Bleach: Shattered Dreams [Sign Up and Discussion]

Na, I don't think so. Just make your character a normal human being that is suddenly attacked by a hollow and then is saved by a shinigami. This shinigami will be the one telling you what to do... or so I think:P
Is there a reason why this RP seems to be inactive at the moment?
Dunno really.... Well, I'm planning to post something tomorrow cuz I'm not feeling that well right now >_<. And maybe the GM was a bit busy?
For me, the combined releases of FFIV DS and Spore has kept me from here. Will update your post later today, Nami.
You have Spore? Epic game is epic

Oh, just a little heads up... I may be back in school today and I can't guarantee I'll be able to be active, so until I confirm anything later just don't expect many posts from me
Oops. I had the Hollow retaliate with a ball of energy, but I just remembered the concept of the attack list. I changed it to the Hollow retaliating with his other claw.

Edit: Edited my post again. I had the Hollow immobile due to a kidou my shinigami had cast. However, the shinigami had already driven off the Hollow temporarily. Therefore, I had created an unnecessary and unrealistic position.

Am I fighting correctly? I tried to limit Namiko's attacks to three times and the Hollow's attacks to two times.

RP Information
Adding an incantation to Kidou attacks will increase their power, depending on the quality of the incantation. All incantations must be four lines long. For example:

"O Heavenly father, he who is one of earth and sea,
Of smoke, of heat, of fires far,
Call forth Hell's flames to burn the souls of all your enemies.
Kidou number 31: Red Flame Gun!"​

Additional power will be granted on the areas of quality, of sticking to the subject matter, and by adding rhymes.
Can I use this same incantation when I use Hadou #31 (Red Flame Gun)? Or do I make my own incantation? Will the effect be stronger if I make my own incantation? Does it count if my shinigami tells Namiko an incantation for Hadou #31 (assuming I need to make my own incantation)?
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I'm a little confused by your post, Nami. Remember, this is like an RPG when it comes to the actual battles. You only need to select your three commands (not the Hollow's), and then they will be played out by the GamesMaster (i.e me). I think I only spotted two commands by you in your post. To make it easier, can everyone highlight the three commands that they do. It just makes it easier for me to pick them out of the role-playing post and then play out the outcome. So, I'll wait for you to edit that in before progressing further.

As for your question about Kidous. If you use the same exact incantation that someone else has done, you won't get the added originality bonus points, but you can obviously still use it if you don't want those / not too bothered. Yes, an original incantation by your Shinigami will still count as your character's original one (since it's all done by you).

Hope that explains things.
Ok. I've redone my post. Hopefully it's right this time. I posted my current stats, borrowed the tag system from Battle Royale, and highlighted my attacks.

In case my kidou is a bit confusing, it's supposed to basically be making reference to using magma bullets. It's referring to the ammo for the "red flame gun". Tephra: Wiki Link

Awesome guys. I had a quick skim through, and that was perfect. You both issued three commands, within a great role-play post, and highlighting them just makes it so much easier for me to post the outcome. The reason why I control the outcome is for a number of reasons. Such as: it keeps things absolutely fair. It gives you guys nothing extra to work / think about. And most importantly, the commands get pitted against one another (i.e, if you did a Flash Step on your first move, then it would negate the opponent's first move, etc...).

I'll continue to explain as much as I can within the posts, but feel free to call me up on stuff that you don't understand. Will update everything tonight. :)
Cool! I'm glad you liked our posts. It actually felt weird only writting my part... I was so used at controlling the opponent too... Well, it's a matter of getting used to I guess:P
BTW, Unphased... just wanted to tell you that there's a mistake in the Wolf Hollow's stats you posted. You see, you said the Wolf used an ice spell (10 sp reduction) but then you posted that the wolf has 20/20 of its sp... Just wanted to let you know:P
Wow... I must've gained some decent originality points for the kidou. I'm happy with the results :)... I can't wait to see what Hadou #33 or Hadou #54 will do.

Is there a definitive amount of battles set before my kidou control can be improved to [4 in 6]? Also, what are the attack points for?

HP [500 / 500]
SP [150 / 150]
Attack [50 / 50]
Defence [5% / 5%]
Kidou [50 / 50]
Kidou Defence [5% / 5%]
Kidou Control [3 in 6]
Agility [3 / 3]

When are kidou points used?
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I fixed that minor error, Lightleonheart.


The Attack stat is used for your physical strength. So when you use a normal sword attack. The Kidou stat is used for your spiritual strength. So whenever you use magic, or a special ability. Yes, everyone has started out with a 3 in 6 (so 50/50) chance of their Kidou spells actually connecting with their target. In order to improve your control over Kidous, you need to simply keep using them.

There is a set number. So, you can get there by using Kidou in battle. You can get there quicker however by using full Kidous (i.e incantations). But your running total can also go both ways. For example, losing a battle will reduce this number by a large portion, and by a small amount by using too many high level Kidous before you've mastered the lower end ones. Missing with a Kidou will also lower it by a small amount.

After every battle, I will provide everyone a Combat Overview so that you can all clearly see just how your character is doing / developing.
I noticed that my HP remained the same after the most recent attack from my Mantis Hollow, so I deducted the 47 HP from the 406 HP I initially had (hence the reason why my post shows me as having 359 HP).

*Curses self*
Soooooo..... is this RP like, still alive or what? It's been 8 days since something was posted:P
how about i join and try to revive this thing? sound good?

Name:Jet Card ( i suck at making last names, so if you guys have a better suggestion, let me know)
Physical Description: click the link
Personality:Jet is a friendly and outgoing person. However, he remains as a nonentity so as to not be noticed if he suddenly has to fight. Jet has many friends, human and spirit being. His closest friends know about him, and cover up for him if he needs to disappear. Jet is always ready to protect others and himself.
History:Jet was born on Halloween. His parents, Tony, a martial arts master, and
Victoria, a brilliant technician, could both see spirits and passed on this trait to Jet, though they didn't know it. They both worked hard to teach Jet what they knew, making him smarter than most kids his age. They enrolled him in a public school, so as to allow him to have a social life. There, he made friends, Rick and Tim. When he turned 7, he received dreadful news at school. His parents had been attacked by a gang and killed. He was left with the house and everything his parents home, including money they had. He had every kid's dream, except one part. He didn't have his family.
Jet began to spend more time alone with his friends. Rick and Tim were orphan kids, and so Jet payed for them to live with him. Once they moved in, he found they had strange abilities. Rick was able to move quick enough to dodge any blow, and it seemed he could unleash blue lights at people who threatened him, hurting them and sending them flying. Tim, on the other hand, was more on the physical side of abilities. Tim could easily lift 100 pounds, and he can outrun anybody except Rick. Jet, because he associated with them the most, also gained strange abilities. Jet was able to manipulate energy to do different things.
Jet began to be able to see ghosts about the time his parents died. When he told his friends about it, they told him they could see them to. They helped the souls in whatever way they could, trying to figure out to send them on. Finally, they decided to protect them from the strange demons that kept appearing.

My character is going to be using a katana, and neither will his friends. They'll just help out in whatever way they can in fighting the hollows.
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how about i join and try to revive this thing? sound good?
Actually, you joining the RP isn't going to "revive" it. We're waiting on the GM to post.

It's a fun RP when it's more active, however. I hope you enjoy it.

i'll finish this later, let me know what you think so far

If you genuinely would like feedback, I can leave mine once your profile is finished. (Unless you're addressing a specific person.)
It seems that there are some plot conflicts in your history and in the story of this RP... but it's ultimately up to the GM to decide.

Otherwise, the profile looks fine to me, other than a few grammatical errors.