Best Final Fantasy Game?

Best Final Fantasy Game

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Haha I enjoyed all the FF's I played haha. I liked all FF's from VII- X. Pretty much all the FF I played XD. That's exactly why i'm here anyways. :monster:
Lolz, he has a real good point.... I love the entire series as well ( but i've played {and beaten} all of them) *snicker*:ryan:
But, I do have a favorite of all. AND I DONT CARE WHETHER YOU GUYZ THINK IT IS CORNY OR NOT! o_O (anger-management... i needs it) I consider Final Fantasy VII to be the absolute greatest game of all-time. Period. I grew up with it. I literally got up in the mornings each and every day with a hop and a skip in my step because I looked forward to another day of adventure(I must've been around 8 or 9 then cuz it took like 2 or 3 months to finally beat... now i can do in a couple of days). It was my motivational drive to keep succeeding in school and life in general. Because it was my psychological and emotional release, my final fantasy. If it wasn't for this specific series of games.... I'm not sure I would be the same person I am today (not tryin to be corny... I am for real :D)........ Why was I this open about personal feelings on the internet??????? :gonk:
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Lolz, he has a real good point.... I love the entire series as well ( but i've played {and beaten} all of them) *snicker*:ryan:
But, I do have a favorite of all. AND I DONT CARE WHETHER YOU GUYZ THINK IT IS CORNY OR NOT! o_O (anger-management... i needs it) I consider Final Fantasy VII to be the absolute greatest game of all-time. Period. I grew up with it. I literally got up in the mornings each and every day with a hop and a skip in my step because I looked forward to another day of adventure(I must've been around 8 or 9 then cuz it took like 2 or 3 months to finally beat... now i can do in a couple of days). It was my motivational drive to keep succeeding in school and life in general. Because it was my psychological and emotional release, my final fantasy. If it wasn't for this specific series of games.... I'm not sure I would be the same person I am today (not tryin to be corny... I am for real :D)........ Why was I this open about personal feelings on the internet??????? :gonk:

Whoa whoa, slow down. o.o I'm kind of like you. My life kinda changed after I played FFIX, my first FF. I know how you feel. :highfive:
All of them quite frankly, The FF series is escapism at its absolute best, No Film, TV show, or other computer game comes close to ANY final fantasy game in terms of pure enjoyment.

As a Final Fantasy fan i prefer to only ever compare the FF games to any other computer game ever programed..... Knowing FF truly is in a class of its own. For the sake of the poll i chose FFIX simply because it was the first i thought of after reading the poll options. :D

(Also this post was indeed my FF Forums Posting Virginity *high Five*)
In my opinion VIII is the best game to date. Admittedly this was a hard choice as I am STILL playing VII after 10 years, but this could be because I don't have the disks for VIII and am waiting for it to be released on PSN.
Anyway reasons...
I liked the story even though it was more than a little confusing first time round, but after a couple of playthroughs it was a great story with some interesting characters. I also liked the magic junctioning system. It was actually one of the best, after the materia system, but it allowed greater options for customising your characters, for example it was possible to play without even casting a spell, or by never using a physical attack unless you had to, and I liked this option of playing the game in absolutely any way you wanted to.
Oh and Encounter None. Why has this not been in any other game, avoiding random encounters is genious.

However I haven't played XIII yet, and I have a feeling that after seeing the gameplay and other trailers that this could be my favourite by a long way.
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VII. It was my first final fantasy game. I remember my older brother had came down and was playing it, and then I had a go, and HAD to have a copy the next day, haha i was about 7 years old.
FFVII, there were sooo many things I liked about that game. The story was good, The Materia (is that what its called???) was fun but confusing a bit, but I loved it all, besides it was the first FF I played...the first disc of
Personally, for me the best game of the Final Fantasy series was Final Fantasy VII. The characters and the storyline was so memorable with all the interesting twists that happened and it just kept me intrigued and just wanted to continue playing. I always hear people say that random battle encounters suck and there so old and that newer battle systems are so much better, but I realllllllllllllly loved the random battle encounters. Its my second favourite battle system aside from the FFTactics.
IV, definitely (and so far, the SNES version--still working on DS). IV's story is so strong that I barely even notice the comparatively lower quality of the graphics and sound when I play it, even after playing prettier ones like XII. I think the story elements are amazing, and that the only reason it's not more popular is because it still hasn't been remade to its full potential. The moral conflicts within the characters, the friend and family betrayals, and the genuine connection that seems to develop between the characters and their planet are all portrayed in the most epic way I've seen in the series yet. The characters are all given surprisingly deep backstories despite the sometimes awkward dialogue translation, and the party members have more interesting interactions with each other than happens in some of the other FFs, like X or XII. There are no whiny or annoying party members (at least in the SNES version), and even the children (Palom, Porom, young Rydia) are very serious about their mission. The environments themselves are exciting and original--the moon, a dwarven underground, the inside of a mechanical giant--and the music they used throughout the game only added to the depth of the adventure; it's amazing what they were able to do with the limited technology they had. All in all, it's just an incredible game.

VI would have to be a close second--I loved how steampunk it was, having to explore the world twice made it nice and long, and the character development was beautiful. You're made to feel like you know the entire life story of each character, and that's how it should be. I don't even really have a reason to rank it 2nd, except that I just happen to prefer IV's story itself slightly more.

