX, because it was just so cool the way Steiner came to finally accept Zidane and the way he finally go the Princess (I called her Princess Dagrana or something like that)