Bring Aerith Back

I had an idea.

You know how the FFII remake (twas either Dawn of Souls or Origins, I don't know), but after you completed the game, you could do a secret dungeon that included all of the dead characters from the game.

Well, what if something like that happened after you completed FFVII in the most-probable remake? Like, start off as Aerith and move around the Lifestream and stuff, possibly fighting off the corruption of the geostigma or something ... accompanied by Zack, perhaps? It could very well include points from Maiden Who Travels the Planet.

Just an idea. Aerith would remain dead, but, Aerith fans would still get their service :P but it could all be canon at the same time.


OK, shutting up now ...


Good idea. Somebody seriously needs to write a letter to Square with that idea. I mean, like Lethal said, every remake I've seen has had a bonus dungeon added after the end. WHy not do it to FF7? Sure, it might upset some people, but hey, Aerith deserves more game time without cheating.
I had an idea.

You know how the FFII remake (twas either Dawn of Souls or Origins, I don't know), but after you completed the game, you could do a secret dungeon that included all of the dead characters from the game.

Well, what if something like that happened after you completed FFVII in the most-probable remake? Like, start off as Aerith and move around the Lifestream and stuff, possibly fighting off the corruption of the geostigma or something ... accompanied by Zack, perhaps? It could very well include points from Maiden Who Travels the Planet.

Just an idea. Aerith would remain dead, but, Aerith fans would still get their service :P but it could all be canon at the same time.

I think this is very good idea since bringing Aeris back to main game would definetily ruin the game. I like Aeris very much, my favorite of FFVII girls but if your loved one dies you don´t get him/her back. So how come Cloud should get another chance. Not all love stories end happily.

Anyway Lethals idea is very good.
I had an idea.

You know how the FFII remake (twas either Dawn of Souls or Origins, I don't know), but after you completed the game, you could do a secret dungeon that included all of the dead characters from the game.

That was in all of the GBA remakes. Characters that were suppose to stay dead in the original game all came back at the very end of the game.

On the subject of bringing Aerith back....No. :/ The game should stay as it is. As much as I like Aerith...It would be so cheap of Square. Aerith's dead was legendary among gamers.
I fail to see how bringing back Aeris would do nothing but ruin the storyline, since pretty much the entire after part of the game is based on doing what she failed to do (assault sephiroth to save the planet)
That was in all of the GBA remakes. Characters that were suppose to stay dead in the original game all came back at the very end of the game.

Wow really, I have played the game but I don´t remember that or then I haven´t watched ending to the end.

And Aeris still has apperances in KH and Tactics so shouldn´t that be enough for you resurection grazy people?
why would anyone want to resurect Aeris anyway, she's a great character but she's DEAD, if you can just undo what's the point in the entire series?
I always wanted Aerith to be revived but its just tough luck.
Originally it was going to be that you could bring her back.
And it had something to do with the guy who lived in the old tram thing in Midgar and some accessory.
That was why they chose not to bring her back, because they would of had to revamp the storyline!
why is everyone that posts here so narrow-minded? i never said i wanted to wreck the storyline i just want to see what the hell would happen if aerith and cloud got to see eachother again. no intentional harm to the storyline, just curiosity.
I appreciate the broadness of your post and that many fans would probably rejoice at the thought of a "one last time" scene with Aeris and Cloud. However her death is one of the major motivations in the story to hunt down and kill Sephiroth, so bringing her back to life would uninentionally damage the story line however you look at it because would :

a) Remove the plot device her death causes

b) Create too many questions to be answered by fan communities.
Having Aerith revived or rumors of is it one of the reasons I did not want a remake or any further tampering with the FFVII game and possible remakes or spin-offs. Leave the story how it is and move on.
why is everyone that posts here so narrow-minded? i never said i wanted to wreck the storyline i just want to see what the hell would happen if aerith and cloud got to see eachother again. no intentional harm to the storyline, just curiosity.

See, Aerith and Cloud already had a scene, or three, like that in AC, which made the Clerith camp happy, i'd LOVE to see Aerith be revived in the game, however it would destroy the storyline of the game AND AC.

Although, remember the scene in the Forgotten City with Bugenhagen? I thought Aerith could have talked to Cloud and the party then somehow, without it fucking up the storyline.

In a remake for the PS3, it would be nice if they changed it so she died at the end...but that would fuck up the storyline, and it would ruin the intensity and finality of her death. However if it was remade for PS3, it would be easier to use a cheatdisk to "revive" her, and there probably wouldn't be as many game errors.

And, by the way, theres been a fair amount of spamming in this thread. It ends now please.
why is everyone that posts here so narrow-minded? i never said i wanted to wreck the storyline i just want to see what the hell would happen if aerith and cloud got to see eachother again. no intentional harm to the storyline, just curiosity.

To me, it was a good thing she died. I liked her, don't get me wrong. However, she was IMO, a distraction for Cloud, and it made for some good story with a love Triangle. However, I feel like Tifa and Cloud were meant to be together all along. Childhood friends, the promise they made, Tifa finding Cloud in Midgar after his escape, etc and so on. There was a lot of History for them.

Aerith and Cloud I think had something special, but in a different way. They filled a need for each other, but not in a romantic sense.

Maybe I am crazy, but that's my 2 cents.

Mod Edit - I told you that the spamming ends, you have been warned for this post. Any more posts like this one will result in an infraction and deletion of said post. ~ AG
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i think square-enix should release some official game or story or movie or something that involves aerith being revived (somehow). this would not only make the entire aerith fanbase ecstatic, including myself, but it might also end the cloti vs. clerith war once and for all. i think it would be highly interesting to see what would happen if she were revived. thoughts?

okay. after reading like the first three posts, i have to tell you. my brothers found a site where it tells you how to revive her. im not sure what it was it was a few years ago. i was like 10 or 11 back then. it had something to do with going to a cave and having the buster blade equipped. that is ALL I REMEMBER.
You know that was just a hoax don't you.....It was just some guy that put a hell of a lot of thought into it, he issued an appology somewhere but tbh I can't remember where I found it.......
All I know is you most definately CAN NOT revive aeris within the game
getting aeris back in your party!

that's it, that is the ONLY way to get her back, she is DEAD.
i hate it, you hate it.
we all want her back in the party, we all want to kick Cloud in the nuts for not tossing a pheonix down at her after she died.
(yeah, its' second nature to cast revive during battle, but during a vs?)
ok, please sticky this post.
if anybody tells you you can get Aeris back in you party, kick them!
kick them hard!
ask them if they've done it first hand! it can't be done!
the glitch/cheat/tactic in the game that brings Aeris back to life without using a cheat device DOES NOT EXSIST!
you can't use tissues in her room and revist her grave to bring her back, you can't force her out of your party before she dies and put her back in after disk 2, you don't run into her anywhere on disk 3, and, although you can see her ghost at the church, you can't drop a PD at a correct spot to bring her back.
oh, and if you acually believe that had a memory card with 99 games saves from disk 3 with your party at lv99 can start you a game where she doesn't die, YOUR A RETARD FOR THINKING A MEMORY CARD WITH 15 SAVE SLOTS CAN HOLD 99 GAME SAVES!
thank you for reading my rant ^_^
i loved Aeirs as much as the next FFVII fan, and i would love to find a way to bring her back to life, but if she didn't die casting holy, holy would not have cast, and Sephy would have killed everyone and won.
it was the spirit of Aeris that made Sephy weak enough to be killed by Cloud, not team work, and the holy materia with Aeris's spirit that stop meteor.
so please, no more rumors about bringing Aeris back to life.
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