Best Final Fantasy Game

The Best Final Fantasy Game?

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I'm not saying FF7 is a bad game(Well, It's far from my favourite), but it's graphics weren't all that great for their time. I mean, there are plenty of games that predate FFVII with better graphics- Nights Into Dreams, for example. >.>
I'm not saying FF7 is a bad game(Well, It's far from my favourite), but it's graphics weren't all that great for their time. I mean, there are plenty of games that predate FFVII with better graphics- Nights Into Dreams, for example. >.>

I agree!

But in my opinion comparing different FF's is like comparing SPAM and aluminum.
they are all diff games with diff stortlines, worlds etc..

like comparing FFX and FFX-2 i can dig.

Y'all get me?
I'm not saying FF7 is a bad game(Well, It's far from my favourite), but it's graphics weren't all that great for their time. I mean, there are plenty of games that predate FFVII with better graphics- Nights Into Dreams, for example. >.>

I guess you're actually right, I didn't think any longer.. huh, what i was thinking. I guess Tomb Raider was also near that time, and it had better graphics.
Yeah I was wrong : D I really didn't think.
But anyway, to me it looked good, I didn't know much about other games x)

hmm. And I guess that graphic maybe made that game somehow better. I mean, it was funny at first when they just walked to "inside" Cloud. Imagine they doing that in AC.
To date, FFVII remains my all time favourite RPG. From the depth and complexity of it's story, to the engaging and highly intriguing characters, to it's cyber-punk world and beautiful setting, and to an amazing battle system through the use of Materia - nothing (for me personally) has come close.
Final Fantasy X was the first one I played so it gives me a bit of the nostalgia factor, also I love the battle system, how it shows you the turns on the side, great for strategizing, I think it has the best music and the best storyline. The religious aspects of the game and the overall melancholy(but not overdone) gave it the perfect mood.
I voted for IX, However in my group of friends they all hate it because there are apparently too many random encounters. I just never found it to be a problem.

Personally I like them all. Well except for X-2. that was garbage.

At any rate why IX? Why not? It's a good one. That little edge of nostalgia was nice with it's Victorian theme. There were nobles, Knights, thieves, and a classic FF-esque battle theme. Ahh nice.
Ff Ix

For me it was Final fantasy IX without question =). Followed by VII

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- Say something like 'why' you thought FFIX was the best.
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im going with FF X

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- Say something like 'why' you thought FFX was the best.
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FFX. Mainly because it was the first FF i ever played.

I just loved the characters and outfits. Tidus was a little annoying because of his complaing. Auron was just the bee's knee's. Lulu was like all calm and mysterious and pwned with black mage. Rikku is just cute, fast and funny. Wakka was just funny how he said 'Ya Man!' and was gave red heads a good name ;) (oh thats right come and get me gingers! :O). Yuna was a little too shy for my liking but there had to be a summoner some where!. Kimahri was just ummm, blue.
Final Fantasy 12 for me! The Story is Perfect! The Characters are awesome! It even has a 40/40 Score! I see why this game has a Perfect score! I love this game. its the gratest Final Fantasy game in my opinion. Who would hate this game! The battle system is unique and Fun! I'd Definitely Give this game a 100/100 Score! I also Love Final Fantasy 9 but this game is way better!
I voted for VII. The story is brilliant, the characters are deep, the summons are the best set of summons on an FF game, the best villain. It has the best everything.
For me, it has to be Final Fantasy X...

FFX has an excellent storyline, great gameplay, really superb music (especially Suteki Da Ne and To Zanarkand), and not forgetting memorable characters like my lovely Yuna or heroic guys like Tidus and Auron... Even Seymour is one heck of a great villain...
final fantasy 7 is by far the best its got the best story line its got great music its got great battles it rocks
Ff Vii

Final Fantasy VII of course. The best ever! :D

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Please put a little more effort into your posts. Try saying 'why' you thought VII was better. Thank you.
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I'm going to have to say FFX...
It was the first FF I ever played and its always had a place in my heart. I got so strongly sucked into the story that I didn't ever want to leave...I was so sad when it ended! You have no idea how happy I was when I heard there was going to be an FFX-2 XD
To me, Final Fantasy VIII is the best Final Fantasy game. The characters were interesting, the storyline was excellent, the gameplay was great, and the battle system is really good, and Squall's Lionheart limit break is both a very effective and visually stunning move, that was fun to watch.

But that's just an extra, that's certainly not the main reason FFVIII is my favourite, I like everything about it. ^_^
Why does other have to include such a wide range? IMO, I feel that crystal chronicles and tactics series should have their own choice available. That said, I voted other(Tactics Advance 1 or 2)
I liked FFVIII the most, despite it questionable... everything. The romantic story and world were beautiful, although Squall was just echh...
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Personally, I say FFX.

That game had everything for me. A story I got strongly involved in, characters I found intresting and diverse, breathtaking music, a good battle system and just great gameplay all around.
Plus I think it is the only game to of ever made me cry heheh.
Well, what can I say... FFX is indeed a game which made many ppl cry, when watching the ending part...

I guess this is what makes FFX so special, having characters like Yuna, Auron, Tidus etc. that the player can get emotionally attached to as well as the wonderful storyline and enchanting music throughout the game... Of course the touching ending is another major plus point and also the fact that I loved Yuna because of this! :D

Which is why I picked FFX as my best ever Final Fantasy game!