Best Final Fantasy Game

The Best Final Fantasy Game?

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Well if you like Sephiroth, Cloud, Vincent ect.. an obvious suggestion would be Final Fantasy VII (which is probably the most popular Final Fantasy game).

I'd also suggest giving Final Fantasy X a shot, I think it is probably one of the most beginner friendly FF's but it's still very fun and has a very interesting storyline.

Also if graphics aren't a problem for you (ie. Sprites) you should probably give Final Fantasy VI a try.

..and finally I'd suggest Final Fantasy IX if you are into the medieval setting.

EDIT: forgot about FFVIII, good fun, but a little confusing for some.
I recommend giving FFIII, FFIV, FFVI, FFVII, &/or FFVIII a try. The FF games I to VI are considered liek rly old in the gaming world (and 2D) and are therefore geared toward classic gamers. VII and beyond are more modern. III, and IV, however, were remade with better graphics, on the DS. FFX is also popular, but I never really got into it, and my brother hates it. So I can't really give you an opinion on that game. :monster:

Also, if you need some help reading the numerals:

Final Fantasy I = Final Fantasy 1
Final Fantasy II = Final Fantasy 2
Final Fantasy III = Final Fantasy 3
Final Fantasy IV = Final Fantasy 4
Final Fantasy V = Final Fantasy 5
Final Fantasy VI = Final Fantasy 6 (incorectly termed "3" on SNES platform)
Final Fantasy VII = Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy VIII = Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy IX = Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy X = Final Fantasy 10
Final Fantasy XI = Final Fantasy 11
Final Fantasy XII = Final Fantasy 12
Final Fantasy XIII = Final Fantasy 13 (not out yet)
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oh okay thanks!

Uhm. What does the cover look like.. I kinda got lost through all of them. Number 7 one.
The cover's differ depending on where you are.

This is the FFVII cover in North America:


And this is the European cover:

Definately XII . Has an amazing game play, great graphics, and a pretty good story in my opinion. I spend hours upon hours on it and the different ways of playing are phenominal. Even though it wasn't intended, the Low Level Game is the best :D

What don't you like about the XXII'th one? But if you have PS3 I actually suggest you just wait for XIII . I'm not sure of a release date but my two suggestions would be X and XII other than that.
VII. Simple. I have to make this post longer apparently so here we go:
The storyline is possibly one of the most playable I have seen in a game.
The materia system allows excellent customisation of characters.
To be honest I like almost everything about this game, I just don't have the energy right now to put any detail
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Final Fantasy X: the fact the game starts with an unforgettable moment (the rubble and the song At Zanarkand) and continues to deliver moment after moment easily allows this to dominate any best of discussion. Add the best music of any game, awesome characters, a lush and vibrant world with an active mytholoy... well there is no flaw to FFX in my mind.

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII: this game gets the honourable mention since its powerful storyline ends in the most dramatic moment in gaming. And even though I knew the outcome of the story from playin VII, this game toyed with my emotions from beginning to end and still leaves me wrecked after each playthrough.
Final Fantasy VI = Final Fantasy 6 (incorectly termed "3" on SNES platform)

If i remember correctly, it was the 3rd FF that was realesed in the US at the time. I could be wrong, if so correct me.

I'd say my favorite FF would definatly be IX.

The story... While some might find it a little blasphomiestic of me to say that IX had a better story the VII. Yes, I said it. Honestly VII's story wasn't as gripping to me as IX's. While VII's story was very well done, I prefer IX's more.

The music... Quite simply put, my favorite OST of all time. Walls of the sacred beasts just has vibe that makes it feel like the past has been lost for a very long time, and it has only recently been able to be revivied. Simply amazing in my eyes.

Charectors (sp)... They were all enjoyable. Kuja especially. He wasn't a momma's boy or some insane old hag, he was a man who was destined to no longer exist. He fought that destiny with everything he had. He actually had a reason to do what he did!. Not because he wanted to see the world end, or because he should have been locked up in a nut house, but because he felt he should be in control of his own fate.

Over all... This game will always be in my top 5 games. No matter what comes along, nothing with replace the enjoyment i had while playing this game. Never.
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FFVIII is not only my favourite but I also think the best, but I think it partly comes from a biased view.

The first Final Fantasy game that I had ever played or heard of was a FFVIII demo disk that game with one of my dad's Playstation magazines. Being a fan of rpg type games I thought I would give it a go and have never looked back since.

