Bleach: Shattered Dreams [Sign Up and Discussion]


Weapon Rebirth [FFVII]
Jun 23, 2008
The Story


They live their lives in sweet ignorance of that which they simply cannot comprehend, that which could strike disaster into the very fabric of the balance between all known worlds. Hollows - normal human souls that, upon death, have been twisted through agony and despair into something darker ... evil - stalk unseen through normal reality, feeding on other souls in order to quench their undying thirst. And so, Soul Reapers came into existence, Death Gods that fight the Hollows and keep the human world from complete annihilation.

For eons this balance has been kept, but, on one fateful day, this balance drastically shifted.

They struck into the very heart of Soul Society itself, seven ancient Hollows, known only in legend as the 'Hollow Gods'. With the innate power to absorb all souls upon contact, even the most powerful Soul Reapers who had attained levels beyond all others, simply did not stand a chance. On that day, Soul Society was no more. With nothing left standing in their way, the Hollow Gods then turned their attention to the human world. It seemed as if nothing could ever stand in their way.

Yet, all hope was not lost. Several Soul Reapers managed to escape the massacre at Soul Society and fled to the human world. It was here that they learned that, by performing an ancient and highly forbidden ritual of transferring their inner powers to a normal human being - in effect forging them into substitute Soul Reapers - that these new breed of protectors were immune to the soul absorption properties of the Hollow Gods.

Untrainned, and out of their depth, they are both world's only remaining hope...

The Concept

Bleach: Shattered Dreams is a role-play that combines standard role-playing with stat-based combat. Players take on the role of normal humans given the power of Soul Reapers. Their mission is to protect Karakura Town and attempt to defeat the seven ancient Hollow Gods ... before they destroy everything.

The Combat

Combat is stat-based. All players will have several RPG stats and commands with which to initiate and survive combat. These will be listed within the player's profiles. Players will begin with a limited number of stats and moves, but these will increase as they gain experience and utilize certain aspects. With enough training, players will soon be able to unleash the true power of their katanas - known by Soul Reapers as Zanpakuto.

The Sign Ups

Physical Description:

Any questions or thoughts, please feel free to post them here or PM me...
how is this, if it needs anything jus say and i shall Edit, and also what kind of stats are we all going to start off with ?

Stephen Hownam
Age: 18
maleAppearance: Standing at 6 feet tall Stephen has blue eyes and mid length brown hair, his blue eyes appear as though they glow they are that bright. He is of medium build and his plain white T-shirt is quite tight to show off the definition of his abs and biceps. as for his legs he covers them with a pair of black baggy jeans. he has a silver ring on his right Middle finger and has a tribal tattoo on his upper right arm that goes from shoulder to elbow. as for footwear, he sports a pair of white Trainers with matching white laces. he also wears a pair of black fingerless gloves made of black leather, the sheath containing his sword hangs down from the left side of his belt.

Personality: fun and out going. Kai isn't afraid to be in the Spotlight as he spends alot of his time in it. when fights occur he isn't afraid to help Weapon: Stephen only requires one weapon and that is the sword he inherited from his father. it is plain silver, the blade is single sided so Stephen has the chance not to kill an enemy, the blade has a design etched into it near the hilt. the hilt is wrapped in black leather. it's sheath hangs from his waist

His childhood was normal, a loving family, many friends, always surrounded by people who loved him, Stephen loved his life. until his early teens when his father was murdered and so the Family sword was passed down to him, Stephen began to train with the sword at the age of 16 and has become fairly good with it over the past two years. his mother took his fathers death very hard, she began speaking less and not spending as much time with Stephen as he reminder her of the Husband she had lost. The change in treatment from his mother has slowly forced Stephen into not caring for her well being anymore. Stephen Spends his days defending those who are to weak to defend themselves
Name: Akioryu Yasuo
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Physical Description: Stands at 4"11 tall and is often confused with being a child, he will often wear a small grey jacket over a light green shirt. He wears light blue trousers which are slightly baggy and small black shoes. His hair is spiked upward and measures 15 inches in the air and is resistant to pressure and water. His eyes are emerald green and his skin is slightly tanned, his hair is jet black in colour

Personality: A peaceful and dutiful boy who will always go out of his way to help his friends, never one to put himself before others and posesses a nearly unbreakable will. He is very aware of the world around him and its influences and tends to ignore jokes and sarcasm, mainly due to how serious he can be.

