Bleach: Shattered Dreams [Sign Up and Discussion]

Well, actually, i didn't want my person to be a soul reaper. If everyone was soul reapers, there wouldn't be anything new to here. That's why Jet is different.
Uh.... am I to assume this RP's dead then? There hasn't been a post ever since I last posted..... OH NOES! I killed the RP! :ohshit:
The RP may be dead, but I would still like to post.

Name: Oambedo Iazawa
Gender: Male
Age: Looks 18, is actually more like in his forties
Appearance: Shaggy black hair, a flat thin nose and a pointed chin. In gigai: casual and nondiscript clothing like jeans and a striped polo. Out of gigai: standard soul reaper atire and an unsheathed, UNRELEASED zanpakuto with acid stains on the blade that look like someone must have cried them onto the blade. His zanpakuto is stabbed through the left sleeve of his clothing resting diagonally on its blunt side.
History: Oambedo actually came from Soul Society long ago. He once had actually achieved a ranked position in the 13 Court Guard Squads, but he lost whatever had driven him because of his lack of a past. He must have died in his early teens, though like all soul reapers he could not remember who he was when he was alive, so he was able to enter the soul reaper academy early, and in not much time at all achieved his rank. With no memory of his life and no great connection to Soul Society, he lost any interest in his future. Oambedo decided to go back to the world of the living to reestablish his past. He basically becomes a drifter kid that avoids the cops when he is often mistaken for loitering as he hasn't any more ambition in this world than he had in Soul Society. When the soul reaper scouts are sent out to create substitute soul reapers to combat Los Dioses, one soul reaper who finds him does not recognize that he is wearing a gigai and transfers some of his/her (it would be interesting for Oambedo to get pissed at this ignorant, narcissist and questionably transvestite soul reaper needlessly stabbing his/her zanpakuto into Oambedo's chest and then dashing off back to some other battlefield) spirit energy into Oambedo. He is left with a cryptic message from the scout to find the others and wait to be called upon for the battle with Los Dioses. So, he decides to cast his wanderings in a wider area with the goal of beginning this mission as a side note.

Suggestions for:

Shikai: Should be a shield with an incomplete (at the top) verticle handle and sharpened sides. This allows for it to be used as either a traditional shield or a short very wide blade with a very covering hand guard. There is a design of two eyes looking in different directions on the back. Always retains non-shattering dammage done to it, but it "learns" from surviving an attack to lessen the blow the next time the attack or a similar one is used.

Bankai: Oambedo posseses a fully silver plate armored back and right shoulder and holds the flat of his blade horizontally against his armored back with the handle being grasped by his right hand. The blade is about teen feet long, 2 1/2 inches thick, and two feet wide with a design of a fanged lower lip near the handle and a fanged upper lip after that but higher on the blade. Near the blade's end on the bottom half is what looks like the left half of that sigil used in the boy scouts with the four curled prongs as a substitution for a chunk of the blade. The blade is almost completely rectangular and is sharp on all sides but the hilt, which includes two long (about 1 ft.) hand guards jutting out from the edges. This form does not share the same defensive properteis as the shikai, therefore it is never released with battle damage. Oambedo's bankai has the ability to extend all sharpened sides with adept control, allowing him to change the planar dimensions of the blade at will while still keeping the blade in its general shape. With it long enough and wide enough, he could sweep the seretei or Karakura away with a 180 degree turn. He is noticibly slower than when he is at his fastest with shikai, but his blade's edges extend much faster than he ever was just short of flash step. He can also flip the blade so an edge is facing his armored back relatively easily even if the sword is made just small enough to do so to change up his fighting technique.

Kido: Doesn't remember them exactly but can usually perform one that he has just seen most of the time.

Hope the thread restarts, however unlikely since Lightleonheart killed it in 2008...LOL.