I think that because it was the first FF that I came in contact with it was my learning curve for the other FF games. Alot of people mention that they disliked or hated the junctioning system. Probably because they were used to the FFVII layout. However, despite actually not really having a clue what to do at the beginning, I eventually got the hang of it and hence junction being my first experience, I had trouble with other game's systems afterwards.

I also became kind of obsessed with characters and their backstories (yes they actually had them, despite not being as developed as other titles) Because I played the game for such a long time I became very invested in the characters. The only exception was Rinoa because she annoyed the hell out of me, I think I'm the only one who wished she had died in the Space scene.

In terms of story and world setting, I have definetly found this one the most entertaining. There was some high-tec stuff happening, which probably peeved a few people off. But as far as I could see VII had far more in terms of technology.
But I really liked that you were battling sorceress', they were evil (well one wasn't evil, just had urges to venture to the dark side), they didn't care who they hurt and you just really wanted to kill them. I also really liked that they were indoctrinated soldier models. Sure they were mercenaries types but they were a conformed group, which I liked.
The best for me has to be final fantasy VI, followed by IX, VII, VIII/IV..those last two can be switched pretty easily for me.

Here is why VI is number 1. First the graphics and charm, no graphics can beat the charm that perfect 16/32 2D graphics has. Most importantly though, the story. The story was dark and fun to follow. Kefka is not like other bad guys, his motives are clear but he is not some super beast, he is pretty weak and average to begin the game and has that bad ass laugh.
Not to mention Kefka is the ONLY villain to achieve his goal
. The characters are what really drive this game, they are so real in terms of their problems and one character steals the show and no one chacarter is annoying like you can get with Cloud, Selphie, Tidus, Vaan, etc. The back stories to Lock, Celes, Terra, Setzer, Shadow (especially if you sleep at inns with him in your party and you learn more of his story), Edgar and Sabin are truly amazing. They have real world problems, not some weird issues. And may you all look at my avatar, Ultros is the best comic reliefe in the series. You just have to play the game to understand him. Also lastly, going back to the charm, there was a lot of light heartedness in this game, which really needed it given some of the dark themes and plots that were explored.

I also became kind of obsessed with characters and their backstories (yes they actually had them, despite not being as developed as other titles) Because I played the game for such a long time I became very invested in the characters. The only exception was Rinoa because she annoyed the hell out of me, I think I'm the only one who wished she had died in the Space scene.

The best thing VIII has going for it is the development of Squall, his character development is second to only maybe Kain from IV IMO. That is why I loved VIII a lot too, Squall and Laguna...other than those two I was not too interested in anyone other than mabey Zell. And Squall really was the only one who developed much IMO, or at least significantly. Of course that is more than we can really say about VII, at least if I remember correctly.
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Since this says best Final Fantasy game, and not favorite, I would have to say...

Final Fantasy VI. The battle/character development system was complex, there are a ton of characters and they all have backstory, it's long as hell and the villain is awesome.

As a side note, if this was for my favorite I'd have to go with... Final Fantasy X.
I'm going to say the Final Fantasy X is the best final fantasy game for the sole reason that it was the game that got me hooked on Square Enix and all things final fantasy. As soon as I played it and beat it I went back and played all the final fantasies that were out at the time and I waited for Final Fantasy XII and final fantasy III and IV for the DS
I would say Final Fantasy X as well. It got me hooked too, best game ever. If I had to choose my favourite I'd choose Final Fantasy XII or X.
I see FFVII winning by a landslide... It used to be my favourite, but some of the magic has worn off (i.e I'm sick to death of it) I've decided that I like FFX best in terms of storyline, and that FFVI is the best RPG. FFIV also deserves recognition, I played it again recently and it's awesome.
In my opinion i think that ff7 is the best final fantasy game i have ever played. Even though it is a ps1 game and the graphics arnt really good it doesnt matter, the storyline of the game is absolutley amazing and it cannot compare to another game especially due to the gaming system too because the way they put it together with the materia is brilliant because it gives you the options to customize what you want to use.

I know alot of people here have voted for final fantasy viii and i think it is a good game but i think it is too easy, you can complete it no sweat within a ween due to the easy play.
For me its a toss up between VII & X. Those two definately helf my interest story wise more than the rest. Not to say that the others are bad. They just stick in my head.
