Best Final Fantasy Game?

Best Final Fantasy Game

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I voted for Final Fantasy VII because of it's storyline, the music, the battle system, etc. This was the game that opened the door for Square-Enix to go where they are right now.
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I vote for FFVII and FFX. Both are simply brilliant, and it would be unfair to choose between the two of them.

FFVII is my favourite FF Game ever. It has everything. Interesting characters, love, death, brilliant music, drama, an impressive villain. It's just the greatest FF game for me, personally. There's not one aspect of it I didn't like.

FFX also gets a vote because of how innovative it was. The battle system is excellent, the storyline was superb and I cannot fault it at all. It's my favourite FF game behind VII too xD
the greatest final fantasy game for me is ff7. i think in terms of gameplay and storyline, i think final fantasy 7,8,9,10,12 are all equal in that aspect. i had a great time following the storyline in those game and had a fun time with its gameplay.

but for me, what set final fantasy 7 apart from the rest is the characters. all of the characters in final fantasy 7 were really interesting, from your main cast of character to the villian and the npc. ff7 also have the best final fantasy character ever in cid highwind
My personal favourite is Final Fantasy VIII. It was the first of the series I played so naturally it holds a special spot in my heart.... x3
I love the romance in the story and how Squall in the end risks everything to save Rinoa. Leaping out into space, slaying stuff... Quite romantic for someone as soppy as myself.
I like the junctioning system as well - but the draw magic thing does get repetitive. For example I'm playing FFVIII again now... I got all the 'aga's... and then a powercut struck my house before I had hit a save point and all my efforts were wiped!!!!! Grrr...
Ummm, I also adore Balamb Garden when you can fly it and omg the Ragnarok is awesome!!! Thats all that springs to mind right now..

Long live Squinoa! <3
I think kind of the same as Blue Wolf :D FFVII sure has the best characters and music, you really get emotionaly toched ^^ but FFVIII was my first Final Fantasy and i loved it att first sight :D but both of the games has got this grumpy main character and you are just waiting for him to soften up :D
I voted for IX. I absolutely loved that game. It was very well put together and it reminded me of the old days of RPGs. I loved the battle system, the whole Trance thing was really cool. And I loved every single character. Of course Vivi was my fave. It was just a great game to play.
Final Fantasy V,
it had characters with personality,
a job system that offered a challenge for players and millions of ways to play the game
good graphics for its time,
sweet story,

there is NOTHING I don't like about this game,
VIII follows closely behind :P
The best Final Fantasy made was probably 6 for multiple reasons. it's plotline was far different then what had been done as of then, going away from the crystal hunt theme and creating something totally unique and different, it dealt with themes that, though had been touched upon before then, they were never quite as explored in the previous games as it was in 6 and at parts I even cried. The cast was amazing with the first (and only actually.) female lead for a true final fantasy with Terra, an enourmous cast of colorful characters such as Sabin, Locke, Cyan, Celes and Shadow. I truly believe if they had continued with the crystal hunt theme with six instead of what they ended up doing, final fantasy as we know it probably wouldn't be where it is today.

Yet my favorite Final Fantasy has to be IX. I loved every single second of playing that game and everything in it was supurb. the cast, the batle system, the story, the boss fights. nothing in that game was sub-par. Also, it had hands down the best ending I had ever seen in a final fantasy game, ever. none have yet to top that games brilliance in this humble mans opinion.
I really like all the FF's so its tough to decide which one is the best. My personal favorite is FFIX even though it's not the best one, the story isn't AS good as the others in my opinion, although it is very good. The story for it is better then FF7 though. I'd say FFX or FFVIII are the best due to their more in-depth story, and more characters are cooler ^_^. FFX has amazing graphics aswell. I choose for FFIX though.
i love every freakin final fantasy game they made...i havent played through all of them but i know they were awesome. cant wait for XIII
Final Fantasy ((In my opinion)

Mostly because it is the first game that started all else. This is a magical story/quest which you take part in. The atmosphere is really epic and everything is so classical.
((On second place I guess I will choose Final Fantasy IV or VI))
FFVII for me. It was the very first Final Fantasy I ever played, and it got me to love the series. It had an epic story to tell, and some of the characters I ended up relating to on a certain degree. It made me feel like the more you progress, the more you began to actually feel and get an understanding of the characters' situations, as if they were real. The game was just amazing.
X no doubt about it, it was just wonderfully made. Everything from the story to the character's to the gameplay, they just all fit together so nicely and it has this charm to it aswell.

Glad to see its winning:highfive:
VII for me as well. It was the FF that really made me like the series, almost everything about this game was flawless.
VI for me. Every aspect of it is wonderful; great storyline, very memorable characters, stunning graphics for the time (and I can still appreciate them as stunning today with my retro eyes lol)... oh, and above all a lot of fun to play :)

It really was a special game, and still is. Helped make RPG's into an artform.
Final Fantasy IX gave me the most in terms of character development and probably had the coolest hero of them all. No excessively dramatized protagonist, just a guy out to get as much out of the world as he can. Each character was given an immense amount of attention, giving you a great view of why they are here. I loved the 4-player gameplay and the story left me motivated up until the very end.
i also vote for ffx. it's not just because of the graphicss or music, but because of the story line in ffx. in my opinion ffx has the perfect story line. it has everything : romance, adventure, action etc. the other thing are the characters.
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