Bleach: Shattered Dreams [Sign Up and Discussion]

Not at all. Anyone can join at any time. Just post up a profile and you're good to go.
Woot first post is completed! Also Unphased are we allowed to keep the Shinigami who gives us power alive? Also would it be possible to have two characters in this? Because I was thinking of having Rene's best friend Sarah become a character. Possibly a human with power like Chad, Inoue and Ishida do.
Woah woah woah! Rene, slow completely down! You've just done your own little story by role-playing out an entire fight and aftermath with just you and your personal made up characters! And taking control of the story in the exact direction of Bleach that this isn't going anywhere near. I was going to take control of the Shinigamis and their instructions - as you can't just RP with yourself! That's not what role-playing is about. You were only supposed to post up to the point of beginning the battle, as (in case it slipped your mind) this RP is stat-based, so fighting works off of a system. I think you've gotten this RP confused with a normal story, but in either case, you took it too far anyway - and all on your own!

Sorry, but I'm really going to have to ask you to edit your post right down. I don't mean to sound harsh or anything, but you've just taken this in a completely different direction (both story and playing wise) than was originally intended.

Your two posts were fine, except that, in complete contrast, we didn't actually learn anything about your character in either of them ... which is the whole point of the introduction post! Only that he had the natural instinct to try and flee. That was it. Nothing about who he is, his past, what he does, his likes or dislikes ... nothing.

Come on guys. There's no need to rush, and you can do much better.
Sorry, I was thinking of trying to slowly reveal his past once the next day in the RP begins, maybe even reveal more info as the story progresses
This will be my first stat-based RP so uhh, have some patience with me ^^;

Ryu Nakamura

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Standing at 5’4’’ and weighing 120 pounds, Ryu has dark brown, kind of spiky hair and deep blue eyes that just seem to glimmer with the light. He has a slim, slightly athletic body and his white skin has been tanned after spending just too much time outside. Ryu wears a pair of loose, kind of baggy blue jeans, a black t-short with a dragon motif as well as matching black sneakers.

Personality: Ryu is an extremely friendly and outgoing teen who just loves to hang out with his friends and have fun at whatever they do. After his parents died, Ryu was devastated but managed to move on, deciding that from that moment onwards he would try to live his life without any regrets.He’s quite a positive thinker, believing that people are capable of doing everything as long as they have the will to fight to accomplish their goals and that, no matter how bad a situation may look like, there’s always a way out of it. He has learned to have hope no matter what, even in hopeless situations. This is the main reason to why Ryu doesn’t like to give up, no matter how bad something may look like. As long as he has some strength left, he’ll continue to fight for whatever he believes its right. The boy’s perspective of life is probably something that allows him to make friends fairly easily. Ryu is someone who treasures loyalty among other things, and this is the main reason to why the teen is always faithful to his friends, always keeping the promises he makes. Though short-tempered at times, Ryu’s a nice, brave, boy who cares deeply for his friends and would anything for them.

History: At the young age of 8, Ryu lost both parents in a car accident which had happened just a couple of days after the whole family moved to Karakura Town. The usual friendly and outgoing boy was completely devastated by the loss, since he loved his parents very much and, as a result, he completely shut himself from the world for several days. His older brother Kojiro had to assume the responsibility of his parents and thus, he left the school and began to search for a job, all the while trying to cope up with the pain. Those were hard times indeed and, with the time, the brothers managed to move on but never forgot the tragedy. But nothing returned back to normal.

After the accident Ryu claimed that he had seen his parents but his older brother paid no attention to the boy since it was normal to “see”, or believe to see, such things after having lost someone dear. One year passed and Ryu had gotten used to seeing and talking with the souls of his parents that visited him almost every night, making sure the brothers were alright. It had been his parents that had helped the boy accept the fact that they no longer were alive, and he was able to move on with his life. He no longer saw his parents after that and Ryu thought they probably had gone to heaven after making sure everything was ok. As the time passed, he slowly began to forget all about the ghosts he'd seen, just the way one forgets a dream and he continued to live peacefully in Karakura Town...
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Sorry I'm lagging behind a bit. Before I make my introductory post, I would like to know: Can I use a shinigami as an NPC (i.e. engage in dialogue with the shinigami, interact with the shinigami, etc.)? Or do I need to exclude the shinigami from my initial post?
I've added your profile to the RP, so you can now begin your introduction post. Remember, this is a traumatic time. Things like this don't just happen every day! You've just been attacked by a demon and are about to die before a Shinigami saves you. So let's see something about your life as this happens. Then in your second post, you can describe your weapon and outfit.

No problem at all ... I'd prefer quality over quantity any day. Yes you can, but only up to a certain point - not to the extent that Rene just took it, for example. You can describe him or her as you see fit, and RP the intended story of being given your powers. Just keep in mind that I will be taking control of the Shinigami in order to advance the story and relay combat information.
Roger that, Unphased! I'll try to make a post that'll make you proud! ^_^


You know, I've just re-read what I posted and I think it would be better if I deleted the last paragraph of my bio. I mean, the way I put it I'm making it look like seeing hollows is normal for him....whilst that's suppossed to be something extraordinary!
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I actually don't mind that at all. If your character has high spiritual energy, then that's what he has. If he sees Hollows on regular occasions, that's cool. That's become normal for him. I just meant that, this is the first time that you're now going up against one, and are about to die, so just bare that in mind. :)
Our profiles thread is now up. Within it, it logs all of your character bios and descriptions, your current stats, abilities, skills and items.
Meh y'know what I seriously cba with stat based RPs so I'm gonna pull out.
To be honest, I'm not suprised. Your post showed that you are clearly just not ready for it.
Thaaaanks! It was a uber-long post and took a looooooooong time get done, but I just love the way it turned out ^_^
I still need to read it over, I only scanned over it last nigh when I was half asleep :wacky:

But yus, long post is long.

Oh btw Unphased, I presume we are all going to the same school?
Of course! Makes for more fun that way, that we go to the same school and may have glimpsed one another from time to time. :D My character is a little older though, so I'll be in the years above. She usually hangs out in the library all day anyway, lol.
Haha, mine will probably be stuck outside, probably hanging around trees or something. ^^

And once my creativity resurfaces I'll make my next post. :monster:
Sorry it took so long to post my introductory post. Is it supposed to contain an attack from my character already?