I loved how accessible VII was--the dialogue was really the best and most natural-sounding out of all the FFs I've played, and something about the music in general was really gripping. Not to mention the evil-corporation theme was totally pertinent. The only thing I really didn't care for about it was Aeris--the pretty-but-weak healer chick thing was ok to use once (Rosa in IV), but it shouldn't have become a trend. Plus, I just didn't really think Cloud acted that interested in her in the game, so for them to make it seem so significant in the movie kind of irritated me.

IX was a totally beautiful game, and the ending, as far as tying up loose ends etc., was probably the most satisfying out of any in the series--I was so happy they went the extra mile and
hooked up Steiner and Beatrix
, for example. The only reason it's not my favorite is that it's maybe a little too fairytale-ish in some places, perhaps partly because it centers around a poor-guy-loves-princess theme that's kind of predictable.

As far as X goes, all I can say is that I wish I hadn't spent so much time leveling up. The ending was so short and dissatisfying that I ranted about it for about a week after I finished it. The Tidus-Jecht-Auron plotline was amazing, but on top of having Ben Stein voice Yuna, the makers of the game treated Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, and Rikku as nothing more than an escort service, and just when you'd finally learned enough about their backstories to care about them,
the final battle was over, and suddenly they didn't need to have lines anymore.
That kind of neglect did them a disservice, IMO. I understand they had plans for a sequel, but still. The character switching in the battle system was awesome though, as well as applying weapon attributes; and anytime anyone summoned Anima, I about peed my pants and hid under a blanket. The graphics were fantastic.

And I know I've mentioned XII--haven't quite finished it yet, but will say that the environment/areas are gorgeous, just wish they had developed the main characters a lot more.

Anyway, that's my two cents. Or, GP? :nerd:
Final Fantasy IX without a doubt for me. There was never a dull moment playing through it, and it kept me interested for quite a few playthroughs.

On top of that, the score for that game was remarkable.
All of them were good, but XIII and XI are my least favorites. Matter of fact, I don't even think I like XIII :(

VI is obviously my favorite, I voted for them all though. ^^
It has to be FFX. Probably because it's the only one I played for about.. 90 hours and was the first FF game I had completed. When FFVII and VIII were out, I was too busy playing Legend Of Dragoon.
I love X. The story is so beautiful and touching. Spira is a fantastic world, and fun to explore and all the races make the game even more captivating. Seymour is my fav villain (although Sephiroth is not far). The story takes you and it doesn't let you go even after you have completed the game. Although one minus for the shortness.

I love XII too, although it is a completely different game than the other final fantasys, it worked for me. I myself got into the story and the gameplay. I love that all the random battles aren't there anymore, and I personally love the freedom the land of Ivalice gives you. You get to explore every corner of a HUGE world, and that is one of the many things that got me hooked for this game.

But X is still my favourite, propably 'cause it was the first Final Fantasy I ever played.
VIII. I loved pretty much everything about it, except that annoying minigame with the suit. The style of graphics was much better than FFVII, and I liked the characters more.
Top 4 favorites are stuck between FF, FFVI, FFVII, and FFXII.

The first Final Fantasy was just so easy to get into and very addicting to start. It had a very unique level of challenge and it was also the first Final Fantasy game I had ever bought. Final Fantasy VI I'm still very early into, along with VII, but both are very compelling to start with and are easily addicting and hard to put down. XII is an odd pick I think because it's one you don't want to put down after a while but is hard to pick up. I think the battle system is the best yet but But those are my favorites
I just love VII and its entire compilation (I love you too, Before Crisis)

It's story is just so compelling and brilliant. It never fails to excite me. All the events are awesome in their own way. It is also very unique and different from all the ones that came before and after.

The character development is just awesome. They are all unique and have their own problems. None of them seem tag along (meaning they just follow the leader for no good reason) and they are all actually useful in battle thanks to materia. Cloud is one of my favorite, if not favorite gaming character. His character never bores me and I will never tire of seeing him in a game. tbh, any game he appears in is great automatically.

o summarize, even though I may be biased, I truly think that FFVII is the best FF game and one of the best games in existence.

Cloud Fanboy x3
The best Final Fantasy game for me has to be Final Fantasy VII because it has a great storyline, great musics, great characters, great sidequest, epic boss battles, and a unique battle system. I also like how the characters are well developed and how their characteristics fits perfectly to each one of them. It also has some great mini games such as Chocobo Racing and the Battle Arena, which it's very fun to play with, and that's what makes Final Fantasy VII the best Final Fantasy game out there.
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I love VIII best, but the compilation of VII is very, very close behind.
The only thing I don't like about VII is Before Crisis, I really want to play it... but I can't.
With VIII, I liked the storyline best and Squall is my favourite playable character in the entire series. I love the way his character develops as he falls in love with Rinoa, and of course his rivalry with Seifer is one of the best in the series.
I love VIII best, but the compilation of VII is very, very close behind.
The only thing I don't like about VII is Before Crisis, I really want to play it... but I can't.
With VIII, I liked the storyline best and Squall is my favourite playable character in the entire series. I love the way his character develops as he falls in love with Rinoa, and of course his rivalry with Seifer is one of the best in the series.

I agree. But I think the VII compilation is being worn thin by SE, not that I don't like it I think they are using it too much is all. But yeah VIII was awesome.
Out of the ones i have played and finished, in the order of best to worst, it goes like this;
5) FFX
6) FFV
7) FIV
9) FFX-2
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