History: Raised in the city he was constantly surrounded by bad influences, however due to his intelligence he quickly learned what was right and what was wrong, during his younger years he was often isolated because of not being one to risk trouble and danger however, he never let these things burden him and was aways there to help bail them out of tight spots despite their ridicule. these actions always puzzled his friends yet Akioryu never once explained his reasons for doing so. As the years went by he started to notice strange things in the air, unexplainable things such as huge birds littering the sky and serpents striking buildings while other people saw only the explosion, as the months went on these events continued to occur. However, all of this was soon to change...

@Unphased: Should I include things such as our Zanpato(sp?), our Soul Reaper attire etc? Or will there be a time in the story when we get these?
Heartless Riku, when you are in your regular state you do not have a weapon and no skills such as speed apart from the ability to detects spirit pressure and such. It's only when you're in your soul form as a shinigami that you have your weapon and any powers.
Also Damon, It's spelt Zanpaktou... I think... I might be one letter wrong.

Hmm... I'm a big fan of Bleach so I may as well join. Also are these "God Hollow" going to be Vasto Lordes or even higher? As in a class that no one even knew about? If so we should at least think of a better name :P

Name: Rene Skylar

Age: 15 (Almost 16)

Gender: Male

Appearance: Rene stands at 5"8, he has medium length spiky brown hair. His eyes are startling blue and his eyebrows are brown and slim. He has small ears and a small nose. He has regular sized mouth which is slightly pink. He has a medium sized frame and powerful but not at all overly sized muscles.

Hair Colour: Light brown
Hair style: Medium length spiky
Eye Colour: Startlingly blue
Height: 5 feet and 11 inches tall
Weight: 190 lbs
Complexion: Caucasian, but slightly darker because most of his work is outside under the sun.
Build: Rene is strong and muscular but has a medium frame allowing for speed but at the same time sturdiness.

Personality: Rene is brash and can sometimes have a short temper. Despite this Rene can also be kind and caring. He is a moderately intelligent person but can often rush into situations without thinking it through, often getting him into bad situations.

History: Rene lives with his Father Leon (38) and younger brother and sister Tom (5) and Lily (10). He is a freshman in Karakura high school. Rene often got into fights with older people as a child and quite often got beaten up. He will always protect his siblings, and often gets into fights and arguments with his father. Rene has always been able to see ghosts and has noticed strange creatures attacking these ghosts and destroying buildings. Rene has plenty of friends but few people can actually understand whats going through his head, because of this he has always felt even slightly alone. There was only one person who truly understood him and the only person who knew his secret of being able to see ghosts, his best friend Sarah, she was also able to see ghosts but only in a strange haze, something which brought them close together. Rene doesn't realize but Sarah has feelings for him.
Heartless Riku

I noticed in the personality section that you called the character once by 'Kai'. I take it that this is a simple mistake left over from the original template?

I wasn't going to make people describe the initial standard stage of their weapon until their introductionary post. This is for a number of different reasons - one is a mistake that you've just made within your sign ups. The weapon can't be a family heirloom that was passed down to your character because all Soul Reaper weapons are a manifestation of the user's unique spiritual energy. So this was why I left it out of the form until you describe it in your first post. We can keep it in for later, so that's not a problem, but then, we'd have to edit your history somewhat.

How about we make it so that the appearance of your weapon resembles a weapon that your father / family once wielded? That would be something more acceptable.

As for the question about stats, everyone will start off with the exact same stats, and there will be no 'levels' per say, but you enhance your stats through combat use. For example, attacking will gradually increase your physical strength, using magic your spirit energy, etc... So your stats will adapt to your unique style(s) of fighting. The same goes for your abilities and skills - so everyone will quickly become unique. :) Will explain everything as we go along.


Perfect. No problems there. Yeah, no worries, you'll get a chance for describing them once you get it within your introduction post.

Yes, the 'Hollow Gods' are in a completely different class to anything that Soul Society has come across before. All Hollows defer to another more powerful Hollow when necessary, but these were thought of only as legend. So as such, they have no proper classification. However, if you can think of a good name, we could easily work it in. ;)

And no problems with your profile at all.
Yo Unphased what character you gonna be using? Also in the stats, does that mean we cannot differ even slightly so long as we compensate with penalties? For example: If someone wants to have Higher power and defense in their starting stats could they possibly compensate by also being slower and having more trouble controlling spirit energy? Also vice-versa and different combinations of course.
It's for that exact same reason that I decided to use a 'balance' system rather than a strict 'class by class' leveling up. Everyone wants to be unique, especially in their fighting and abilities, and not confined to someone else's 'standard', so that's why I came up with it.

Do you go straight for the head of a creature, or do work at it's weaker parts? Do you take the time to form a full incantation, or a quick burst of spirit magic? Do you go for quick flash-step strikes, or full power strokes?

