Bring Aerith Back

Resolrehtona, you could have posted your opinion here... :confused: They're both the same subject.

Well, I merged your thread.
I remember years ago reading that they cut the Aerith/Aeris revival out, because the game would've been longer in regards to the Ancients, the guy living in the slums drunk was suppose to be an ancient and it also involved the un-openable chest in Kalm, something involving that chest was definately cut out, and that guy vanished on either disk 2 or 3, not to mention her last Limit break, Great Gospel, which she doesn't get until she's at least lvl 50, and she's long dead before then.

Something in this game is definately cut, maybe they were planning on reviving her but decided she'd be better off dead, because the story would have more depth, Final Fantasy is about celebration of life and this is a good story for that, and she became a bigger part of the story being dead, and one of the main reasons these characters fought together.

You can bring her back with Game Shark codes like someone already said, but you can only do it on disk 3, it freezes if done before that. I brought her back and just had her and Cloud in my team in the cave, fighting Sephiroth, it looked epic and having her there beside Cloud felt right.

She did pop up at the end, maybe they did see each other, that's left to the imagination ....
I don't think this is a good idea.

The story of FFVII would be ruined.

Aeris should just remain dead and I think her story is somewhat explained in either Before Crisis or Crisis Core, I believe.
i agree that she should stay dead. there were many meanings in her death and bringing her back would just ruin the story. the reason (most) fans hate sephiroth is because he killed aerith and if they brought her back sephiroth wouldnt b the successful villian that he waz anymore. plus tons have fans have already sent in petitions and the creators responded saying its never going to happen.
People loved the game for what happened not what could have happened. Petitions? Bah!
Aeris needs to stay down anyone who does something that dumb deserves every inch of murasame!
Aeris needs to stay down anyone who does something that dumb deserves every inch of murasame!

Oh my, that post really had so much thought in it and contributes so much :rolleyes: Yet, it's annoyed me slightly, so I won't delete it, but i'll reply to it.

Firstly - Masamune, not Murasame. Thats a sword for Cloud.

Secondly, dumb? Aerith going to save the planet by activating Holy was such a dumb idea. Gee, why didn't she just let Sephiroth summon Meteor, and destroy the world.

Oh wait, that's right. Aerith was smart and knew that she could help save the world.

God sake, I don't mind people bashing Aerith, but jeez, put some effort into it. The whole "OMFG ARIETH WAS SUCH A DUMB STOOPID BITCH WHO DESERVED TO DIE" Is so overused.

And, just to stay on topic, Aerith coming back would undermine the permanence of her death, and it would lose some of the "mysterious" vibe that she has going for her. She's a more famous/popular character because she died, so I wouldn't like to see her revived in any sequal / remake. And, we'll learn more about her past in CC anyway.
Aeris needs to stay down anyone who does something that dumb deserves every inch of murasame!

Wow...that whole post made my eyes bleed...-_-; Please, don't you know how to, oh, I don't know...put more effort into your posts? What Aerith did was dumb? Really? Because last I understood she was doing it to...Oh gosh, what was the planet from destruction? Considering she was the only one who could do it, I'd say she had no choice. It was thanks to her Gaia wasn't destroyed. So, if Aerith wouldn't have gone, that would have been stupid. You catch that? It's called sarcasm for posting such a useless post.

Oh and it's masamune, genius. Not murasame.
Ok I agree with that being a bit harsh but to be honest she was a fictional character and i think your over-reacting. Let him have his opinion (even though i disagree with him).
But she hardly deserved to die she was tryin to save the planet and was the 'only' one who knew how which sort of made her smarter than everybody, sort of.
Real heroes risk their lives to save the world, Aerith died. That's how it is.
Remember, Lifestream keeps on giving new life. It's a never ending circle. One day Aerith's spirit might turn into a bird or something.
Wow...that whole post made my eyes bleed...-_-; Please, don't you know how to, oh, I don't know...put more effort into your posts? What Aerith did was dumb? Really? Because last I understood she was doing it to...Oh gosh, what was the planet from destruction? Considering she was the only one who could do it, I'd say she had no choice. It was thanks to her Gaia wasn't destroyed. So, if Aerith wouldn't have gone, that would have been stupid. You catch that? It's called sarcasm for posting such a useless post.

Oh and it's masamune, genius. Not murasame.

i have a question.. in ur post u said she saved gaia from destruction and ive seen several other people say she saved gaia as well. waz that what the planet waz called? i guess i didnt pick up on that for some reason.
Yes, the name of the planet in FFVII is called Gaia. I don't believe they ever actually say the name in the game, unless I've forgotten, but in books and such, they do say the planet's name. I hope that answers your question. ^_^
thanx lol i waz getting kinda confused when i heard that reference
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I think a lot of people, originally, we're unsure of the planet's name in FFVII. Thank goodness we've got some clearance on it. I'm glad I could answer your question. ^_^ I remember the very first time I played it, I was always so confused, so I just referred to it as "the planet" or "the FFVII world." Anyway, sorry for taking the thread off-topic folks. Let's take it back to the original discussion, please ^^
I'll gladly do so. ^_^

As much as I respect Aeris, it won't happen. No one can cheat death like that.

The makers say it won't happen? Then that's how it's gonna be.
I always thought it was retarded that you couldn't just phoenix down her. xD

However, the emotional impact of the game would be lessened if Aerith came back in any way... Hell, frankly, FFVII:AC Lessened the impact of Aerith and Zack's deaths in my eyes...
Impact from Zacks death? When AC came out we barely knew anything about Zack, we were barely emotionally attached to Zack in the main game, so it can't really effect the "impact" of his death.

I thought it heightened the impact of Aeriths death, it finalized that she was dead, and she couldn't be there with the rest of of the team.
Yeah... Aerith's death was finalized for me when I found out I couldn't phoenix down her... But, I digress. xD