Bring Aerith Back

I did actually say something about that just not so bluntly :D And yes I totally agree on that, I love Aeris as a character, but I'd never want them to revive her and stuff... I don't want to repeat myself so I'll stop here.
Valiant said:
you think so? even if it just openly showed that cloud and aerith or cloud and tifa were a couple? i guess your probably right it would probably just piss the other fans off. but at least there would be an official answer.

That's EXACTLY what'd happen. You want it to be CloudxAerith. Good for you. But what if instead they released something that was wholly CloudxTifa? You'd be pissed. And I'd be pissed if they ever made a wholly CloudxAerith. Official answer is..... whatever you want it to be. So, you're a Clerith? That's your answer. I'm a Clifa and that's my answer. See? Everyone is happy.

But they shouldn't bring Aerith back. Doing so would make her whole sacrifice seem pointless. It's like using cheats in a game. If you use a cheat of invincible or infinite ammo, then what's the point? You may as well have not played the game at all. Same thing here. It makes her sacrifice seem unimportant. And that's the true tradgedy. No, just leave it as it is.
Maybe just for a few seconds, yes. but it would ruin the franchise if she was brought back to life.
It'd be funny if she was brought back.
things between Tifa and cloud would get a lil static.
it'd be like an episode of Tench Muyo or somethin'...
But she's dead no bringing her back.
Why do people want her to be revived? It would completely ruin the whole story to VII, a prequel would be nice but I'm getting abit sick of all these spin offs now - anyway's you can just read Maiden if you want more Aeris.
Yeah, I wouldn't want to see Aeris revived, and I don't even think that could happen. Plus would she even want to be revived? I think she would have moved on and it's not like she's alone. I do think it would ruin the series, and even though she's dead, she still has helped Cloud in both FFVII and AC
No it wouldn't. You have to let sleeping dogs lie. 99.9% of Aries' appeal (Why is everyone calling her Arieth? She was Aries in the American version of the game) is that she's dead. The story would have been half as powerful if not for her death. It was important. Let it go.
This post wins. She HAS to stay dead, otherwise FFVII may as well not had happend. Fanboys and girls, BUGGER OFF!!!

Oh and her actual name is Aerith. 'Aeris' was just one of many mis-translations, hense why everyone nowadays insists on calling her Aerith.
I'd say no, don't revive Aeris - she should stay dead. If she was revived, it would just ruin or lessen the impact of the story imo.
Leave her dead. Her death invoked emotion to those who played the game. Simply reviving her would ruin that moment.

I hate it when characters are revived after death. Take Dragonball Z, for example. I love the show, but it lacks intensity because characters were ALWAYS revived with the Dragonballs after death. It got to the point where they'd laugh and party right after a few of their friends died because they knew they'd bring 'em back later with a wish. Stupid.

So yeah...don't revive her. It'd require some lame twist to bring her back to life, anyway. "We developed a time machine! Let's go to the past and prevent her from dying!" Or..."We found a spirit in a magical cave that can bring her to life!" Maybe not that lame, but still...
I agree that it would cheapen the game to bring her back. I mean, she has a cool character concept, but she is dead for a reason. It is that death that seemed to drive things to the level that they reached in that game. To bring her back with the "just kidding" attitude would kill everything that her death caused. At least, I think so...
I'm sorry, but I just don't see why people can't accept it when characters die or disappear. Remember X-2? Well, they made that because people complained that X was unfinished. The reason for that was it was different, and the ending wasn't a happy one; Yuna didn't get what she wanted (Tidus). Bringing back Aeris would be similar to this... Just no! :P
ok people try not to bash my opinion too much, to be honest i really dont care if anyone agrees with me or not. all im saying is it would be interesting to see what would happen if aerith and cloud were able to meet not trying to destroy the franchise or take away the meaning of the game like you guys/gals seem to think. now continue telling me how wrong my opinion is please ^_^.
Cloud would have matured too much to be with Aerith, and it would most likely allow sephiroth to return also.
We all loved Aerith, but, she's dead, it's that simple... Sephiroth shoveed his massive sword through her... Besides, Cloud meeting her in flashbacks is good enough for me... (Though It would be funny if what happened in my avatar was the actual thing, lol.)
If Aerith WERE to have any games about her made, I'd say there could be the past, like avoiding capture by the Turks and when she was with Zack... But anything made with her NOW, well, she's in Kingdom Hearts.

I don't know if this goes off topic, but, in KH, Cloud is "looking for someone," and at the end of the game in the credits he meets with Aerith in Hollow Bastion, I guess, that's would you'd call, "an alternate ending sequel," considering in Advent Children, she went back with Zack at the end.
You guys do notice that they pretty much whorn FF7 out now releasing the many following (in story order):
FF7 Before Crisis
FF7 Crisis Core
FF7 Advent Children
FF7 Dirge of Cerberus
FF7 Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode

How would you like it if they added "FF7 Reviving The Unforgotten Ally" to the list? Pretty over done, don't you think?
No, she's dead. It would be nice for Aerith fans, but it would make Aerith's death less tragic if fans knew about Aerith's revival.
You guys do notice that they pretty much whorn FF7 out now releasing the many following (in story order):
FF7 Before Crisis
FF7 Crisis Core
FF7 Advent Children
FF7 Dirge of Cerberus
FF7 Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode

How would you like it if they added "FF7 Reviving The Unforgotten Ally" to the list? Pretty over done, don't you think?

Strangely no, I don't agree. There have been a lot of FFVII games, but have they really been that satisfying? Everytime I play an FFVII game I keep wanting more, can't help it...

Anyways, reviving Aeris would take out the emotion people felt over her death, nobody would feel it, because they would just think "meh, she's coming back". I like the flashbacks in AC, and I look forward to seeing her in Zack's story in CC, anymore than that and it would just be wrong (although more of Vincent please...)
I had an idea.

You know how the FFII remake (twas either Dawn of Souls or Origins, I don't know), but after you completed the game, you could do a secret dungeon that included all of the dead characters from the game.

Well, what if something like that happened after you completed FFVII in the most-probable remake? Like, start off as Aerith and move around the Lifestream and stuff, possibly fighting off the corruption of the geostigma or something ... accompanied by Zack, perhaps? It could very well include points from Maiden Who Travels the Planet.

Just an idea. Aerith would remain dead, but, Aerith fans would still get their service :P but it could all be canon at the same time.


OK, shutting up now ...
