Best Final Fantasy Game?

Best Final Fantasy Game

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FF6 was my fav. The story was so engaging and deep. The characters were fantastic and mostly lovable. Kefka was just a maniac and fun to hate, and good for a laugh or 2. The music is my favorite on any video game to date (not just in the series). I honestly think 6 is the best possible JRPG that could be made on an SNES. I personally think without 6, 7 wouldnt have been nearly as popular. 7 sold Playstations and I really think they sold them because of the hype 7 received, and not because people KNEW it to be a good game. I know I got a PS the christmas it came out, just because FF7 was on it, and I wanted FF7 because 6 was so freakin awesome. Loved 7, but 6 dwarfs it in the awesome dept.

Someone said earlier in the thread (paraphrasing) that if 6 was made on current consoles, it would break plasmas with its awesomeness... and that is sooo true. I cant wait till tomorrow so I can pick up 13, I wonder why 7 ppl voted for 13 as their favorite :P
I voted for FF12 but it's worth saying that there are elements of FF7 and FF10 that are head and shoulders above other offerings in the series as well.

The reason I voted for FF12 is because of the battle system. In a word, I found it absolutely perfect. I absolutely hate it when AI takes over my characters for me (Dragon Warrior IV on NES is the best/worst example of this and is my greatest video game disappointment EVER), but even still, given how complicated games are these days, some degree of AI is necessary to make something that "works." But FF12 found a way to put you in control of the AI (if that makes any sense) and it made the game a limitlessly enjoyable experience for me. Battles are a huge part of FF obviously, and this unique take on the battle system made it amazingly pleasing for someone like me, who is a fan of turn-based battles, and newer/younger fans who want more action alike. An absolute homerun.

But I can't bring myself to say that the story was better than FF10, and story is what I look forward to the most when a new FF comes out. Going through Spira and experiencing Tidus and Yuna's relationship, Wakka and Rikku's differences on religion, and the feeling that the inhabitants of the world were truly behind what you were doing was amazing. I still get a little upset every time I make it to Home and Tidus learns that Yuna has to die. Just amazing.

Then again, there's FF7, the people's choice for best game. I had played early Final Fantasies, like the original NES version and the FFLegend series on GameBoy...but for 16bit consoles I opted for Genesis, so I missed out on console FFs prior to 7. FF7 dominated my first college winter break, I didn't leave my house for three weeks, I barely shaved, and some would tell you I only showered a time or two the whole time haha. I just couldn't tear myself away. The game was, in a word, revolutionary. It not only changed the times, but it stands the test of time, which is truly remarkable. It was the new face of FF and for that you have to love it. I give it the "Nirvana" award because Nirvana wasn't my favorite grunge/alternative band either, but you've gotta give them credit for breaking down the barrier and beginning a revolution. In cases like this, history remembers not only the best, but also the first...and FF7 has it's hat in the ring of "first" every bit as much as it does "best."

But at the end of the day, FF12 gets my vote because of the battle system. As I've begun my first playthrough of FF13, I'm for the first time saying "Wow I already miss XYZ about the previous installment." Every change SquareEnix makes to a new game, for me, always seems to be an advanced take on the previous game...but so far, FF13 isn't there for me and I miss the gambit system. From what I've read so far about FF13, once you learn paradigm shifts the game becomes amazing, but for now I'm missing the only thing I would say was absolutely perfect from any FF game, which was FF12's battle system. We'll see though, time will tell.

So yeah...FF12 wins for me...even though the randomly appearing treasure chests with variable rewards was a f*cking DISASTER haha
It was hard to pick between FF6 and 7.
In my opinion, I think FF6 has better music, and makes you feel more "free", but the characters didn't develop much.

FF7 had good music and the characters were devoloped more. Overall, I'd say FF7 wins, but BARELY. (Maybe It's because I just finished it yesterday, and haven't quite finished 6 yet)
Final Fantasy 10 is an awesome game to. :P
post VI

1. X & VI
3. VII
4. IX & IV
7. XII

FFXIII so far has already taken over 6th and 7th spots, adn is not far behind the joint 4th spot. I have to play on to see where it will be. :)
It has to be FINAL FANTASY VII for me. Even though, VIII was my first, I remember feeling that it lacked something meaningful.

VII has always been a great game in my opinion. It's story is heartbreaking, touching, and exciting. I know the story has faded with recent installments, but the original game by itself is amazing. And it really broke the mold for the FF series. It was different and not the usual "crystal" storyline. It had depth and meaningful background.

I really think it is the best FF game there ever will be. And it's definitely one of the best games in the world.
It is 100% fantastic. But still a tad overrated IMO. It's a testament to how good the series is that I think it's so bloody brilliant, and yet two other games in it's own series are better (IMO).

X Just has the battle/level up, side quests galore and a good story and beautiful visuals and envirnments. And arguabl the series best soundtrack along with IV.

VI is well, VI. changed so often for me. SOmetimes I rated X and VII as first- other times VI and VII. They are all so good.
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