Every action that you prefer to do will alter your stats (as well as your skills and abilities) to the way you like it. So yeah, to kinda answer your query - yes and no. We may start the same, but this is only VERY briefly, so there is no need for penalties and compensations. We'll quickly develop into unique fighters based on our specific actions, and even moreso once we gain our weapon releases.

So yeah, it's only same stats for a short while...
Another question! As far as stats goes, I'm assuming its the usuals, right? Also:

HP, Vitality, Attack Power, Magic power (Kidou in this case), Magic defense, Speed and Evation, right?

And, is everybody gonna be able to reach Bankai or will there be some restrictions regarding the second release?

And as for the name of these Hollow Gods goes, I think we should try something in spanish, to make it more Bleach-like (since it just seems that Tite Cubo loves that bout, Los Dioses? (The Gods? Or something similar?)
I might get some names up later...

@Unphased, just so you know I'm going to be adding some stuff into my bio that I missed out, i'll say what they are when the edit is finished
Hmm... Everything is going extremely slow right about now, so I believe I have the time to join. The last I read in the manga was when the shinigami were in the Hollow World getting Orihime back and trying to defeat that one prick (I can't even remember his name right now... hangs out with Ichimaru Gin and that other dude that's supposed to be all noble). The last I saw of the anime was during the Bound (Bounto) story arc, so I'm not familiar with the Hollow Gods or whatnot.

Name: Namiko Jade Shino
Age: 15
Gender: Female

Physical Description: Namiko is half American/half Japanese. She has jet black hair, dark brown almond shaped eyes, and dark tan skin. Sometimes she puts highlights of varying colors in her hair. She is the diminutive height of 5'3". She has the body of a growing adolescent; she is very slim and has grown into a B cup.

Personality: Namiko is quiet and somewhat shy. However, she becomes quite a force to be reckoned with when angry. She is normally of a calm disposition. Though shy, she exudes with self-confidence. She is not easily riled or intimidated. Namiko likes solitude and she prefers to solve conflicts by logic or reason. Her interests include reading, writing, gaming, relaxing in a public bath, or going to a beach. She feels herself to be educated and has a disdain for loud, boisterous kids. Things that set her off include pranks, laziness, bad grammar, bad hygiene, and thoughtless acts. Namiko doesn't have many friends. Friends were not a concept she had given much thought. Namiko also has a direct manner about her. She does not like waste, therefore she does not waste time attempting to beat around the bush. She also doesn't waste time with small talk.

History: Namiko was born in the United States of America with her American mother (who is originally from Barbados... she is Black) and her Japanese-American father. Namiko's father decided to move his family back to Japan when she was ten years old. When she first arrived, she had many difficulties with the Karakura children. However, over time the kids simply left her alone. Namiko is an only child.

Her father, Tomokazu Shino (called Tom in America), sought to pass down his family's handfighting and sword techniques. He taught Namiko rigorously. Namiko had absolutely no interest in learning how to fight. She trained vigorously until the age of twelve, when she finally succeeded in begging her father not to give her any more lessons. Her father, concerned that she had not made any friends, decided to allow her a bit of leniency.

Namiko has lived in Karakura for the entire time she has been in Japan. She is largely unnoticed. A small few of the students at Karakura High are afraid of her. They remember well how badly they were beaten when they attempted to mug her upon her arrival. Many students simply write her off as weird and leave her alone. Namiko is at an age in which she treasures her solitude. Her involvement in writing, schoolwork, and gaming leaves her little time for much else.

I hope this bio is satisfactory... I answered all the questions in the format that was provided.
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Los Dioses sounds awesome.

Yes. With enough Hollows cleansed, you will gain access to the Bankai state. However, using a Bankai will severely deplete your spiritual energy reserves, and so can only be used for short periods of time. Mastering your spiritual energy will allow for more control (and so time) over your Bankai state. This will be explained properly once the time arrives.


Excellent Nami, superb profile.

And it's for that reason (that we're all at different stages of the anime or manga) that this story is completely self contained. Los Dioses are made up, and I haven't stated a specific timeframe of when this takes place within the Bleach universe, so you don't have to worry about there being any heavy spoilers or anything within this role-play.
wow this is more complicated than i thought :'( i shall remove myself from the list, im to lazy to try and keep up with the stats system anyway lol, and for the record yea it was a mistake that i didn't edit from the origonal template
You personally don't have to worry about the maintainance of stats, as they are all done by me, but no worries. If you haven't got time, you haven't got time. :)

I will be getting this underway either tonight or tomorrow...
Alright, the edits I made was the inclusion of what colour his hair is and I upped his age to 16.