Best Final Fantasy Game

The Best Final Fantasy Game?

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FF8 was definitely my favorite final fantasy although i might only be saying that because it was the first final fantasy i had ever played. it really drew me in and i got really attached the characters so i'm pretty glad it's coming in 3rd place in this thread. anyways ff7 was an amazing game too, but i really just couldn't stand barret or cait sith...well ff8 did have edea who i hated using, but yeah...ff8 forever!
A tie between VII and X for me. Both on par in terms of gameplay.

Story: X
Characters: X
Music: X

So, in the end, X for me.
My favourite would be FFX. Has everything. Mindblowing graphics, excellent, deep and emotional storyline. A so-so battle system which was saved by quite an innovative sphere grid system. Addictive blitzball minigame and several fun sidequests. Finally, the ending! It just does it for me!
I'm going with VI on this one. A wide variety of unique and (mostly) enjoyable characters, one of my favorite Final Fantasy villains, decently sized and a fun plot. If Cyan and Relm were beefed up a bit, I would consider all of the characters equally awesome and useful. It was quite an accomplishment keeping them all feeling different considering there were so many of them in the game.
Mother$%^*%^ it would appear I've already posted in this thread?....but whatever THIs time I gonna go with FFVII cuasde I can play on my PS3 and feel what its like to have acdecent RPG on this infernal machine.....I love my PS3 dearly but I'm really sick of wrestling and soul calibur and the like so FFVII was the only way togo as far as
I'm concerned and not to mention the superior grapphics the PS3 allows you to play the earlier FF games.Excellent
I'm going with VII especially since it held it's own against X (which I loved as well and was the first I ever played) right after I had played it despite the difference in graphics. It's just the one that's stuck with me the most.
lets see i apologize mr. moderator errr.....sorry for that ok here ff dissidia because it has alot of action and its 3-D
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final fantasyXIIIagito/versus its better becuase its gameplay is like crisis core but better

How could you possibly say XIII is the best game when no one has playedit yet? :confused:

How about telling us which you think is best & why that you have actualy played? ;))
It was the game that showed me the fantastic world of RPG's and Final Fantasy and made me the nerd I am today. FFVII is just the best game ever released, nothing can beat the feeling of playing it that first time. Even though I have played it trough more than 20 times now :P
I haven't played a lot of FF games but out of the ones I have played I had to choose FFIII. I like the battles better than FFIV and find it more addicting.
I think x,7,8 are the best ones.

Mod Edit: Please put more effort into your posts and explain why you like those ones best. Thanks!
you guys must be slow
7 is clearly superior


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I think that VII and VIII are the two best. VII has the best narrative while VIII has the best game play. I also think that VIII had better sidequests but I have to go with VII, it's just too great of a game for me not to put it #1.
I think that VII and VIII are the two best. VII has the best narrative while VIII has the best game play. I also think that VIII had better sidequests but I have to go with VII, it's just too great of a game for me not to put it #1.

Agreed! FFVII is without doubt the best game

The best story and the coolest characters
Final Fantasy VII.

It has such a deep story in the game, love, hatred, etc.
And the huge 3 disc game story makes it even more challenging all in all for first timers.
And the idea behind stopping an insane man who tries to kill everyone and fighting against a corrupt corporation at the same time seem so exciting.
FF7 for me simply b/c it brought the whole FF series to the 3-D generation. Characters, storyline, Bosses, even the music was spectacular.
Kinda a cross between X and X2 in my opinion, apart from the fixed cameras, Tidus always being referred to as "that guy," "him," or "you," and the constant cinematics, I pretty much enjoyed the games. Even if I am stuck in a stupid place in X2 lol

I do enjoy VII, but I enjoy it more for how much of the story there is (the compilations of FFVII and jazz) and the characters, rather than the gameplay itself.